
Saturday 15 October 2011

Literary Giveaway Blog Hop!

Update: This giveaway has now been closed, winners selected and will be announced as soon as they email me back. Thanks to everyone who entered, and I hope to do another one of these soon because they're super fun!

Well, hello hello hello! Welcome to my very first giveaway, about which I am extremely excited and also, fortunately for you, very generous feeling! Entries are until 12pm GMT on Wednesday 19th October, and I'll announce the winners right here on Thursday 20th. Aren't we all just really excited?!

But maybe just save your excitement until you know what I'm giving away! In honour of Orwell October (my own little attempt to read the things that Orwell wrote) I'm giving away a copy of 1984, that has actually been read by me! (You know like how people want Britney Spears's chewed gum? That's the kind of response I'm looking for with this. And also to let you know that it's not a pristine copy. Yeah. Although I haven't chewed it like gum, because that's not the analogy I was going for with this. Also you should probably just ignore me.)
So that's that. And if you don't know what it's all about, then seriously, you need this book.

Also up for grabs is an actual pristine copy of Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh, which I haven't  read, but I have two copies for no reason known to anyone sensible, so if you want it, you may be able to have it if you ask really nicely...

And it's kind of the same story with Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky- I have two copies, one of you lucky people may have one of them (and I'm going to be honest, it's the one I like the look of least... I love you guys, but I love me more...)

And the superfun bonus prize is Emily Dickinson: Selected Poems which I have to say upfront has some highlighting and really bad notes I've made in it (stuff like 'this is a rhyme' and things because I never know what to say about poetry). So I'm fully aware that it's possible that nobody will want it. Which will make me sad, but I will understand. Sniff.

'But Laura!' (I hear you cry) 'How can I get my hands on such amazing books that have been touched by hands such as yours?!' Well, patience my dear ones, I'm about to tell you! So, if you would like one or many of these books then all you have to do is leave me a comment saying which one/s you would like, with an email address at the end that I will be able to contact you on. If you also say something amusing or witty, then I will love you greatly, and I might give you an extra entry or something. Note: You DON'T have to be a follower to enter, but if you want to read someone's gushings on Stephen King and generally want to be amazed into a state of awe and excitement, then why wouldn't you want to follow me?! But, again, you don't have to.

And it's pretty much as simple as that! Again, don't forget to tell me if you want more than one of these books (I won't think you're greedy or anything, don't worry!) and then I'll put your name in the hat for both/three/all four/you get the idea books. This may or may not involve an actual hat, I haven't decided yet (but there probably will be). So yeah, enter, cross your fingers, do whatever lucky things you do, and then move on to all these other lovely blogs to see what goodies you can get from them. Good luck to you all!

  1. Leeswammes
  2. Devouring Texts
  3. The Book Whisperer
  4. Seaside Book Nook
  5. The Scarlet Letter (US only)
  6. Rikki's Teleidoscope
  7. Bibliosue
  8. Curled Up With a Good Book and a Cup of Tea
  9. The Book Diva's Reads
  10. Gaskella
  11. Lucybird's Book Blog
  12. Kim's Bookish Place
  13. The Book Garden
  14. Under My Apple Tree
  15. Helen Smith
  16. Sam Still Reading
  17. Nishita's Rants and Raves
  18. Ephemeral Digest
  19. Bookworm with a View
  20. The Parrish Lantern
  21. Dolce Bellezza
  22. Lena Sledge Blog
  23. Book Clutter
  24. I Am A Reader, Not A Writer (US only)
  25. The Blue Bookcase
  26. Book Journey (US only)
  27. The House of the Seven Tails (US only)
  28. In One Eye, Out the Other (US only)
  29. Read, Write & Live
  30. Fresh Ink Books

  1. Living, Learning, and Loving Life (US only)
  2. Bibliophile By the Sea
  3. Laurie Here Reading & Writing Reviews
  4. Amy's Book World (US only)
  5. Teadevotee
  6. Joy's Book Blog
  7. Word Crushes (US only)
  8. Thinking About Loud!
  9. Kinna Reads
  10. Sweeping Me
  11. Minding Spot (US only)
  12. Babies, Books, and Signs (US only)
  13. Lisa Beth Darling
  14. Tony's Reading List
  15. SusieBookworm (US only)
  16. Tell Me A Story
  17. Close Encounters with the Night Kind
  18. Nerfreader
  19. Mevrouw Kinderboek (Netherlands, Belgium)
  20. Boekblogger (Netherlands)
  21. In Spring it is the Dawn
  22. No Page Left Behind
  23. Elle Lit


  1. Just discovered your blog! I would love to own a copy of 1984. It's one of my all time favourites and I don't even have a copy for myself!

    erikadlugo at yahoo dot com

  2. I want both 1984 and Brideshead Revisited, and please don't think I'm greedy (you said you wouldn't, lol). My email address is Thanks for hosting this fabulous giveaway! :)

  3. Your blog is new to me and it looks great too. Brideshead Revisited is one I'd like to win -

    Have fun blog-hopping; stop by and enter my giveaways.

