
Friday 23 September 2011

Hop Over My Way Why Dontcha?

Ah, Fridays. You just haven't been the same without me answering the questions that the people need to know the answers to! I know you're just dying to hear my answers because I am just that awesome, so, without any ado:

Parajunkee this week asks: Do you have a favourite series that you read over and over again? Tell us a bit about it and why you keep on revisiting it.
I don't really have a series that I keep revisiting, just because I have SO MANY books to read that I can't reread right now. It's just a no. Having said that, there are two series that I think I will come back to again and again probably throughout my life- Harry Potter (wow, how original am I?!) and The Dark Tower series by Stephen King because it's just so good! Since we all know about Harry Potter, I'm going to assume, allow me to tell you a bit about The Dark Tower Series- it's basically made of awesome and encompasses so many ideas and worlds and characters, as well as having probably one of the best stories I've read. Since I'm reading every Stephen King book over a non-specified period of time, I'll be reviewing all seven books on here at some point, so check back here every so often if you want to know more about them- or just read them yourselves, which I highly recommend!

This weeks TGIF at GReads! asks: Reading Challenges: Did you sign up for any this year? How has your progression been?
I like this question, because I haven't had the opportunity to update on my challenges for aaaages! I signed up for the GLBT Challenge way back in January (when I barely knew what a reading challenge was, to be honest) and their rules were basically, read as many GLBT books as you like throughout the year. I thought 15 was a realistic number, but I've sort of kind of only read 5 so far- I'm still hoping to reach my target by the end of the year though, so stay tuned! I'm also participating in the R.I.P. Challenge, which runs from September-October, for which I've read two of my aim of four books so far. And I'm also participating in Two Bibliomaniacs Books to Movies Challenge, which is lots of fun, and for which I've read 5 books and watched 4 films already, and it only started in June- clearly this is my most favourite challenge of the year! And then of course there's my very own Stephen King Challenge, but that's more of a personal challenge thing that has no time limit or anything. But it's still a lot of fun. To check out what I've already read in these challenges, see here.

So, yeah. There are some answers to some things that you definitely needed to know. If you're getting antsy because it's Friday and you really don't want to do any more work, may I interest you in some blog posts to make the day pass faster? Here's what you may have missed this week on the blog:
Monday's review of Christine by Stephen King is sure to make you nervous about being near old cars at night
Or you might enjoy seeing the books that everyone has read except me, and that make me feel like a book reject,
Or how about this, where I get all excited about an reading event that is a whole month away (I'm still excited!)
And maybe you'll have something to say about Thursday's review of Sexing the Cherry by Jeanette Winterson- I had a lot to say, not much of it good.

I hope you'll find something there to keep you entertained, and if you do, why not stick around for a while? I'd be happy to have you! And, if you're at all interested in George Orwell, I recommend coming back throughout October where I'm going to do my best to read and review all his works (that I own- a very important point that.) So yes. Happy weekend everyone!


  1. HP! Seems everyone's on that train with this question. Ditto my friend, ditto.

    I'm your newest follower!
    Care to follow back?

    Also, don't forget to enter our SIGNED Enthralled Anthology giveaway!

  2. HP is the perfect answer. :D Who can resist rereading those books over and over and finding new details?

    I'm following you now (because I can't resist the cake) ;) And my FF is over here if you'd like to stop by!

  3. HP is a popular of the reasons I'm generally ashamed to admit that I never finished the series!

    Happy Friday! New follower. :)
    Jessi @ Reading in the Corner

  4. Hp is great! I've started the series I just haven't finished reading it. I hope to one day soon!

    My Follow Friday

  5. I totally agree about not having enough time to reread books, so the books I do reread have to be REALLY good. Great answer!

    Here's my FF!

  6. I have to agree Harry Potter is absolutely epic!!

    Awesome post, new follower:D

    My Post

  7. Well hello new followers! So nice to see you all :)

    @Jessi- I really can't recommend finishing Harry Potter enough. Seriously. Wonders beyond your imagining :)

    @Tia- I'm pretty jealous that you get to read Harry Potter for the first time- drop everything else and just read them, that's what I say!

  8. Great picks! New follower! Just hopping by.
    My FF:

  9. Hopping through. I've never read Stephen King since I don't like horror. I should give him a try some time though.
    My Hop

  10. Happy Follow Friday!

    I hope you will stop by and check out our twitter event going on today!


  11. Hi
    Following through - the Dark Tower series are the only books of Stephen King I haven't read because I'm not so much into straight fantasy. I should probably give them a try though

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
