
Tuesday 15 February 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

Soooo, it's about that time again! To really cap off my Valentines themed posts, The Broke and the Bookish are kindly hosting this week's tres appropriate top ten...

Top Ten Favourite Love Stories in Books (although I'm doing movies too!)

1. Pretty Woman- I so adore Julia Roberts and Richard Gere falling in love even though she's being paid for it. The ultimate rags to riches story, but there's also a touch of feminism in there- "She rescues him right back!" Argh, I just love it so much!

2. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte- It's so messed up, but there is some crushing, unbelievably strong love and passion in this novel, even if it is, in a way soul destroying. Check out my review of Wuthering Heights here and that should tell you all you need to know!

3. Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell- Apparently I'm just a glutton for romantic punishment, because this is another love story that isn't so nice. Nonetheless, I can't get enough of Scarlett and Rhett's love/hate/but really love thing they've got going on, and it is clear to me that they are absolutely made for each other! If only Miss O'Hara had figured that out a little bit sooner...

4. Josh and Donna in The West Wing- It's not the most romantic or mushy of love stories, but it is a love story nonetheless. It is so clear to anyone watching throughout the series that they should be together, and by the time it finally happens, you've almost stopped wishing for it or believing it could happen. But then it does! And it is great.

5. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen- Come on! I think this might be a very popular choice today, but I just couldn't resist. Who doesn't want a Mr Darcy that they can win around with their personality and beauty from his confirmed bachelorhood? Plus, he's so romantic *sigh*

6. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare- It's a completely messed up love, but really, if you're not willing (metaphorically) to die for the person you love, then do you really love them? Probably haha, but I still just love love love this play- "What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun." It's just so lovely!

7. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte- Because, goodness knows, a madwoman in the attic a real relationship strengthener. But really, I root for Jane so badly since she's the ultimate girl next door, who makes a man fall in love with her on the strength of her character almost solely, and because she is completely awesome. And Mr Rochester isn't so bad either!

8. Casablanca- Is there anything more romantic than sacrificing the woman you love for the war effort?! Probably. But I still love the ballad of Rick and Ilsa, and can but hope that sometime after the war, they find their way back to each other and get to have the kind of relationship they deserve.

9. Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier- This is not necessarily a traditional romantic novel (considering that one half of the couple doesn't even get a name!) but when the second Mrs De Winter finds out that Max really does love her, and never really loved Rebecca, I get all happy and well up! It's just a moment of pure loveliness.

10. Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx- The book and film both express a love that has to remain secret, and has to, for the most part, remain unfulfilled. It seems like such an unfair situation, that Ennis can't fully express his feelings for his fear, and Jack has to feel deprived every time Ennis leaves him, but the love that they share is just as strong and just as real as any other I've encountered in fiction. I just want them to be happy!

So those are my top ten love stories. Most of them are either wholly, or in part, depressing; but I still love them, which probably says something about me! What are your favourite love stories?


  1. I forgot about Brokeback Mountain! I cried so hard at the ending of that movie! Oh, and of course Pretty Woman is awesome :)

  2. I cried massively throughout Brokeback Mountain! Especially when they see each other for the last time.. "I'm nothin', I'm nowhere..." Oh, Heath!

  3. We have a lot of the same choices. I didn't have Rebecca for this week, but it's definitely one of my favorite books!

  4. Ah, Josh and Donna - and also CJ and Danny! I was so happy they got together. If only Zoe and Charlie had lasted :)

  5. Yes! I loved that CJ and Danny ended up together. I choose to believe that Charlie and Zoe are still together, because nobody said anything different...

  6. here's mine

  7. Great list - check mine out at Wicked Wonderful Words :-)

  8. that's a great list, I like a lot of the same stories. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  9. You're the only other participant I've seen who included a same-sex example. I haven't read the story "Brokeback Mountain" but I loved the movie.

  10. The movie has a lot more detail and lovingness than the short story, but there is merit in the written form of it too, and I definitely recommend it! Kind of sad that no one has included same sex couples though! I can think of loads I could also have included!

  11. Wow, there are so many classic couples on your list. :) And I had forgotten about Brokeback Mountain! Such a sad story overall but you can really sense their feeling for one another.

  12. I wish I had thought of Brokeback Mountain. I used to teach that in a "Rewriting Romance" unit in my English 101 class.

    I enjoyed your list. Here is mine:

  13. Scarlett and so amazed at how many lists they made...and I thought it would only be mine ;)
