
Saturday 18 February 2012

Literary Giveaway Blog Hop!

So, it's been a while since I've given anything away (that's a complete lie, it's been about a month, but anyway) and hey, I have some spare books! So it's time to get generous! I'm going to be giving away 2 books this time, so listen closely, decide which one/s you'd like, and I'll tell you how to enter at the end of the post!

So, firstly I'm giving away Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I mean, I know everyone probably owns it and has read it like a million times already (wait, is that just me?) but just in case I'm giving away my old copy which, as an added bonus, has some very scholarly highlighting and possibly some very light notes in it from when I had to study it, but never actually read it, at University. So, as long as you don't mind some light noteage, then this could be the book to go for!

The other book I'm going to give away is How To Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran which you know you want to read! My review of it is right here, so please please check it out if you're going 'who the fuck is Caitlin Moran?' because this book is awesome and you deserve to read it. That's right, YOU do. Even if you're a man.

So, these are the things up for grabs. And how do you get your pretty little mitts on them, I hear you cry? Well, it's simple. Basically, leave me a comment and tell me which one/s you want, include an email address that you can be reached on, and two lucky people will get these books sent to them, post haste! You don't have to be a follower because I don't necessarily like blackmailing people so they can get a book, but if you'd like to follow me then I would be ECSTATIC, and my self esteem would skyrocket, so... that may be something to think about.

Oh yeah, and if you're amusing in your comment that would help me an awful lot, because last time I got like 80 comments, and sifting through them all in the end became slightly... repetitive. SO, exclamation points and jokes people, that's where it's at! The giveaway will end on Wednesday 22nd, at, let's say, 12 noon, GMT? So good luck and godspeed, and pray the lovely straw hats (scroll down) are lucky for you!

And hey, why not keep on hopping? All these lovely people are participating, so have a go and maybe you'll win one of their books!

  1. Leeswammes
  2. Curiosity Killed The Bookworm
  3. Lit Endeavors (US)
  4. The Book Whisperer
  5. Rikki's Teleidoscope
  6. 2606 Books and Counting
  7. The Parrish Lantern
  8. Sam Still Reading
  9. Bookworm with a view
  10. Breieninpeking (Dutch readers)
  11. Seaside Book Nook
  12. Elle Lit (US)
  13. Nishita's Rants and Raves
  14. Tell Me A Story
  15. Living, Learning, and Loving Life (US)
  16. Book'd Out
  17. Uniflame Creates
  18. Tiny Library (UK)
  19. An Armchair by the Sea (UK)
  20. bibliosue
  21. Lena Sledge's Blog (US)
  22. Roof Beam Reader
  23. Misprinted Pages
  24. Mevrouw Kinderboek (Dutch readers)
  25. Under My Apple Tree (US)
  26. Indie Reader Houston
  27. Book Clutter
  28. I Am A Reader, Not A Writer (US)
  29. Lizzy's Literary Life
  30. Sweeping Me

  1. Caribousmom (US)
  2. Minding Spot (US)
  3. Curled Up With a Good Book and a Cup of Tea
  4. The Book Diva's Reads
  5. The Blue Bookcase
  6. Thinking About Loud!
  7. write meg! (US)
  8. Devouring Texts
  9. Thirty Creative Studio (US)
  10. The Book Stop
  11. Dolce Bellezza (US)
  12. Simple Clockwork
  13. Chocolate and Croissants
  14. The Scarlet Letter (US)
  15. Reflections from the Hinterland (N. America)
  16. De Boekblogger (Europe, Dutch readers)
  17. Readerbuzz (US)
  18. Must Read Faster (N. America)
  19. Burgandy Ice @ Colorimetry
  20. carolinareti
  21. MaeGal
  22. Ephemeral Digest
  23. Scattered Figments (UK)
  24. Bibliophile By the Sea
  25. The Blog of Litwits (US)
  26. Kate Austin
  27. Alice Anderson (US)
  28. Always Cooking up Something


  1. *hears "Good Night, and Good Luck" in a very Edward R. Murrow voice*

    I'd like to enter for How to be a Woman please. I can't do clever- once the clock hits midnight, the brain goes from clever to goofy.

    booklove at sawcatsverse dot com

  2. I would love "How to be a Woman"!

    Thank you for the chance!

