
Friday 22 April 2011

Bloggity Hoppity Boo

Yeah, I'm running out interesting titles for Friday Blog Hops, but you know, a Cinderella reference? Always good. I'm adding a new meme to my repertoire this week, mainly because my blogging bff Jenn takes part in it and that's a good enough reason for me! Also, it's fun.

So, first up, is #fridayreads, hosted by Jenn (a different one!) at The Picky Girl, where we say what we're reading over the weekend for a bit of escapism from the drudgery of everyday life. This weekend, I'm still going to be working through The Stand by Stephen King, something which I've been doing for a pretty long time now, but I'm definitely going to try and tackle it for reals this weekend (it is 4 days long, after all!) and get through a significant chunk of it. And, as for escapism- have you ever read a Stephen King book? It doesn't get much further from the real world than that (and hopefully it stays that way!) So, basically, yeah. The Stand. I'm on it!

This week's question at Crazy-for-Books is: If you find a book you love, do you hunt down other books by the same author?
Book Blogger HopOk, this question was so written for me. I literally do this all the time- even if I've just started reading a book by an author and immediately love it, I always search for basically everything they've ever written. This is why I have a quest to own all Stephen King and John Steinbeck books, why I do own pretty much everything George Orwell and Shakespeare ever wrote, and why I have so many unread books by authors I have only read one book by. I am so mental about this that I even have books by authors I'm not sure if I like all that much- I really can't decide which way I go on Annie Proulx (other than that I loved Accordion Crimes) and yet I own all her books but two. Yes, I am insane. But that's how I roll!
And Parajunkee's View asks: What is on your current playlist right now?
Ooh, a non book question! At the moment, I'm basically listening to Edith Piaf a fair bit, as well as the new Foo Fighters album, and I'm constantly listening to Billie Holliday, Ella Fitzgerald, Damien Rice, Ray Lamontagne and Jeff Buckley.

And that's about that! Just as a personal blogging resolution as well, I'm definitely going to try and get back into the swing of things this week- I have 3 reviews to write, and they're all going to be totally awesome! I promise! But hopefully this will keep you going for now, and keep me going too...


  1. Very Diverse music choices! Here is my answer:

  2. Yea! Thanks so much for participating. I would agree that there isn't much more "escapist" than Stephen King, even though he scares the bejeezus out of me.

    Have a great weekend. I'll probably listen to some Billie this weekend as well.


    New follower from Follow Friday - come over and check out Everyday is an Adventure at


  4. New follower here. At least you attempted to continue being original with your blog hop post titles, I can never think of any interesting post titles at all.

  5. Hi Laura, new follower here! I found your blog through the FF for this week and love yours :)

    I think that the only Stephen King book that I have read is The Shining which was probably the scariest book ever! The movie with Jack Nicholson is beyond creepy too. Most of his books are so long, it's understandable that it's taking awhile to get through!

    Hope you are having a great, relaxing weekend :)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  6. I am totally down with The Foo (see my post from Tuesday), Ray, and Jeff! New follower!
    Here's more of my answer =)

  7. I am so into following favorite your answers.