  4. I would like Crime and Punishment. I have always been scared of it, but if I own my own copy, I am committed to tackling it! Thanks for the giveaway and for your great blog.

  5. Oh WOW! You have touched all these books... I have to have them :) I really would love to be in for yeah.. all of them GREAT BLOG!

    supagurlheather @ gmail. com

  6. I'd like Brideshead Revisted and/or Crime and Punishment. Both on my extensive to-read list, and I'd love to get a copy of either. =)

    You can find me at amaranthinedominion on gmail.

    (P.S. Pick me, or I'll sic my topiary garden on you.)

  7. I'd love to win Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky or 1984 by George Orwell! Haven't read either but heard a lot about them. Thanks so much for the giveaway!


  8. I have my own copy of 1984, and I've already had my fill of Emily Dickinson- either of the other two would be great. Nice giveaway!
    luckyjd2k at gmail dot com

  9. Thanks for the giveaway and if it is open worldwide I would like to be entered.

    I have all the books except Emily Dickinson's poetry because I find it very difficult to read more than one poem at a time. Sorry but it is just not my thing !

    I don't have any of the books on my shelf at present and wouldn't mind any of them but if I had my druthers I would chose Brideshead Revisited.


    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  10. I'd love to have 1984..looks like thats a popular one :) but all of these books sound wonderful. Thank you for the giveaway!
    Stephen King rocks :)

  11. :) I own all four books, I think this is the first time that has happened for a giveaway :)

  12. I'd like Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. I would love to win Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. A fellow English major/friend and I have Dostoevsky wars where we pronounce his name different ways. I figured I should actually read this book so I can feel like my pronunciation is correct.
    Email is readwriteandlive[at]hotmail[dot]com

  14. I'd love to try either 1984 or Crime and Punishment. Love the cover of your copy of Brideshead Revisited! (I'm giving away A Handful of Dust, but the cover is nowhere near as exciting).
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Hi Laura! I’ve just discovered your blog through the Literary Giveaway Blog Hop. If your giveaway is open to international readers, I’d love to read 1984 by Orwell or Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky. Thank you! Marta martaplayita at gmail dot com

  16. OK, I am feeling a bit bad for this, but I would love to have all of these books! You know, they are all amazing, I have read other books fromt he authors/or seen movie adaptations/but I haven´t read any of these books, and I ahve just moved and have these huge bookshelves eagerly waiting for some new books :) Great giveaway!!

  17. Hello Laura !
    I am most ashamed to admit that I am greedy whenever books are involved...But as it would be a lie to deny this factso... I am running for both "Brideshead Revisited" which I have never read and sounds fun, and "1984" which I read when I was "au lycée" as a teenager, and loved so much but somehow lost my copy.
    Thanks so much for entering a French bookworm into this great giveway...

  18. I'd love to win a copy of either Brideshead Revisited or 1984. I love the humor in you're writing. Now I'm excited to have the chance of winning a book touched by the hands of Laura! :)

    klmickelsen at gmail dot com

  19. I'd love to win the 1984 book.
    If this giveaway is international please count me in.
    Thanks for the chance.
    by.evie at yahoo dot com dot br

  20. Hello, I would love to win Brideshead Revisited. I am in the UK, I hope your giveaway is international. Email cerievans1[at]gmail[dot]com. thanks

  21. This book give away is a great way to get to know new Blogs. I came here via Leeswammes and will surely explore your blog once I finish this comment!
    I would love to win the poems by Dickenson. Thankd for putting me in the hat!

  22. I'm not sure if it's because of the poetry, or my sympathy towards the Dickinson plight, but put me down for the poetry, will love it for the rhyme & will be curious about the notes. thanks.

  23. I'd love to be counted in for Brideshead Revisited. Thank you for sharing and for offering choices as well.


  24. I have been wanting to read 1984 for such a long time!! Thank you!

    sarah AT

  25. I would love to win Brideshead Revisited, I own the others (though I've only read 1984!)

    goodbooksandacupoftea at live dot com

  26. I would love either Brideshead Revisited or 1984! Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway!


  27. Hi Laura:) Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway! I've read Animal Farm, but haven't had a chance to read 1984, so I'd like to enter this giveaway for a copy of 1984. However, Brideshead Revisited is also on my wish list, so I would like to enter for that as well. So, I'm being greedy (and you're politely choosing to overlook it- and I love you for it!) so my 2 choices would be 1984 and Brideshead Revisited.