  3. I'd love How To Be a Woman too - have read and loved Jane Eyre.
    Have a great hop!

  4. Looks like all of us so far agree on How To Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran. Me, too.
    emerging DOT paradigm AT yahoo DOT com

  5. I'd love How to be a Woman as I am going who the fuck is Caitlin Moran and yes I should find out. Who am I too argue? Also I now follow you on twitter and added you to my RSS feed as you seem cool and use the word fuck that alone suggests you're not the kinda person who would get offended right off on one of my blog posts. I tend to be a touch TMI ha! as if that's a bad thing.

  6. How to be a woman.
    Why? well, it looks I might need some help in the department. I wake up and work at home, so pj's all day. I feel like a granny!

    aliasgirl at libero dot it

  7. I would love to read How to be A Woman.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    lincalc at gmail dot com

  8. Haha I'm gonna hop on the I-want-How To Be A Woman train, like basically everyone else. I really liked your review and the cover looks awesome. :D


  9. Hello! I've already read Jane Eyre many times over the years (I still freak out a little bit when I read the parts with Grace Poole staggering drunkenly through the corridors while maniacal laughter echoes around Thornfield, eeek!).

    Soooo, I'd love to win HOW TO BE A WOMAN... I adore Caitlin Moran's columns in The Times - she's actually been known to make me cry with laughter on occasion, and cry with heartbreak at least once - so an entire book would be brilliant!

    Cheers m'dears!

    Ellie @ Musings of a Bookshop Girl
    emp501 (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk

  10. Awesome giveaway! I've had plenty of Charlotte Bronte books on my shelves UNREAD for some time. I know I have to get into them soon.

    I'd really love to win Caintlin Moran's book ... the cover is gorgeous!


  11. I scrolled and clicked around your blog and found not one sparkly/angsty book cover. You used "fuck" in the first post I read. And, I don't hear any Taylor Swift music playing in the background.

    Soooo, I went over and followed right away! I would love to read How to Be A Woman.
    dogwoodlane (at) suddenlink (dot) net

  12. Nothing But The Truth - Brian Patten

    POLICING ONESELF is difficult
    The evidence that has been mounting up:
    White-washed all of it.

    stick me down for the Caitlin Moran please.

  13. Given your review, how I could I not put my name in for How to Be a Woman?

    ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

  14. Hi Laura,
    Awesome giveaway! If you are considering mailing to the States, I'd love to be put down to win a copy of Jane Eyre.

    I have other Bronte's on my shelf, but not Jane Eyre. I've read it a few times but I'm still unsure how I feel about Mr. Rochester. Le sigh.

    You already have my email but it's jenniferlladd(at)gmail(dot)com.

    1. My first choice would be How To Be A Woman, although after half a century of being a woman I think I have it figured out. Jane Eyre would be great too.

      allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  15. I'd definitely choose "How to be a Woman" it sounds wonderful.


  16. Thank you so much for this giveaway!
    I'd totally choose Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte because (believe it or not) I don't own a copy yet - even though I'm studying English. Shame on me! But as an excuse, I just passed my first semester, so there's a lot of literary canon works I need to catch up with. And - believe it or not - Jane Eyre is on my reading list for next term, so if I'd win that book this would really save some money for me. How awesome would that be? Totally awesome, honestly!

    Hope you're having a great weekend - and my comment wasn't too boring ;)

    Miriam -

  17. "You don't have to be a follower because I don't necessarily like blackmailing people so they can get a book." Ha! That gave me a good laugh out loud. I hate that too and it kind of makes me not want to read their blog at all even if it's interesting just out of spite. Does that make a bad person? Probably.

    I'd love "How to be a Woman." I read your review on it back when you originally posted it and downloaded the sample to my kindle. I haven't managed to even read the sample. Ugh. I'm lazy. Maybe if I had the book I'd actually get around to reading it.

    klmickelsen at gmail dot com

  18. How could I pass up a chance to the BEST. THING. EVER?

    Sorry if my comment isn't too witty - I make up for it in looks (and since you can't see me, we'll let that stand).

    debbie at exurbanis (dot) com

  19. oops - so you CAN see me. Sorry, still not funny....

  20. Oh man I would LOVE that How To Be a Woman book. Your review made me super want to read it. So will flattery help me get the book? Cos you know, I want to read the book cos your awesomeness convinced me?

