
Saturday 3 December 2011

Belated Readathon (and Belated Posting For It!)

Update (1.15am)- That's it you guys, I'm calling this shizzle. My bath was miraculous, if a teensy bit hot, and my word count now stands at a respectable 370 pages ish? Which isn't bad considering I didn't really dedicate much of my day to reading. Like, at all (Buffy and TV took precedence today. Go figure). I'm more than halfway through Things I Overheard While Talking To Myself now (my verdict so far: Not as good as Never Have Your Dog Stuffed. But then, I don't massively love reading speeches, so that's pretty much as expected) and I've read Act One of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof (which I used to love more than A Streetcar Named Desire, but now I'm not so sure... Interesting). But anyway, I will be cheering y'all on in my sleep, and DON'T STAY UP PAST WHAT YOU'RE CAPABLE OF! I speak as a friend, and from experience (in Dewey's Readathon, the 4 hours of sleep I allowed myself were the greatest of my life. Consider that.)

And, whilst I know the readathon's over, for me at least, I still have reading aims for the weekend, namely to read the rest of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and Things I Overheard While Talking To Myself tomorrow. Which shouldn't be too hard, and then I can write MANY blog posts, which is good because I've kind of run out after having been way ahead for ages cause of the last Readathon. So, yay. Have fun for the rest of the night guys!

Update (10.30pm)- I have finished A Woman of No Importance! Go me! A whole 94 pages of reading done AND I super duper liked them! I think that puts me at (*does rough calculations in brain*) 250 pages of reading today. Which, actually, is better than I thought. I mean, it's like one proper book, right? I'm off to have a bath now, with Alan Alda to accompany me. But hopefully not actually, because hello, wrinkly! Keep plugging away at the reading everyone (hypocritical command, don't even tell me!)

Update (9pm/I hour and 45 minutes after my first post)- I technically shouldn't even be updating because reading? It is not going fabulously. I did, however, manage to buy some christmas presents online, make dinner (during which I read, ooh, 11 more pages of Alan Alda) and I read the first act of A Woman of No Importance. All is not lost! I can still make up some time on this!

I've finally turned the TV off anyway (Futurama=distracting), have the She & Him Christmas album playing in the background, and have consumed roughly my body weight in Quality Streets (hey, it's Christmastime y'all!) I'm prime for some juicy juicy reading. Maybe.

So, I was supposed to start the Belated Readathon (graciously hosted by Amanda of Dead White Guys, go see her, she's funny!) at 7am my time, at which I LAUGH because I haven't seen 7am for at least, ooh, 4 years? But anyway, I read a bit of Things I Overheard While Talking To Myself by Alan Alda first thing, and then sort of... well, I watched the last two episodes of Buffy (weepathon!), and then I had to watch the making of documentary thing, and then I had to go places, and now it's kind of now. Yeah.

But, fear not, whilst I was going places and a bit when I got back, I managed to finish A Streetcar Named Desire (which was a re-read. But still) and I approve of it wholeheartedly! And now I'm trying to choose between Alan Alda (and I'm determined to finish his book before Monday because I can't can't CAN'T renew it at the library again [well, I can. But I don't want to.]) and A Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde, which is tempting me because it's so SHORT and I like to achieve. So I don't know.

It's wholly possible that I'll update again before I go to bed. But I might not. Way to be vague, me!


  1. Since it's a belated readathon it makes sense that the post would be belated. That's just logic.

  2. I would like to pat Red on the back for that bit of logic.

  3. Agreed- I totally high-fived her in my brain :)

  4. Oh so that's what I felt. High-fives all around

  5. Ah, reading in the bath. I might just do that as well...

  6. Heheh. Of course it's one proper book. And three Buffy's = one proper book too. Er, almost, anyway. Have fun with the rest of your night!

  7. @LBC- you really should! =heavenly :)

    @Buried in Print- Buffy definitely counts as a book! Why didn't I think of this?!

  8. 370 is a super respectable page count. Especially if you spent a bunch of time watching TV.

  9. That's wayyy better than I did, man. HURRAY FOR READATHONS!

  10. Thanks you guys! Aww, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now :). Hurray for readathons indeed!
