
Friday 6 May 2011

Blog Hopping All Over the Place

Literally all over the place... I'm participating in 3 blog hops this lovely Friday, and this week the questions are actually really really really fun (if I've said this before I've probably lied, because I'm pretty sure they've never been as fun as this weeks!)

First up is #fridayreads, hosted by Jenn at The Picky Girl, where I'm meant to tell you about an escapist read that I'm going to be diving into this weekend, but to be honest I don't really have one... Other than Stephen King's The Stand, which I've now been reading for about half a millenia, I'm probably going to be making my way through Journal of a Novel: The East of Eden Letters by John Steinbeck, because I actually can't get enough of Steinbeck's writing in any form at all! So, it might not be escapist, but it's guaranteed to be completely wonderful!

Book Blogger HopAlso this week, crazy-for-books asks: Which book blogger would you most like to meet in real life? This is a really really easy question for me: Jenn from over at Booksessed is my bookish soulmate, email and twitter buddy, and blogging bff! And I love her most muchly! And meeting her in real life would be especially awesome, because she lives in Maine, and therefore visiting her would be like living in a Stephen King novel! Which, while scary, would also be excellent...
Failing that, I'd love to meet Christina from Reading Thru the Nite too, and go drinking with her on some sketchy kind of 'celebration that we must do because it involves alcohol'... also, she lives in Florida, and I hear the weather is pretty nice there, but that might just be a rumour...

And finally, Parajunkee's View asks: What Character in a book would you most like to be, and what character in a book would you most like to date?
This is practically impossible to answer because I have read and loved so so so many characters that it's just ridiculous! If I'm being forced to choose though, I'd say that I'd probably date Tom Joad from The Grapes of Wrath because he's clearly very angry and sexy, and definitely wouldn't be able to afford a razor and would have an extremely hot beard... Ok, yeah, I'm done with that fantasy now! As for a character I'd like to be... I really really love Maggie Tulliver from The Mill on the Floss and her feministic ways, but there are just so many females from literature that it would be awesome to be: Lizzie Bennet, Scout Finch, Cassandra Mortmain... It's an almost endless list! But its definitely something to think about, like constantly, for about a week!

So, these are my answers, how about you? If you're a new visitor, why not leave me a comment, and if you like what you see, then feel free to follow me, and I will endeavour to entertain you with bookish daring feats every single week (or, you know, like book reviews and stuff). And if you don't want to do either of those things, then thanks for visiting anyway- I love you all!


  1. I agree that there are just so many good characters to choose from! I had a hard time picking too. I'm a new follower here. Happy Friday!


  2. I like your answers about who you'd date and why. I also chose Elizabeth Bennett! Here's my Follow Friday Hop:

    Happy hopping!

  3. There really are so many awesome characters to pick from. it is hard :[

    new follower

    Here`s my FF:

  4. Just blogging by, have a great weekend.

  5. I’ve met so many great people via the Book Book Blogger Con at Book Expo America I honestly can’t come up with a single name of a book blogger I want to meet but haven’t yet!

    I’m heading back to BBC @ BEA. I hope to see you there!

    Hop on by my blog and just say hi –

    Howard Sherman

  6. LOL or all 3 of us just need to find a way to get together. I'll even create a sketchy holiday name for it that would permit us to drink :))

  7. Stopping by from the Blog Hop.

    I do like this week's question.


  8. Happy Saturday :) Hopping follower.

    Check my blog out at


  9. Happy Follow Friday! I am a follower! Hope you will stop by

    Emma Michaels
