
Friday 17 June 2011

Hoppity do dah, Hoppity Day!

Why do I do these titles to myself?! They're not big or clever, and yet somehow I just can't help myself... But y'all love them anyway, am I right?

Ok, well I'm just going to shut up and get on with it then! So it is, as you're probably aware, Friday yet again, and I don't even have to work today so wooooooo to that *does a little happy dance*. What I am going to do is hop around a few blogs, answer a few questions, and generally just have a good time and be all happy it's Friday and stuff. Sound good? Good.

So first up, as it tends to be is #fridayreads, hosted by Jenn over at the picky girl. I haven't fully decided what I'm going to read during my three day weekend (sorry, just wanted to rub that in a little bit more!) but I think I'm going to go back to A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, since I rather cruelly left it, for no better reason than Rob Lowe's autobiography, and Little Children, and for that I am sorry. So, my repentance reading will be of that, and I might also try and finish The Bloody Chamber, which, since it's only about 150 pages long, shouldn't really take all that much time.

Parajunkee asks: What's your favourite genre, and which book in that genre made it your favourite? This is such a ridiculously difficult question to answer, because there are so many genres that I really enjoy and would read any time. I suppose, considering my Stephen King love, the obvious thing to say would be horror, but that's really a Stephen King centred obsession, rather than displaying my love of horror. So, to cheat a tiny bit, I'm going to say my favourite genre is classics, because, to me, that encompasses basically all the other genres, and all the important things that happen, in life as well as in books. Also, they are just pretty damn awesome!

Book Blogger Hop
And, this week, crazy-for-books asks: How many books are currently in your To-Be-Read (TBR) pile? I don't really have a separation of books that I have read and books that I haven't, but I must have at least 100 books that I haven't read yet. This is a shameful number, I realise, and is symptomatic of my book buying addiction. Which, I should stop but don't really want to, so I can probably expect this number to grow rather than reduce. But that's the way I like it!        

So that's what I think about stuff, basically! I hope y'all have a good time hopping around today, and if you're new here then welcome, and please feel free to have a little look around and follow me if it feels right! And if you're old here then I completely love you and please never leave me! Have a fab Friday everyone!                                  


  1. I know how ya feel about the book buying...I too have that same issue!

    Cute header btw, and new follower here!

    Hop on by my blog here! And while your there check out how you can get your hands on some great books HERE, and HERE!

  2. I dont think it is a shameful number from what I see looking around you are not alone :) My problem is more keeps coming out :)

    My Follow Friday Post

  3. I like these two Hop questions. The short answers are a million books in the TBR (and anybody who doesn't say the same is either lying or isn't really much of a reader) and everything (I don't have a favorite genre...I love them all!)

    I'm joining in Book Beginnings on Friday today for the first time. I'd love to have you stop by and take a look at the first lines from Beautiful & Pointless at my blog, Readerbuzz. I always follow back! I'd also love to have you enter the June Giveaway for Anna and the French Kiss!

  4. I have approximately 100 too, don't feel bad - there are just so many interesting books out there! :)

    Anja @

  5. I haven't read anything by Stephen King... so, which one would you recommend as THE classic in his production? Thanks!

  6. Hopping on over from the Hop!

    I would honestly have way more books in my TBR pile BUT, I came up with a solution to stop my never ending spending. I can't have any more than 13 books in my pile haha. So, I read enough to get them down and then buy more. It helps stop me from spending, spending, spending!

  7. I too suffer from the book buying addiction and if I didn't control myself my TBR would be well in the hundreds.
    Love Stephen King, too.
    Happy blogging!

  8. Just hopping by...and counting books today! Here's MY BLOGGER HOP POST

  9. There is nothing wrong with having a book buying addiction. In fact, I think along with a shoe buying addiction it's got to be up there with the healthiest addictions one can have!

  10. New follower! Happy reading, friend!

    Nikki @ Books Most Wanted

  11. New follower from FF. I thought it to be a difficult question, as well, though I sure tried to answer it. LOL. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter

  12. New follower, hopping by!

    It really was a difficult question! I love all genres, but usually stick with YA. :)

    Happy Hopping!
    My Hop

  13. Three day weekend?! I'm so jealous!

    Angela Carter's Bloody Chamber? Can't wait to see what you think of it!

  14. Happy Friday! New follower. Hugs, J

  15. I share your book buying addiction!
    Here's my follow friday.

  16. Oooh - all good answers, though I must say I can't do horror. Hope you have a GREAT long weekend. Enjoy every minute.

  17. I an hopping through and love your answers and your blog! I am a new follower and I really like your header.

  18. Love your follower sign...very cute. I am a NEW FOLLOWER!!

    100 books isn't too bad.

    I only counted the physical books I have on my shelf. I hope I have been answering the question correctly.

    I only have 29 to be read. Pretty manageable.

    Just stopping by to say hello and to take a look around.

    ONLY 24 hours left to enter.

    I am having a Father's Day giveaway on my blog if you would like to stop by.

    Hope you can visit.


  19. I have lots of books on the TBR bookshelf too, I don't think I'll ever get to them all!

  20. Hey stopping by from follow friday, great choices & great blog! Looking forward to more posts. Have a great weekend. New follower!

    Darcy @ Open Book Empty Cup

  21. Lol I tend to do silly things with titles too especially when it's blog hop time
