
Friday 9 December 2011

Devouring: Rainbow Cake

I don't have a Bucket List because 1) morbid, and 2) I'm really lazy. If I did have one though, pretty high up on it would have been making a Rainbow Cake, because there's literally nothing in the world that I've wanted to bake more, ever since Whisk Kid made one well, ages ago now. So, with my cousin's birthday on the horizon, and me being the premier baker in the family, I couldn't think of a better opportunity to try out a Rainbow Cake.
So this is what it looked like on the outside, and yes, it is the girliest cake ever, and yes, that is much hot pink edible glitter you're seeing, and yes, my cousin likes butterflies. I'd like to tell you that the rainbow candles were a clue to its rather more exciting innards, but that would be a lie- they were basically the only candles in my nan's house. After the grand ceremonial blowing out of the candles, I tried to get my cousin to cut the cake numerous times, stopping just short of yelling at her to 'CUT THE FUCKING CAKE', but I did eventually just have to cut it myself, to gasps of admiration and joy from all (most of all me, I suspect). Because, just LOOK!
Rainbow Cake! Glorious, glorious, rainbow cake! It's literally the greatest thing I've ever done, and I'm including getting a degree in the lists of things I've ever done. If I ever have children, they probably won't be as good as this cake. Do you want to see more of it? Of course you do! Here are some construction-y pictures:
To me, they look like giant versions of those round blocks of paint we used to have at school...
Just before it got pinkified...
And, actually, it took less work than you'd probably think- I just made a basic vanilla cake recipe, separated the batter into 6 bowls, and added gel food colouring (the liquid stuff just really isn't good enough). And then baked it and iced it, and, well... Made everyone have rainbow coloured stomachs, probably! Wanna see another slice?! OK!
Just, mmmm. Yes. Perfect. Well, not exactly perfect because if I did it again (which I probably will because, hello, exciting!) I'd add more icing between the layers because I was really sparing because I wasn't sure I'd have enough icing to cover it as well. Moral of that story- always make more icing than you think you'll need. But still. Best. Cake. Ever. (Made by me...)


  1. That is so cool! I have to try this for dd's bday next year. One question, how did you get the layers so flat and even? Did you trim them after baking?

  2. That looks like one of the most amazing. things. ever! I had no idea such a thing existed!!!! Know what I'm asking my bake-happy sis to make me for my birthday... AWESOME!

  3. love it! Rainbow cakes (or gradient colour cakes) are the best! I saw a pic of one online that was grey on the outside, so the colours popped even more. It was quite marvelous.

  4. @Shannon- I didn't have to trim them because they stayed pretty flat while baking because there wasn't too much mixture in each tin, so they rose pretty evenly (I think anyway!) but if they had risen unevenly then I would definitely have trimmed them

    @Sarah- I know right!! YAY RAINBOW CAKES!

    @Kayleigh- Grey on the outside is such a good idea! My original inspiration was jjust plain white on the outside, so the inside was like super exciting! I just wanted something that was still pretty on the outside, and then majorly exciting on the inside :)
