
Saturday 17 December 2011

Christmas Swag!

So, you obviously all read Nylon Admiral already, right? If you don't you really should, because Kayleigh is awesome, and Australian, and she's one of the few book bloggers (that I've found anyway) who also reads Stephen King books, AND reviews films sometimes too. Basically she rocks.

AND the fact that I'm saying all this has almost nothing to do with the fact that she sent me the most exciting Christmassy prize EVER, other than that I probably wouldn't say it in a blog post because it would be a little bit mushy and fangirly. But, behold the presents!

Amazing right?! All I knew I was getting was Norwegian Wood, which was totally fab in itself because Alice is hosting a readalong of it in January, which = big fun, AND that I'll actually read it! Woo! Anyway, so I didn't know about the other stuff, and it was fully exciting, AND I actually adore Penguin classics stuff and I can't understand why everyone doesn't buy me it all the time! Also, CANDY CANE! And can we please just appreciate this bookmark for a minute:

I can't even tell you how much it excites me, but let's just say The Wizard of Oz is kind of the greatest thing ever and I'm totally impressed by this bookmark. That Kayleigh's a crafty one!

So this post was basically just a giant thank you, and also an imploring thing to make you go to Kayleigh's blog and tell her she's fab, just, you know in general. So off you go! Go on now! Shoo!


  1. I wish I could take credit for making the bookmark, but I got an amazing custom deal from a guy on Etsy!

    But anyway, I'm so glad you liked it, it was so much fun to put together!

  2. Ah! You clearly shouldn't have told me that though, cause I would so have believed you'd made it :). And I LOVED it- literally the best post I've ever gotten, I think!

  3. Haha That's all fantastic stuff. I sure hope Norwegian Wood doesn't suck, 'cause then I will be DISAPPOINTED come January.

  4. What a great gifts!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd OUt

  5. That bookmark is adorable. Love it! Nice loot

  6. @Reading Rambo- Norwegian Wood better not suck, or I will be sad. But Red said it was good, and I trust her, so we should be ok!

    @Book'd out and Red- I know right! I'm too lucky :)
