
Friday 1 July 2011

Hop Along, There's Nothing to See Here...

Except, oh wait, these blog hops I'm going to be doing today! And may I just say, TGIF! Even if this weekend is going to see me building a bed, probably with hilarious consequences (for everyone else, obviously. For me it's obviously just going to be traumatic.) But while I'm not being crushed by a bed frame, I'm going to make the most of bloggerising and participating in the ever exciting Friday blog hops.

Firstly is #fridayreads, hosted by the picky girl, in honour of the twitter tradition (is twitter even old enough to have traditions yet? Who knows...) where we all say what we're reading at the moment, and everything is all good and happy and stuff. So, since I've just finished two books that I was reading simultaneously, I thought, why not start reading three new books..? I wish I was kidding about this, but I'm really not. I should probably be put down. But anyway, today I'm probably going to try and finish An Education by Lynn Barber, and then (and then, Laura, not at the same time as!) I'll probably move onto Firestarter by Stephen King, which I already started last night like a complete moron. Ahem. Moving on...

Crazy-for-Books this week asks: What keeps you reading beyond the first few pages of a book, and what makes you want to stop reading a book and put it back on the shelf? Being literally incapable of not finishing a book pretty much keeps me going throughout the whole thing! I seriously have to finish a book if I've started it, and there are only a very few times when this hasn't happened (Tristram Shandy and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, I'm looking at you...) Other than that though, I always give books a fair chance to get good anyway because, I'm pretty sure you've probably read the first Harry Potter book, and the first few chapters are really not that good, and then the rest is so utterly amazing that I can hardly stand it! So there's not that much that would make me put the book back on the shelf once I've started reading it.

And, this week, at GReads, the question of the moment is: Who are your favourite book couples? This is a tricky one because there are so many couples in books that I really love and continually root for. I think the obvious answer has to be Mr Darcy and Lizzie Bennet from Pride and Prejudice, because, let's face it, they're utterly brilliant, but then I also adore Scarlett and Rhett from Gone with the Wind, and Eddie and Susannah from The Dark Tower series by Stephen King (you knew he was going to come up, didn't you?) So I guess my answer is them and then some! There are too many fabulous couples in books to name them all.

So, I hope you're all having a wonderful Friday, and that the weather is as nice for you as it is here! And happy July! If you're a new visitor, then welcome! Please have a little look around, and if you see anything you like then feel free to follow- more of the same is sure to come! Happy hopping everyone!


  1. I totally agree with Mr. Darcy and Lizzy! Good choice!

  2. Hopping through. Definitely Darcy and Lizzie. Hard to go wrong there.
    My Hop

  3. Girl You are hilarious! I know what ya mean about reading multiple books at one time, I kick myself everytime I do it. But heres waht Ive learned...I can read 3 books at once, and it takes me about a week to finish them all, and on day 8 review them all. OR I read them one at a time and it takes me about a weeks to review and read all of them, so I just shaved a day off my time!! So know I try to read them one at a time....uuuummmmmm key word there was try:P

    Just hoping through, have a great weekend! Come see what we've been up to this week HERE! And while your there don't miss out on a one of a kind GIVEAWAY!!

  4. Scarlett & Rhett. *sigh* Such a complicated couple. Love Darcy & Lizzi! :)

    Jess @ Gone with the Words

  5. Stopping by via Crazy-For-Book's Blog Hop. I'm following your blog.

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog this weekend so please stop by!

    Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

  6. LMBO Good luck building your bed! I am following you via Book Blogger Hop. I am also your newest GFC follower. My answer to this weeks question:

    I started reading a book the last month and it was suppose to be a very good book. But after giving it a couple of chapters I just couldn’t get into it. I put the book aside to read another day. I don’t like to do that because I feel as if my mind might have had too many distractions and I didn’t give the book a chance. So I always try to wait for another day to give it another go. I have so many other books calling to me from my to-be-read list that it can really be distracting. READ ME! READ ME!
    I prefer reading and reviewing Christian Fiction but I do read a varity of other books. I just can’t handle too scary or gory. Suspense and Mysteries I like. No explicit adult books either if I do find one I really want to read I just skip over the x-rated stuff. So what genre do I read?