    (Can you also explain why to write the email address this way? I'm totally just following the crowd but I don't really know why. Jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge cos everyone else is and whatnot.)

  21. I seem to be in the majority here... I'd love to win How to Be a Woman. :)

    jennirv4967 at gmail dot com

  22. I'd love win How To Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran, too.
    I can't think of anything funny, just that I loved your review!
    And that's not a joke. :)

    Thank you for the giveaway!
    cayce006 at yahoo dot com

  23. I'd take either - I'm a reading addict and don't own either (I know - how do I not own Charlotte Bronte)...shame, shame.

    Anyway - if I were to try and be funny, it would fall ridiculously flat. Though I do find myself quite humorous as well as quite neurotic (that's why I escape into fictional worlds so often)!!

    I do like to use !!!!!!s though so we're good there and I can appreciate any blog that uses "fuck" right off the bat so I've promptly added you to my google reader!

    1. and maybe you needed an email address (usually helpful when contacting someone I guess) so here it is:
      mdworley1 (at) gmail (dot) com

  24. Ignore Red! Give me How to Be a Woman! (she said very nicely indeed) know where to find me.

  25. OK, listen...the health of my marriage and all my chances at future happiness UTTERLY DEPEND on whether I can somehow learn how to be a woman. If this book called "How to Be a Woman" can help me with that, well, then I desperately need it.

    I rest my case.

  26. I would love to win a copy of How to be a Woman. I had never heard of it, but your review makes me want to read it so bad!! Thanks for the giveaway!


  27. I would love to have How to be a Woman.

    and for your amusement - my to-do list for today
    1. Eat chocolate
    2. Shop at big box store, grocery store, and bread store (husband thankfully volunteered to go to specialty grocery store.
    3. Blog hop
    4. Do not murder the 22 year old child living in my house
    5. More chocolate

    And a question - did you see the movie The Diving Bell and The Butterfly. It was fantastic.

  28. How to be a woman would be my choice.

  29. I would love Jane Eyre! Thank you!
    emilymeimei204 at yahoo dot com

  30. I would love to get Jane Eyre.
    Thanks for the chance!


  31. I'm a new follower! I've never been a fan of Jane Eyre so I'd like the Caitlin Moran book. Sounds interesting! I can always use help in the "how to be a woman" department...

  32. I'd love to read How to be a Woman!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com
    GFC: BookAttict

  33. I'll come out and admit that I haven't read either of these books so would be more than happy to win either one.
    I've recently become very conscious of how few female authors I read and indeed have read. In fact, apart from the Harry Potter series, I can only think of four books I've read in the last ten years that were written by women.
    Anyway, I think we can both agree that I need to turn the tide and, with your help I can make a start. Just think, you could make a Brontë fan of me...


  34. I'd adore the copy of How to Be a Woman because it sounds amazeballs!


  35. I'd be happy with either, but How To Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran is one that I have never seen before.

    Thank you

  36. Thanks for your giveaway. I haven't heard of How To Be A Woman, but think I should read it also:)


  37. i would love to have How to be a woman
    thanks for making this international!!

  38. How to Be a Woman sounds great, and I love your enthusiasm of it! :D

    wita [dot] blog [at] gmail [dot] com

  39. I think I need to read 'How To Be a Woman' thanks for the heads up.

    margueritecore [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com

  40. I think I would find the How to be a Woman book kind of handy! Thank you for offering a choice.


  41. I'd appreciate a chance to read How To Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran!

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I WANT How To Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran, but considering I don't have a copy of Jane Eyre on my both? (Ok, I'd really prefer How to Be a Woman, but having one book is better than having no books...I am so greedy, I know.)

    and since I pity you, shifting through a host of boring comments I will tell you a joke (and not those lame, corny jokes that nobody gets) in a poor attempt to earn brownie points!

    Q: What bounces and will make children cry?

    A: cheater, you probably just read this because you were too lazy to think. tsk tsk.

    A(The real thing this time): My check to the Make A Wish children's charity.

    Please tell me you laughed. It would boost my ego and feed the delusion that I am actually hilarious.
    Since I followed you on GFC and skyrocketed your self esteem, you should do the same for me. It's only polite. *hint hint* Though honestly, I don't even care about my GFC, its been the victim of giveaway blackmailing so often that I don't even read anything from GFC (don't tell all the other blogs!). I reckon goodreads is a better way to follow (if you even have an account?) since I actually read that thing...unless until blogs use it to bribe me as well. =)

    lilianxcheng AT gmail DOT com

    I had to delete my previous comment since I was too excited and forgot to include my email.

