
Thursday 1 September 2011

Frances and Laura's Unread Book Club

So, about a month ago I went to visit my Uni bestie Frances, wherein we had a housemates reunion with our other two housemates, and a generally fab and giggly time all round. Whilst staying in her room, I obviously was transfixed by her bookcase (she arranges her books by colour, it's completely awesome you guys!) I noticed that she had quite a few books that I also had but hadn't read yet. I asked her about them: 'What's The Golden Notebook like?' 'Did you like 100 Years of Solitude?' and so on, until it became apparent that, actually, she hadn't read them either, and we actually owned a lot of mutually unread books.

And so the seed of an idea was planted. To read books that we had neglected, and to communicate with each other about books in a way we hadn't since University ended (and communicating about books back then meant us both going 'Jesus Christ, Pamela is the most boring book I've ever read, I think I'm going to die!' and then skipping the seminar on it anyway to do online shopping instead! Not that that ever happened... ahem.) So, to start off this very exciting endeavour, within which we plan to read one book we both own but haven't yet read every other month, we're starting off with
The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing
I can't imagine why I haven't read this book yet, other than the fact that it's written by a Nobel Prize winner, which automatically makes it very intimidating, and the copy that I have is also very much less aesthetically pleasing than the above cover (which makes me very shallow, I'll admit, but I do have so many prettier books...) But anyway, Nora Ephron said it's awesome, and that's what we're reading. If you happen to have a copy of The Golden Notebook lying around and you fancy reading it along with us, then please feel free to leave me or Frances a comment, and we'll link up to your review- we'll be posting ours on the 1st October.

You can find Frances here. She's awfully wonderful and hilarious, and wrote this one post about Ugly Betty that everyone should probably read. Go and share the love with her.
Gratuitous Christmas picture where we pretend to be reindeer. Would you trust these people to pick out a good book to read/to do anything at all?!

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