
Monday 23 May 2011

Armchair BEA: An Introduction

I just found out about Armchair BEA today, and HOW exciting is that?! I'd much much much rather be in New York at the actual BEA, of course, but for now, for this year, this will do very nicely! I'm coming to you from a tiny village in England, where there is no roayalty/Colin Firth/whatever you might think is English, but I do live about half an hour away from London where those things might well be!

I started my blog in January this year, when I was feeling bored and miserable and useless, and it still surprises me what a big part of my life it has become- when I'm watching a great film, or reading a really good book, I find myself thinking 'Oooh, I can't wait to blog about this!' I read all kinds of stuff, and I think that's reflected under my 'Devouring Books' section; and I also love to write about films, and a little bit about TV (but only if it's really good, or, conversely, really bad). I don't have any kind of reviewing system, like other, far more organised bloggers, and so my reviews are likely just to be some random thoughts that I had about the books- my theory on this is, if I find them interesting, someone else is bound to too. 61 followers can't be wrong, right?!

I have so many books that I sometimes disgust myself, and so many of them are unread- this is something I'm trying to rectify daily. I am also a Stephen King fanatic, and am currently in the throes of a self-imposed Stephen King challenge (reading all his books in my lifetime/the forseeable future) and I just finished The Stand, for the second time! I honestly feel that, after this, I can basically do anything ever, which is a pretty nice feeling to have.

Other than reading, I also like to bake, watch movies, think about moving out of my parents' house, figuring out what I actually want to do with my life, and getting some pets! I also think about Johnny Depp a lot more than is probably healthy, and know more about him than I definitely should. But come on, who doesn't love Johnny?! I also find myself on twitter a lot more than I should, if you want to find me there, I'm @LauraRowsell, or, in fact, you can just find me there through the link to your right! Come and say hi, and I'll definitely be nice back to you!

This is going to be so great, I can feel it already!


  1. I completely agree with what you said about your reviews, I tend to pick something I found interesting, maybe the characters or the writing style and that becomes the focus of the review. I find the "traditional" review format a little boring and they tend not to give me the info I need. I've been enjoying yours since I became a follower :)

    It was nice getting to know a bit more about you!

  2. Laura -- This was a great intro -- I kept cracking up (esp at 'where there is no roayalty/Colin Firth/whatever you might think is English'). I love your sense of humor and can't wait to check out your reviews -- I suspect I'll enjoy your review style as well.

    I've sworn off Stephen King after a glut in high school but my wife is a King devotee and keeps trying to get me to start the Gunslinger books. Perhaps, someday... :)

  3. I love Stephen King too. He and Anne Rice are the only two "grown up" authors I read religiously.

  4. hello laura. glad you found out about BEA and decided to participate. hope to see you around through out the week. happy reading.

  5. I will have to remember Armchair BEA for next year!

  6. Nice to meet you, Laura! I love the books you read here - many are in my own pile. Happy armchairing!

  7. Nice to meet you. I'm a huge King fan too.I use his books as rewards for if I read a book I don't like, then I treat myself to a King. :)

  8. Wow, great timing! That's how I stumbled onto Book Blogger Appreciation Week last September, and it turned out great for me :-)

    I have a crazy number of books, too. I hate it when people come over, pull a book off my shelves, and ask, "How was this one?" because chances are I haven't read it! I, too, am trying to rectify the situation, but it's such a slow process!

    Have a wonderful Armchair BEA!

  9. Well, you are in good company, I often feel yucky about the sheer volume of books I posses. I try to pass it off as okay, because I got a lot of the books free through my blogging, but still, I have too many books :)

    -Kate the Book Buff
    The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People

  10. OMG! Totally adding you to my Google Reader right now! We have so much in common, how can I not?!? I love Stephen King, The Stand being one of my faves that I just re-read last year! And, really, you can't go wrong with Johnny!! :) Welcome to Armchair BEA!! :)

  11. Hey Laura - how do we not know each other already when we have so many people in common?!??!?! Weird. Anyway, I am pleased to find you now! Your bunting is ace. Lyndsey x
