
Tuesday 28 June 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

Another week, another Tuesday, another list of extreme awesomeness and wonder, hosted, as ever, by the incomparable The Broke and the Bookish (will they have to change their name when, inevitably, they all become wealthy because they are amazing? Just a delirious heat thought...) I've more or less ignored the instruction for this week's list because, basically, I don't use any bookish applications. I am signed up to Shelfari, but I haven't used it since I got it to participate in a discussion of Tess of the D'Urbervilles, basically because, if I have computer time, I'm generally updating my blog, reading everyone else's blogs, or on twitter. In the spirit of that, then, I'm going to share with you my top ten bookish (ish... you'll see) things I follow on twitter! Fun, huh? Oh, and if you want to follow me on twitter, I'm @LauraRowsell, and I generally blabber on about things and talk about True Blood and Lush a lot. Who doesn't want to see that on their twitter feed?! Anyway...

Top Ten Bookish Things/People I follow on Twitter

1. The Strand Bookstore (@strandbookstore)- I may have mentioned once or twice my undying devotion for New York City, and The Strand is probably one of my favourite things in the entire city (and, indeed, the world!) While I can't go to any of the events they promote on twitter, I can imagine that I can, and that's almost as good, at least for now!

2. Penguin Books (@PenguinBooks)- They tell me about new releases, sometimes start fun twitter discussions about books, and there's always the chance that they'll see my fabulous tweets and just hire me immediately and pay me millions of pounds to read. This is something that happens in real life, right?

3. Guardian Books (@GuardianBooks)- Constantly providing links to really really interesting articles about all kinds of books, interviews with authors, things like that. They also happen to be part of my favourite newspaper, so there's that too.

4. The New Yorker (@NewYorker)- Possibly my favourite magazine (I'll tell you about the other contender in a bit), The New Yorker twitter generally directs you to interesting and relevant things on their website, which is pretty awesome for a twitter dweller such as myself.

5. Diablo Cody (@diablocody)- The writer of Juno and United States of Tara is possibly my favourite person in the world (that I don't actually know) and my little twitter stalkee (that doesn't sound at all creepy!). She doesn't tweet as much these days, but when she does, it's still pretty awesome and hilarious!

6. New York Public Library (@nypl)- A similar twitter follow to The Strand Bookstore, the New York Public Library often tweets about things that I can't go to, but just by knowing about such things, I feel a part of them. Sad? Definitely, but it makes me feel better while I'm stuck in England.

7. Bust Magazine (@bust_magazine)- My probably actually favourite magazine, Bust tweets about things that I'm definitely going to be interested in, plus posts links to their blog which always has stuff on it that I enjoy. It gets me through the times when there's not a new Bust making its way towards me (and since it only comes out once every two months, that's a lot of time!) Go follow them, subscribe to their magazine and revel in the fabulousness- you'll never want to buy Cosmopolitan or any other magazine ever again!

8. True Blood (@TrueBloodHBO)- Not strictly about books, but hey, I talk about films and (rarely) TV on here too! The official True Blood twitter is awesome because it basically gives you links to every article written about True Blood, which is definitely useful for a crazed Eric fan like yours truly. In the times when the show isn't on, it can get a little annoying (mostly just quoting lines from the show) but it really is worth following for the links to videos on HBOs website, recaps on other websites, and other general good things like that!

9. Feminist Hulk (@feministhulk)- If you don't follow the feminist hulk, you've really been missing out! Feminist sentiments expressed in CAPITALS, reminding you to keep on fighting the good fight. Just amazing.

10. Vanity Fair (@vanityfair)- I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Vanity Fair as a magazine because, on the one hand, they're completely liberal (and therefore awesome) but then they also extol the fabulous excesses of rich people in, as far as I can see, a completely uncritical way. It's slightly perplexing, to say the least., however, which their twitter feed handily prescribes me links to, almost always has things I want to read on it, and, once, even had Charlie Sheen Madlibs. Awesome? I think so! They also employ one of my favourite reviewers (and their resident recapper of True Blood) Mike Ryan (@mikeryan), and so without them, I would never have found him! So yeah, good times all round!

So that's my top ten, who do you love to follow on twitter? Let me know in the comments and, you know, maybe I'll go check them out and stuff and think about offering them my much sought after followership. Or, you know, follow them and then be too shy to say anything to them and stuff. I'm really looking forward to reading all of your lists today, because clearly I need to get me some bookish apps if I'm going to keep up with the big kids! Have a fab Tuesday everyone!


    Some Good Ones here , Im a Old Follower

  2. Interesting, I don't really follow any of these by twitter although I do visit the websites now and then. Never even dreamed they had twitter accounts!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Bookish Websites, Organizations, Apps. Etc. post!

  3. I like your twist on this topic. Now I have some new people to follow! I couldn't think of too many bookish websites I visit on a regular basis that weren't already going to get named 100 times and that aren't other bloggers.

  4. You make a good point that some magazines and periodicals do a very good job with their book recommendations and reviews.

  5. Nice list! Thanks for including the True Blood twitter account - I didn't realize they had one and I love the show. (I'm a die hard Eric fan as well!)

  6. Oh my gosh, I love feminist hulk! She might be my favorite thing on Twitter. I love your twist on the topic for this week. I wish I had thought of it. I only ended up with a top 5.