    Thank you once again for your awesomeness (and I've chosen to follow because your post had me smiling- very rare!:)


  28. Great giveaway! I own all of these except the Dickinson, who is on my list of "100 Best Writers to Read" - so I need to. Please enter me for that. :)

    Also, how is/did Dracula going/go? I finished a few days ago and then finished Inferno yesterday. I've got my review for Dracula up already but plan to write my review for Inferno tomorrow. I enjoyed both - much more than expected!

  29. Hello! This is my first time visiting your blog but it will not be my last so long as you don't actually devour texts (ha, ha...yep that was bad, I know!)
    Such a fantastic group of books in your giveaway! I recently won "Brideshead Revisited" and as an old English major and Orwell fan, I've read "1984" a few times but, since my cat actually chewed up a good portion of my Crime and Punishment I'd love to win a new one. I'm also interested in the book of Emily Dickinson Poems & like that it includes your notes....I sometimes need help understanding poems, you see!

    Thank you for an amazing & generous giveaway!
    Enjoy your weekend :o)


  30. I love all of the books you're offering, but I'd really like to win the Emily Dickinson poems.
    Thank you for this giveaway!

  31. Wow, thanks for all your entries guys- tell your friends etc!

    @Adam- I just finished Dracula today and OMG I loved it/was terrified/am really excited to review it and call it sexist/also amazing. So yeah, I've gotta say that I liked it :)

  32. Yay giveaways!!! I'm not sure if you're doing international. But if you are, I would like to enter and I would be more than happy with any of the books. :) I know you have my email, but just in case,

    Also, congrats on finishing Dracula. Although this week I read something I found more terrifying. I'll email you later.

  33. Thanks for joining in the giveaway blog hop, Laura. I love your post - very funny!

    I'm not going to enter as I have already read some of these books and think the others deserve a better home than mine. :-)

  34. I would love to win Brideshead revisited, so thank you for the opportunity to enter.

  35. Go ahead and put me in for all of them^^ Thank you for the excellent choices. edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom

  36. Put my name in the hat for all four of them. I'll tell you something crazy. I want to read Crime and Punishment. I know it's going to be hard and might take a very long time, but I want to do it. It's one of those books that you just have to say you read.

    leah49 (at) gmail (dot) com

  37. i would love to be enterd for all the books - i AM greedy like that ;)
    well i especially have my eyes set on 1986, but i would love to get any of them really.
    thanks for the giveaway ^^

    witchvela at web dot de

  38. I would so much rather have a book read by someone than gum they chewed ;-) I'd love to win Brideshead Revisited or 1984!!

    erinreadsblog (at) gmail (dot) com

  39. pretty!! 1984!! Have been wanting to read this before Murakami's 1Q84 comes out so I can nod knowingly at any literary references while reading it on the train. Also wouldn't say no to Crime and Punishment (similar train-riding snobbery).



  40. Long time reader, first time (I think?) poster here. I just gotta say: I think your writing is amusant, your giveaway offerings are generous, and hey! Also we like the same things! (Dooce, Hyperbole and a Half, Postsecret, Good Books)
    I would LOVE to win any of these books, excepting the Emily Dickinson collection of which I am already a proud owner.
    Thanks in advance for randomly picking me! (StinaVW at the ol' gmail)

  41. I would like to be entered for 1984 and Crime and Punishment. Thanks!
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  42. Thank you for the giveaway. I would like to be entered for the 1984 & the Emily Dickinson poems.


  43. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to read 1984. I love the classics. Hope you enjoy your first giveaway.

  44. I would love to have either 1984 or Crime and Punishment. Thank you.
    kinnareads at gmail dot com

  45. I would love either 1984 or Crime and Punishment.

    marciclark88 at gmail dot com

  46. I would love to enter for Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, if this giveaway is International. Thank you! :)

  47. LOVED the Britney Spears reference, I even thought of my own of how people love Justin Beiber so much they will pay hundreds of dollars to have locks of his hair...on another note, I liked your corny(no offense),cute,and sarcastic jokes so much that I've decided*drum roll* to start following ur blog, to quote you; 'why wouldn't you want to follow me?!'

    ps I'd like the Brideshead Revisited or Crime and Punishment OR(best option) BOTH!

    chloecapri (at) yahoo(DOT)com

  48. I'd like 1984 or Crime and Punishment.
    Thank you for this international giveaway

  49. Hi,

    I'd be happy with any of the books, but "Brideshead Revisited" by Evelyn Waugh would be my first choice. I wish I could think of something funny or witty.


  50. Although I would love a copy of "1984" read by you, I do have one read by myself in my bookshelf, and I think one is enough. "Brideshead Revisited" by Evelyn Waugh, though, would be a very welcome addition to my bookshelf (well, shelves...). Thanks for making the giveaway international =D

  51. I'd love to win Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

  52. I'm just stopping by to say hello. Giveaways are always lovely, aren't they?

    I'm giving away a decidedly non-literary book, Matched, on my little blog. I wish you'd come by, if not to sign up for this book, then to read and comment on my blog post for today, a second look at Maira Kalman's Principles of Uncertainty.

