
Tuesday 29 November 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

Hosted by the fab The Broke and the Bookish, I'm going to adjust this week's top ten very slightly to the books that I want to read by the end of 2011 (so in, like, a month) rather than for the whole of winter. Because 1) there are many challenges to be finished before the end of the year (ok, like 3) and, after Christmas, there will be books that will clearly be overtaking others for the reading. So, without any ado at all, here are:

Top Ten Books on my TBR List for the end of 2011

1. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen- For the whole Austen in Advent thing, and also because, you know, I can't think of many things better than a cold day outside and a curling up with Jane with the heating on inside. 'Nuff said.

2. Lady Susan/ The Watsons/ Sandition by Jane Austen- Jane's lesser known/unfinished/early works I think kind of? Basically an alternative to reading another novel in December, and also a book that I've had for quite a long time and haven't read. Its ass is mine this winter.

3. A Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde- For the GLBT Reading challenge, for which I made my own challenge guidelines, that I still have to meet because I'm an insane person. A Woman of No Importance is a play and looks really short, and is therefore my friend.

4. A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams- Ditto.

5. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams- Could easily be for the GLBT Reading challenge, but is actually the last book I have to read for the Two Bibliomaniacs Books to Movies challenge. I can do it, go me, etc etc.

6. The Passion by Jeanette Winterson- This is undoubtedly the last book I'm going to read for the GLBT Challenge, because I've developed a kind of loathing for Winterson that is unjustified since it's based on hating one book. But still, I really did hate it... I shall read it though, just because I'm all pigheaded about finishing challenges (which is something I didn't really know about myself before this year, but there you go!)

7. Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself by Alan Alda- Not for a challenge, but I feel really sorry for this book because I got it from the library in September, and haven't read it. It's due back (again) next Monday, so that's my deadline for it, I've decided. And it will be read because, goddammit, I LOVE ALAN ALDA!

8. The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub- I'm not desperate to read this by the end of the year, actually, but it would be sort of nice to finish another Stephen King before the year's end, considering the last one I finished was during the readathon, and really, a month is too long!

9. The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak- Another library book that I haven't actually had for a quarter of the year, but I'm trying to do this thing where I read library books when I get them out. Wish me luck with that...

10. Broke Heart Blues by Joyce Carol Oates- Ditto The Book Thief. But also, I love me some Oates!

So, that's a kind of ambitious number of books to read in literally a month, BUT I only 'need' to read the first 6, which is more than do-able. So, yay. It's especially more doable because, this Saturday, I'm taking part in Amanda of Dead White Guys's (that can't be right...) Belated Readathon, which is meant to be for people who missed Dewey's Readathon, but, you know, I like to read many things, all in one day (it's safe to say I'm not staying up for 24 hours this time though...) But anyway, I'm hoping to get through the 3 plays, and maybe the Austen short novel-y things, and then I'll be practically done with this list! Sort of. A bit. But anyway, I'm excited for all the reading and stuff! Go sign up if you want to read allll Saturday, and we'll all have joyous fun!


  1. LOL @ "short = my friend" yeah, so true.

    The Book Thief is a fantastic book! It looks like you've got a good start to your winter reading.

  2. Winterson just does NOT sit well with me. I get that she could appeal to other people, but her style, it is too vague for me. I want lots of words and definitiveness, tyvm.

  3. Lady Susan is hilarious! Great list.

  4. Good luck! There is no way I could read ten books in one month, unless I took off work for two weeks or something. I'll certainly cheer for you though!

  5. I adjusted my list for this week too :-) Good luck getting through all the books on your list - but more importantly, I hope you enjoy them :-)

  6. @Trish- I've read like 2 parts of The Book Thief already, and I approve! Also, it's easy to read, which is good considering my long list and all.

    @Reading Rambo- I'm so over Winterson. Except for Oranges are not the Only Fruit, which is good. But it's like she's constantly trying to show off how clever she is, so that her novels are inscrutable to anyone but herself. Which I do not like.

    @Brenna- Unemployment=lots of reading time. Which gives me a bit of a :)/:( face, but most of the time it's :(. Except for this month, when I will clearly need every second to read, so :). hehe (ALSO- I just had this total revelation that your name is Brenna and not BreAnna, and I think I've been spelling it wrong for like a year. But I've got it now, honest! Sorry for my dyslexia that I don't actually have lol)

  7. I'm excited for the read-a-thon as well. I have not read any of the books on your list. I have barely read any Austen, actually, but it does sound lovely to curl up in a blanket and spend the winter doing so.
