
Sunday 27 February 2011

Mailbox Monday

Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia at The Printed Page. It is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. You can view the touring blog list at Mailbox Monday blog for the upcoming months. 

I know, it's Sunday. But, whatever! I do like to tell everyone about the totally exciting new books that came into my house this week :), and apparently I like to do it as early as possible! I didn't actually go to any charity shops this week, which is unbelievably sad, but I did go to the library, and to, and I think we all know what that means!

So, new books I got this week were:

From the Library
Clark Gable: A Biography by Warren G Harris- My plan was, read this biography and write about it on Sunday as a lovely little pre-Oscar piece. This is SO not going to happen now, but I tried for you guys, don't say I didn't! I have read the first chapter, however, and it is extremely well-written so far, so its prospects look good- I might do a post-Oscar post about it instead!

The Children's Book by A S Byatt- I don't know what I've heard about AS Byatt, or why I think that she's amazing in my brain, but I apparently do, so when I saw this book in the library I just had to take it out. The synopsis on the back sounds really really good too, like a fable about lost innocence and lack of belief in your parents etc, so I hopefully won't be disappointed by it! Although, I suppose I can't really be disappointed by it since I don't even know where my ideas about AS Byatt come from!

From my Own Pocket
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky- A book that, I'm pretty sure I'm going to read sooner rather than later. I keep stumbling across reviews and amazing things being said about it that I decided to just go for it and buy this book. When it arrived, however, the recommending quote thingy on the front said it is 'in the tradition of The Catcher in the Rye', which has put me off it ever so slightly! Still, I am quite excited to read it, and it hopefully won't be too Holden-y (read: annoying).

So, these are the books that have come into my life this week. How about you? Any books that you got for some reason that you can't distinguish? Let me know below!


  1. Oh, Clark Gable. Don't you just adore him?

    Perks of Being A Wallflower is an amazing book. I couldn't put it down. You may need tissues. I did. But I adored it. I hope you do too!!!

  2. I love Clark Gable so incredibly much- if I was Scarlett, I would never have let him get away (also because Ashley is a giant idiot).
    I have heard so many good things about Perks of Being a Wallflower, plus, being a wallflower myself, I thought I should probably check it out hehe!

  3. Perks is one of my all time favorite books. I can't wait to see the movie adaptation.

  4. Oh, I'd love to read the Clark Gable memoir...enjoy your books!


  5. I'd really like to read The Perks of Being a Wallflower ever since I heard it was banned. I hope you enjoy it and the other two books.

  6. Great mailbox this week. I laughed at the title "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." <--silly. Nice mailbox ;) You can find my mailbox over here if you'd like:

  7. I adore Clark Gable and The Children's Book is on my TBR list! Great Mailbox! Thanks for visiting mine :)

  8. Aw, I'm so glad everyone loves Clark Gable and it's not just me! @bermudaonion, I had no idea The Perks of being a Wallflower was banned, but you're right, that does make a book so much more alluring!

  9. here's mine

  10. What a gorgeous cover on The Children's Book!

  11. All new to me. Enjoy the reading.

  12. I have heard The Children's Book is very good. Clark Gable was quite the handsome guy wasn't he? The sound of his voice just makes me melt.

  13. @Beth- I love Clark Gable so much- I have a weird problem of fancying men who died before I was born lol!
