
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

This weeks Top Ten (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish) has got me all excited because I can make a list about whatever I want, and how exciting and fun is that? Probably not quite as much fun as I'm apparently making it out to be, but still, pretty fun! Now, if you've been paying attention to my blog at all (and if you haven't then hi, welcome, make yourself comfortable!) then you may have noticed a certain adoration I have for Stephen King, author of many of the books reviewed on this here blog. Because of this aforementioned adoration, then, my top ten, rather predictably, is:

Top Ten Stephen King Books I've Read So Far

1. It- I haven't reviewed it yet, but It remains my favourite Stephen King book for the moment. It's just so perfect in its horrifyingness, hits all the right notes and is just the greatest book I think King has ever written (on the evidence I have to go on so far). Fun fact: I read somewhere that King was high on coke or something when he wrote large parts of this book, so he doesn't remember writing most of it... so it's almost like it wrote itself! Creepy, huh?

2. Bag of Bones- I love the characters in this one far more than you're actually meant to love fictional people. It's brutal and horrifying, but somehow still manages to charm and move me. I also like to think it's one that a lot of people haven't read, and that makes me feel like I've sought out a hidden gem!

3. The Dark Tower- I know this is completely and utterly cheating, but my third choice is the entire Dark Tower series (at seven books, it should probably be my 4th, 5th, 6th... choices too) but how boring would my list be then? Just take my word for it- you should read this series. It is honestly up there with Harry Potter for me as a series, and as no crappy films have been made of it (yet) then it's desperately trying to take its place (Oooh, controversial! But I can't be the only one who thinks those films are not great, right?) So yeah, please just read them, report back, tell me how much you cry during the last book... stuff like that!

4. Desperation- This book is really eerie and creepy, and eventually soul-destroying. Despite its dependence on God as 'the good guy', I still really adore this book. Also interesting is The Regulators by Richard Bachman, which has the same named characters in different roles, but Desperation is so so much better.

5. The Green Mile- You've probably seen the film and, unless you have no soul, have already wept buckets over the fate of the poor poor characters (see how I'm avoiding specifics? I'm so good to you...) The book/s (depending on how you read 'em) are just as good, if not better, and I can't wait to review it for you! I'm definitely going to cry when I read it again though, just so you're prepared for what you do to me...

6. Different Seasons- I think I'm right in saying that this book, made up of four novellas, includes Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. I know you've all seen that film, and the book is pretty much it, minus a few inspirational lines (and the opera bit, oh, how I love that bit!) but it's still pretty great. The other three stories are also pretty good, and well worth reading on to after the end of Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.

7. 'Salem's Lot- I remember this as one of the first King books I read, and I was so scared of what it could possibly say that I had to read it only in daytime hours. Now I know exactly what happens, I'm a lot braver, but it still has some pretty freaky moments! You can read my review of it here.

8. The Shining- So much better than the film (imho) I can't help but be scared for Danny every time I read this book- I need him and his mum and Mr Halloran to all be ok so badly that I get quite worked up while reading it. Does that make this great literature? Yes, I think it does. See my review of it here.

9. Carrie- I do love Carrie, also one of the first King books I read, and the one with which I started my Stephen King journey (obviously, because he wrote it first!) King says in Danse Macabre that he doesn't like it as much as when he first wrote it, and that's probably a natural writerly reaction, but it's difficult to see how it could be better- written in an interesting, partially scrapbook-like format, I think it's still as relevant for teens today as in 1975. See my review of it here.

10. Roadwork (as Richard Bachman)- I really enjoyed this book more than I thought I was going to, and it's definitely my favourite of the Bachman books I've read so far. Such a dense and complex character study that you definitely feel sorry for, and then want to save a character who is not always completely sympathetic. Bart is the most human of characters, and he carries the book entirely to give it its place in my top ten. See my review of Roadwork here.

And there you have the ten best books by Stephen King that ever were read by my little brain. If you're not a horror fan then I'm sorry for boring you (and really, you should try some King sometime... you'll love it!) and if you are a Stephen King fan then I guess this is your lucky day! Tell me some of your favourite Stephen King books if you wish to do so, and I'll tell you what I think of them when I get to them!


  1. Haha I should have guessed you'd have a Stephen King list. I'll have to check out some of these although IT is probably one of my least favorite of his. A good idea but I think that book could have benefited from a lot of editing down.

  2. I may have read Bag of Bones in high school, but I know for sure I have read The Shining. I'll admit I was left a little disappointed, and since then I have had no desire to read any other King.

  3. Stephen King is a very list worthy author!  I love Bag of Bones and was completely swept away with the characters.  For some reason I really enjoyed The Langoliers too!

  4. I would find it hard to create a Top Ten King list. There are so many good ones. The Stand would be at the top though. I know that much. Have read it a few times and I loved it every time. It would be there too. Scared the hell out of me the first time I read it. Had to sleep with the light on for a week (I was about 12). I've read The Shining twice now and it was scarier the second time. I know exactly what you mean about needing Danny to get away to the point you are almost shouting at the book.

  5. I've just finished a Stephen King book which, though far from being his best, reminded me of what an amazing author he is. So then I thought, "Laura is the go-to person for Stephen King recommendations - what should I read next?" And how convenient, you have a top 10. :) This list has given me a few ideas. I keep seeing 'Salem's Lot in the library but feel a bit intimidated by its reputation, if that makes sense. Why should I be afraid of amazing books? (I suspect the reason to be afraid of 'Salem's Lot is inside the pages, actually.) Of your list, I've only read The Shining, Carrie, and The Green Mile, which was all the way back in high school and needs rereading some time.

    In short: YAY STEPHEN KING!
