
Friday 29 July 2011

Who Here Remembers Hopscotch?

That's right, I'm hopping again this week! I know you've all so missed this... Probably. But I am lacking a post for today because I'm too lazy to write book reviews, so I'm going to mull over some questions in my brain and give you some kind of responses to them. Sounds good, I know...

So, this week, Ginger at GReads asks: If you could be one character from a book, who would you be and why? I'm pretty sure that I've already tried and failed to answer this question before, but I guess I'll give it another go. It's so difficult to think of a character that you want to be when you know everything about them, flaws and all. If forced, though, I'd probably pick Jo from Little Women- although she's sometimes dissatisfied with herself, she knows who she is and what she wants to be, and always stays true to that. She even forgives Amy when she's being a little bitch, and that takes some kind of inner patience that I'm pretty sure I lack. This is not even to say that Jo is my favourite book character ever, but I wouldn't at all mind being her for a bit.

This week, Parajunkee asks: What T-shirt slogan best describes you? I sort of hate this question, because who really wants to define themselves through words that you can fit on a T-shirt? I was just going to avoid the question completely, but then I thought of a T-shirt that I have that probably describes me, or at least one aspect of me, as well as anything else can do:

I really really really do heart New York. Just in case you didn't know that about me yet.

Book Blogger HopCrazy-for-books this week asks: Highlight one book you have received this week that you can't wait to dig into! I have to tell you, not one word of a lie, that I haven't gotten any new books this week. In fact, I haven't bought any new books since the start of July, mainly because I have so many to read that it seems a little ridiculous to buy more. All I've gotten in the book line this week is Finn Family Moomintroll by Tove Jansson, which my sister gave me from her classroom at school (she teaches year 4). This is, apparently, a loan, but I'm hoping she'll forget about it and then it'll be for keeps! Anyway, I'm very excited about it because of my undying moomin love!

So yeah, that's me. Definable by a character in a civil war era novel, and a T-shirt, apparently. If you're a new stopper-by, then hello to you! Take a look around why dontcha, tell me if you see anything you like! For your enjoyment and a little taste of my week, why not look at these posts from this week:

On Monday, I talked about Oranges are not the only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson- an awesome read that is far more about fundamentalist religion than lesbians,
On Tuesday, I revealed my top ten books dealing with tough issues, including the death of a parent, suicide, and I think most importantly, how to deal with mad wives in the attic,
Wednesday saw the next stage in my Stephen King challenge unfolding- I reviewed Roadwork by Richard Bachman, and I've got to say, I liked it A LOT.
To change things up a bit on Thursday, I reviewed Up in the Air, a film that is very complex, but still really down to earth and engaging.

That was the week that was. I hope you find something you like amongst all that, and that you have an extremely good weekend!


  1. Friday hopper here. I had to check out your review of Oranges; it's different from anything I've read in ages but looks really interesting. Will have to track down a copy through the library.
    BJ's FF @ Dark Side of the Covers

  2. I have never been to NYC Some day maybe.

    My Follow Friday. Have a great weekend!

  3. Would that be the whole state or NYC?

    Loving FMF... New follower here.
    tweezle @ Just One More Paragraph

  4. @tweezle Well... I've only been to NYC, but I'm sure the whole state is lovely too! But I super am in love with the city :)

  5. Ooooh, I want to go to New York so bad!!! I know if I went there, I'd fall in love with it :) NIce pick! Here's my FF if you want to check it out!

    -Jessica (Peace Love Books)

  6. Hey! GFC follower, and love your blog! i'm hosting a giveaway today for my stop on the hop! hope you will come by, follow me, and enter! =]

  7. Jo is awesome, but I don't envy her. I admire her. :)

    My TGIF

  8. I love Jo and Little Women its one of my fav books. Love her strong character. Great pick

  9. Enjoy! your read, happy Friday.

  10. I’ve seen a lot of interesting shirts on the different blogs. With the non-stop coverage of debt ceiling doomsday I’ve got to show you the t-shirt that describes me to a tee – at least this week! Follow me back to my blog and prepare to fall out of your chair laughing –

    We’ve just gotta laugh, right? Life’s too short after all!

    Thank God it’s Follow Friday!

    Howard Sherman

  11. I've posted a picture of an adorable baby pickle. It's an illustration from the book I'm highlighting. Please come see what book I'm reading!

  12. I love your shirt choice. Are you from the city? And if so, which part?

    Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

  13. Why have I never heard of Tove Jansson before and how quickly can I remedy this situation?