  44. Greetings from Canada, eh.
    As I just adore the classic
    Jane Eyre and staring at it
    right now, it is a BRIGHT RED
    Leather book.I read it every
    two years or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    since I was a teen.
    I almost screamed in a staid,old,
    quiet book shop when I found the
    amazing book "The Secret Diaries,
    of Charlotte Bronte." by Syrie James.
    Now, may be I can get inside my favorite
    writer's mind, about her life. Oh, what joy,
    to find the truth about her life. The book
    is very well researched and would highly
    recommend to all Bronte lovers out in Literary
    Land.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, me thinks I should
    read them again!!!!!!
    So would love to read I WANT How To Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran
    Enjoyed your review and the book seems thoughtful and maybe
    I cna find some new insight in being a women.

    Gosh, I am having so much fun - hopefully a Canuck can have a chance to snag
    a copy of this book. eh.Is that enough exclamation points for yah.!!!!!!!!!! follow by gfc as dayleb with the (pic. of my doggie "Mac)"
    will subscribe to your newsletter too as
    dayleb at telus dot net

  45. I think it would do the world a great justice if we simply introduced ourselves by our blog names. You like to "devour texts." Nice to meet you. I'm a "Bibliotaphe's Closet," which means I love to hoard my books for safekeeping in the tiny closet I have at home.

    As for your question, which book would I prefer? Mmmm...that's tough one, Jane Eyre with your eloquent scribbles or "How to Be a Woman?" I am a woman after all, so this type of information would be highly useful to me. I'll have to go with "How to Be a Woman." Nothing wrong with Jane. I love her, but I already have her on my shelf! (With my own notes!)

    I'm an avid reader, book reviewer, and book blogger, too. Come by and visit my page. I'll make you an e-coffee. I'm the same as you. I don't believe in bribes. I believe in full-out demands!!! No, no. I'm only like that with my husband...hehehe.

    But, do come by. I don't care that much about traffic as I do about sharing with other book-minded people the love of the printed page. I'm in my closet, by the way, if you're looking for me:

    Zara D. Garcia-Alvarez
    Email: zgarcia(dot)alvarez(at)gmail(dot)com
    On Twitter: @ZaraAlexis

  46. I would love a copy of 'How To Be A Woman' by Caitlin Moran because, well, I am not certain I am doing it right. I mean, I barely know how to dress myself and my husband recognizes colors like "buff" and "sea foam" when I only see brown and green.

    kye909_909 at yahoo dot com

    From one bibliophile to another: thank you!

  47. I would love How to be a woman by Caitlin Moran. As it sounds great. Love the blog too.

  48. I'm probably not the only one, but I already own a copy of Jane Eyre (a much loved copy, might I add) so I'd love How to Be a Woman. :) Exclamation point. Funny comment. And so on and so forth. (I don't think I've ever written that phrase before! ha.) Thank you.
    oneagainst at hotmail dot com

  49. I would love to be entered into your giveaway to win a copy oh How to be A Woman by Caitlin Moran which sounds fantastic!

    I appreciate not being blackmailed and for that reason and many others I am a new follower!


  50. i have none of these books so i would be happy to win either of them ^^. I hope you have a great Mardi Gras ^^;; ( no i'm not in New Orleans but in Belgium and Mardi gras is the Carnaval of Binche ( the carnaval in my city will be next month at my birthday ^^;;))

    thanks you a lot for the international giveaway

    all the best


  51. ilove the book title and then i hope you have mardi gras have fun and get t he beads

    desi the blonde at msn dot com

  52. I don't have jokes, but I do really really want to get my hands on a copy of How to be a WOMAN. PLEASE!!!!!

    hawthornescarlet at gmail dot com

  53. Hm, I don't know who the fuck Caitlin Moran is, but she looks like a bad ass broad and I'd love to hear what she has to say! My email:

  54. Like to win "How To Be a Woman" well maybe there is still hope for me.
    Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway.
    cindymacbeth at gmail dot com

  55. Thanks. I'd like How To Be A Woman.


  56. I would love the chance to read how to be a woman
    helldog3 at

  57. Thanks for the giveaway! I haven't read either one.

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
