
Monday 13 February 2012

Devouring Films: Amelie

Some Reasons Why You Should Probably Definitely Watch Amelie
1. Subtitles!- Films with subtitles, for people who like to read, are awesome, because you get to read words as well as watching a film, and in my eyes that's like getting two things for the price of one. Bargain! Additionally, the actual speaking is in French, which as we all know is the most beautiful of languages. It's so seductive that the other day, my Dad genuinely found himself attracted to this French chef on the TV, even though he was not at all attractive and my Dad's relatively straight. Powerful stuff!

2. It's set in Paris!- I don't know if you know this, but Paris is the BEST for pretty buildings, and Notre Dame, Sacre Couer, and many, many train and Metro stations show up in Amelie. It also gets extra points for not constantly showing the Eiffel Tower the way an American film set in Paris would do (you know, like when the hero/heroine goes into their lodgings and their window always ALWAYS has a view of the Eiffel Tower? PARIS ISN'T ACTUALLY LAID OUT THAT WAY. Ahem.)

3. Amelie is so lovely!- Like, she's really shy and sweet, but she also wants to do lovely things for people and bring great joy to their lives, only in a secretive and shy way. In doing this, the events that happen to these people can happen without them thinking of them as something they have to offer thanks for, but almost as if by magic, which makes them all the more special. She truly enjoys doing them without getting any kind of reward, although its questionable whether this means that she is unable to take any rewards for herself ever is a subject for another day.

4. Nino Quincampoix!- Seriously, SUCH a cute love interest for Amelie! Just look at him, I want to smoosh his face!
5. The whole rest of the cast of characters!- There are clear lines drawn between the characters you're meant to dislike and the ones you're supposed to love, but in terms of being wonderfully drawn characters, every single one is up to scratch. The whole crew at Les (des?) Deux Moulins, the ever-so-sad lady who lives downstairs, the cruel grocer who gets his come-uppance, Collignon; and of course the ever-so-sweet Lucien and the crabby but loveable M. Dufayel. Basically, everyone's wonderful, even those who aren't.

6. The character descriptions!- In most cases, when a new character is introduced, we're given a few facts about them. Instead of being really ordinary (read: boring) though, these descriptions are things like: 'She hates the phrase 'fruits of thy womb'' or 'he likes overhearing children's stories' (that one's actually about a cat, so that should give you some idea of how awesome this film is). It's just a small thing, but it's a really nice touch, and one that tells you from pretty much the beginning that this film is not going to be your ordinary fare.

7. This- "Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterdays."

8. And also, this- "Amelie has a strange feeling of absolute harmony. It's a perfect moment. A soft light, a scent in the air, the quiet murmur of the city. A surge of love, an urge to help mankind overcomes her."

9. And, finally- I love it so much that I can't even write a proper review of it, because I don't want to overstate it, and nor do I want to lose the magic of it that I can't describe with words. But just know that, to me, it's perfect.


  1. It also gets extra points for not constantly showing the Eiffel Tower the way an American film set in Paris would do (you know, like when the hero/heroine goes into their lodgings and their window always ALWAYS has a view of the Eiffel Tower?)

    Haha, that made me giggle. It's SO true though!

    I love this film too. It's not my usual type of thing because I'm not really a film-watching person, so anything remotely indie is usually out the window. Still, Amelie is absolutely beautiful and I could easily watch it again and again.

    1. Oh maaaan, I love films, and I love indie films best of all! Amelie is incredible though, I'm glad you agree :)


    And yes, this film is fantastic.

  3. I love this movie and also all of the other movies directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

  4. I need to watch this again. It's the most adorable movie

  5. Amelie is one of my all-time favorite films. It's quirky but beautiful. Good choice of review! Have you seen Delicatessen--also directed by Jeunet? It's also quirky, but darker.

    1. I haven't because I don't really watch that many foreign films (for shame!) but I definitely should, and may check out Delicatessen, especially if it's as adorable as Amelie! I also agree that it's beautiful- like, even when it doesn't have to be, every scene is just gorgeous to look at!

  6. I love this film with a gushy, gooey, kissy, huggy kind of love. Love it. I saw it years ago and quickly added it to my home library of DVDs. I watch it every chance I get and even better if I just so happen to find it on TV. :)

    1. Right! I just want to squish it and cuddle it and hold it close to me at night! Hehe. I watched it on tv once though, and the subtitles were ever so slightly different, but I knew they were and it bugged me!

  7. This is such a great movie! I love the scene when Amelie escorts the blind man through the city telling him what she sees along the way. It's so precious!

    1. I LOVE THAT SCENE! Damn, it should have been my number 10 point hehe! It is so wonderful though (as is it all!)

  8. This film is so quirky weird fantastic. Whenever it's on, I can't help but watch it.

    1. Riiiight! It's almost never on tv here though, so I just watch my DVD of it and smile the whole way through :)

  9. You did a post about Amelie on my birthday! YAY!

    1. I did! And I noticed the beautiful symmetry, even though it wasn't really directly for you. YAY :)
