
Sunday 22 January 2012

The Winter Mini-Readathon's Here!

Update 3: 10pm
I finished Great House and then I finished Richard III because I am a reading MACHINE! Ahem, or because between them they constituted about 80 pages, and, well, who can't read that in like 2 hours?! So, I'm probably going to read for a little bit more, but I suspect this will be my last update because I'm not really going to be reading substantial amounts. I SHOULD be reading Skeleton Crew next really, because I'm in the middle of it, but I can't because it's late and Stephen King is scary. So I really don't know what's next. Fortunately, I rearranged my bookshelves all nicely yesterday (well, truth be told, I built new ones, but rearranged the books too!) So the books I want to read soonish are at the front. Which is good because it's sort of late and I'm a little sleepy. To all of you still reading (and still updating, I guess)- have the mostest fun! I'll try and check in with some of you and comment and things tomorrow at some point, and oh the larks we'll have remembering things!
So, final stats for now: 415 pages, and 3 books completed! (well, sort of. If I'm cheating. Which I am sort of.)

Update 2: 7.45pm
Finished my first, and hopefully not only book of the day- Heath: A Family's Tale, which turned out to be a lot more respectful than I expected, which is good! Just trying to decide whether to tackle the last 2 acts of Richard III now, or to finish off Great House... Since it's easier, I'll probably go with the latter! But we shall see. So now, my page count is 334 pages, and I've finished a book! Go me etc etc!

Update 1: 4.45pm
Just got back from my nan's house, where I got surprisingly more reading done than expected- I'm now 136 pages into Heath: A Family's Tale, which I am enjoying thus far but it is rather speeding through his movie career, and I fear there may be more emphasis on his death than I would maybe like. But we shall see. I did get plenty distracted by a certain little two year old though, not that I minded in the slightest!
So, about 4 and a half hours in, my page count is 156 pages, and I've finished 0 books... I guess I'd better get moving!

Finally! I can read all day and not feel at all bad about it! Or, more specifically, I can read for a bit, go round my nan's house where I won't do much reading because there's an adorable 2 year old to be entertained by, come home and read read read! And that's all after I've caught up on my blog reading, of course, cause I haven't turned my computer on for 2 days (2 DAYS!) and all my open tabs are reminding me why I shouldn't do that. But hey, it's all reading, right?!

My main goals for today are:

  • To finish Great House by Nicole Krauss because I've been reading it FOREVER and it has to go back to the library on Tuesday anyway.
  • Finish Richard III because I want to.
  • Read this Heath Ledger biography I've had for a long time, because today is the fourth anniversary of his death, and, well, SOB.
Anything I read other than that will be a bonus, and will probably involve starting another Shakespeare play because I am cool and determined to give myself a headache, apparently. I'll be updating this post throughout the day, so if you want to keep up with my progress then please do! And if not, then, well, just go about your normal Sunday activities I guess!


  1. I've been wanting to read Karuss's novels as well. Can't wait to read your review.

    Can't believe it's been so long since Ledger's death. Time flies. Seriously.

    1. It so does. Man. I really like Krauss, and I'd definitely recommend both of her novels!

      Ps I haven't forgotten about the recipe, I just haven't got round to sending it yet! I will definitely do it this week though!

  2. Good luck with your reading! Enjoy that biography. :)

  3. Woot to Richard II!!! I am eyeing that one as well. It's sitting on my bed being all phsychopathic and stuff. It's not in my original reading plan for today, but I read the opening soliloquy and do "want" to read it. Enjoy!

    1. That should say Richard III not II. :)

    2. Hehe, I'm sure Richard II is good too! Is there even a Richard II..? ANYWAY, I have just finished it and I highly recommend it! I'm so excited Allie's extended the Shakespeare readingness too, cause I think I can get two more plays in before the end, and maybe another movie too- yay!

  4. Wow you are a reading machine!! Go you. Hopefully my challenge will be a fun way for you to spend part of tomorrow!!

  5. Finished 3 books??? NICE. You are on fire!

    1. It's impressive, sure, except that I had like 30 pages of Richard III and like 80 pages of Great House to read... but yeah, I'll take everyone's impressed-ness!

  6. Aw, look, a readathon happened. Instead of this yesterday, I saw Beauty and the Beast and took a nap.

    415 pages is damned respectable, madam.

    1. *Bows* Thanks! Beauty and the Beast and napping sounds like a wholly respectable way to spend a Sunday too though!

      "Lefou I'm afraid I've been thinking...
      A dangerous pasttime
      I know!" LOVE. IT.

  7. Four years since Heath Ledger died? You're KIDDING. Good Lord, it feels like it was only last year.

    Who doesn't love rearranging books? I'm horribly tempted to rearrange mine by colour, only I know I'll loathe it as some kind of disgusting sacrilege and move them all straight back.

    Well done on speeding through those plays! I keep meaning to read Richard III, but you know how it is... so many books, so little time.