  53. I'm one of those folks that hasn't read 1984 yet, so I'm tossing my hat into the ring for it!

    jenmays74 at gmail

  54. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to win either Brideshead Revisited or Crime and Punishment - I enjoy reading classics. :) (I already have copies of 1984 and Dickinson's poems.)

    I'm a new GFC follower.

    susanna DOT pyatt AT student DOT rcsnc DOT org

  55. I would love to have all four books, yes I'm greedy I guess, but I've not read any of them. I would especially love to win the poetry books because I love reading used books that people have actually read before me and written in.
    Thank you for the chance to win!

  56. Hi. I've already got 1984 so can I enter for all the others pretty please?

  57. Thanks for doing this! I would love a copy of Brideshead Revisited.

    alewis1100 at hotmail dot com

  58. I loved George Orwell's Animal Farm and i'd love to read his other books. So, i'd love to be entered to win 1984 please.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  59. What a great selection! I'd love a copy of Brideshead Revisited. Thanks for the giveaway!


  60. Is it open internationally? If so, I'd die to have a book touched by you. Even a gum chewed by you (no, okay, let's skip the gum)! And I would choose Brideshead Revisited cause I haven't read it

    aliasgirl at libero dot it

  61. Hello and Thank You for this!
    I would like any and all of these books, because...incredibly, I know, I didn't read any yet 0_0
    Thanks again!


  62. id be okay with winning any of these books. Thanks for the giveaway!

  63. I am in no way, shape, or form ashamed of my book whorishness, so I will joyously beg and plead to be chosen to win the Dickinson poems, Brideshead Revisited (I know it's on all of the books-you-must-read-before-you-die lists and I'm not getting any younger), AND Crime and Punishment (because I've committed the crime of not having read it yet and must be punished by being sent a copy?!)

    Oh, and don't think I'm not down for the classic, 1984...I just have that bad boy already, so I'm trying to expand Mt. TBR by adding some new peaks:)

    If I am so lucky as to be chosen as a winner, I can be reached at

    Thanks for a lovely giveaway and an entertaining read of your lovely blog:) ~KT

  64. Id love to be entered for all of them
    im abook whore and i confess i havent read any of them andddd want to

  65. Hi Laura, I'd love to win either 1984 or Crime and Punishment. Thanks!

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  66. Thanks for this amazing giveaway! I would love to win a copy of 1984!

    susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com

  67. Thanks, Laura! 1984 is a book I need to read again.

    nerfreader at gmail dot com

    Enjoy the hop!

  68. 1984 is one of my favorites but I haven't read it in English yet. :)

  69. I'd love to read Crime and Punishment, or the Dickinson poems.

    Thanks for giveaway!

    icecreamavalanche at gmail dot com

  70. I would be very happy to win any of these. Thank you!


  71. I'd love to have your chewed gum aka the 1984 book. Heh. And Brideshead Revisited, too, please? :)


  72. I would absolutely love to get 1984 and Crime & Punishment. Thanks for the great giveaway.

    jlynettes @ hotmail . com

  73. I'd love a copy of 1984 and/or Brideshead Revisited...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom

    Did you know that turtles can breath thru their butts?? Or that it's illegal to look at a Moose while flying in a plane over Alaska?? True stories...hehe

  74. Brideshead Revisited, if you please.

    Not pleased? Oh well...I tried.


  75. I love books and am not ashamed of wanting them all. Also, I'm super nosey and I want to read what you wrote. lol I like your style of writing and am now following you.

    P.S. I love Stephen King as well. Did you see on cable they had a special day with just his movies showing. It was the first time in a long time that I sat in front of the boob tube.

    Favorite line ever: Give me the bat Wendy, I don't want to hurt you, I just want to bash your brains in! *ahem* Sorry.

  76. Please count me in for Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh and Emily Dickinson: Selected Poems:)

    Thanks for the giveaway!:)

    justjanhvi at gmail dot com

  77. I would love to get my hands on any of these. I haven't read any. Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway!

    mary_reiss @

  78. I'd love the Emily Dickinson book - I love her poems. And Brideshead Revisited sounds fascinating. Thank you for the chance - fingers crossed!
    junegirl26 at hotmail dot com

  79. I'd love to win either 1984 or Crime and Punishment.


  80. I would love to get my hands on Crime and Punishment! I haven't read it yet so it will be good

    thanks for the giveaway!

  81. I haven't read either of them yet. Therefore, I'd love to be entered for all of them. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway :)

  82. I would be happy to win any of them!


  83. I've read 1984 but I must admit I haven't read any of the others. Shame on me!!!!! With that being said I guess I'd like the rest of the books if I'm lucky.
