
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

Why hello there guys and gals, welcome to the next instalment of 'things I like to put in lists and talk about on a Tuesday and stuff' hosted, as always, by the delectable The Broke and the Bookish. I found this week's topic a bit tricky because I don't want to assume that books aren't really popular at all, but I'm just going to go on the fact that I haven't really seen these books reviewed ever by other bloggers, except for a few where I have seen really negative things said about them and then have wept, you know, inside! But anyway, here I go...

Top Ten Books I can't believe aren't more popular

1. I Feel Bad About My Neck by Nora Ephron- I've never seen anyone, other than myself, review this. And I don't understand why this isn't required reading for everyone! It's hilarious and wonderful and I love Nora, you guys! Read my review here and tell me you don't want to read it...

2. Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson- Again, I can't really say it's not that popular but just that I've never seen anyone review it, which I think is something to do with her being an English author who is not necessarily that widely known, and most of the blogs I read being American (not that Americans can't read English authors or anything! Just that she's not really that well known. But she should be!) I definitely recommend this book, as you can probably tell from my review here.

3. Steinbeck in general-  It's come to my attention, because I pay attention to such things, that a lot of book bloggers aren't fans of Steinbeck, criticisms ranging from him being simply boring, to being too moralistic and just generally badness. They are clearly wrong, but it has surprised me in its wide-ranging opinion-ness. I think it might be something to do with having to read Steinbeck in school (I just assume that all Americans read Steinbeck in school!) but I'm pretty sure everyone should return to him and just fall in love with him like I am...

4. Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams by Sylvia Plath- I've never seen this reviewed by anyone and it just surprises me because of the complete and utter popularity of The Bell Jar. I suppose that people don't necessarily love short stories all that much, but these are, predictably, really well written. Go check them out guys.

5. Poppy Shakespeare by Clare Allan- I think this is another one of those cases where an English author doesn't really get across the ocean, but this is sort of a Girl, Interrupted type of book, only more English and therefore better (ha!) But seriously, it is really good, and if you see it then I highly recommend it!

6. Plays in general- I'm not sure if this is an English student thing or what, but I love a good play. This doesn't really seem to be the case with too many book bloggers, or, indeed, with the wider population. What's up guys? It's just like tons and tons of dialogue- dialogue can be good! If you just don't know where to start reading plays, may I highly recommend Angels in America to you, something which I do on a weekly basis, but which alarming numbers of people still haven't read. It's like the greatest thing in the world. Ever.

7. Toast by Nigel Slater- Probably one of my favourite memoirs ever (but then I haven't read Life by Keith Richards yet) this is completely reminiscent of an English childhood, even though Slater and I grew up 30 years apart. This probably explains its unpopularity, but it really is sort of lovely. It's also worth watching the BBC adaptation of it, for the stellar performances of Helena Bonham Carter and that guy who used to be the kid in Finding Neverland, but is now all grown up and freaky! (Freaky because he's grown up, not for any other reason...)

8. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott- This one has really surprised me because I thought that everyone a) had read Little Women when they were younger, and b) LOVED it! Imagine my horror at seeing all these bloggers saying mean things about my girls! I guess I can sort of see that in the American version which includes Good Wives (we have them as separate books in the UK) shit gets annoying and stupid marriages happen, but the first half of the book is wonderful, right?!

9. Julie and Julia by Julie Powell- I haven't really heard much about this anywhere, which doesn't necessarily make it unloved, but means that I'm probably way behind in reading it because it was published eons ago! I mean, I read it after the film came out! Some feedback I got on it though, was that people didn't like Julie as a narrator because she swears too much. I mean, come on, are they fucking crazy?!

10. Moomins!- I have mentioned my adoration of Moomins multiple times, and each time I get a nearly silent response. Obviously this is probably just because I am unpopular (awwwww...) but I mean, really guys, nobody? Moomins? This definitely counts as books that aren't more appreciated, because there are definite volumes of the Moomin comics, and even a Moomin cookbook (!) so really there's no excuse for not knowing of them and their adorable existence in the world! AND Alexander Skarsgard is the voice of Moomintroll in the newest Moomin movie! What's not to love?

So these are things I love that nobody else seems to. Much as I like having things that are special to me and just mine, it would be nice to discuss said things with like-minded individuals. I hope, if nothing else, I've given you ideas of things to read after you've read the hundreds of books that I'm sure you've already got waiting for you at home! So excited to read everyone else's lists and do the same!


  1. I LOVE Poppy Shakespeare!! Reviewed it back in January, it is such a good book! Thanks for mentioning it!

    Ps. I like Nora too :-)

  2. I LOVED Julie and Julia. Except, everytime I read it i get insanely hungry! After reading that I also picked up "My Life in France" by Julia Child which is an equally interesting read.

  3. I liked Julie and Julia so much more than I expected to BECAUSE Julie curses so much. I love when she yells at the lost couple looking for directions back to Manhattan. Well not yells, but laughs and curses at them.

    Kudos for making it to 10. You beat me. And I will try to give Steinbeck another try but I worry high school may have ruined him for me.

  4. i agree about Steinbeck. his work is so good!!

    Check out my Top 10!

  5. I love love love Steinbeck! And I adore Little Women! And I Feel Bad About my Neck made me laugh so much!

  6. I love your list. I am a big Steinbeck fan, and I even loved in in high school. I've read I Feel Bad About My Neck as well, and when I posted my copy on paperbackswap, there were already over a hundred posted, so someone must have read it!

    Here's my list.

  7. I agree about Little Women. It shocked me too that the reviews for it are not always positive. I loved it as a girl, but admittedly have not reread it in years.

  8. "Poppy Shakespeare!" was astoundling, wasn't it?! And really bloody scary. I also love Little Women. Jo was my hero once upon a time!

    However...the Moomins used to give me nightmares.

    My Top Ten
