
Tuesday 21 February 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Hey guys, we all made it through Monday and well look! I've written a nice list to keep you all entertained! This is actually going to be my last Top Ten Tuesday for a few weeks because *whispers* I'm not all that keen on/bothered by the topics for the next few Tuesdays, but I'll be back to tell you all about the books I'll be most looking forward to for spring, so there's that! For this week though, I've gone with the books I'd take if my house was on fire, just because it's was the original list title and I'd already thought it through waaay too much to think about the books I'd need if I was abducted by aliens! So, here are:

Top Ten Books I'd Save If My House Was On Fire

1. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
2. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
3. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte- So far, these are the only three Penguin Clothbound books I've got. They're not strictly irreplaceable, but they are beautiful (and quite expensive) so I'd definitely be saving them

4. The BUST DIY Guide to Life- Because, well, after I'd lost everything, I'd need some guidelines on how to rebuild my life. Plus I could make skirts and things from it and save me some money!

5. How To Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran- As an instruction manual, as well as something to make me laugh after all the horribleness

6. Maus by Art Speigelman- To remind me that, no matter how bad things seemed, they really could be much much worse

7. MoMA Highlights- Just because, I got this book when I went to New York, and I suspect they have a totally different edition of it now and whatnot, so it's basically irreplaceable.

8. The Freud Reader- I also got this from New York, and I'd like to save all my American books (cause it's harder to get them, you know?!) so, yeah. Also because it could be a useful tool to stop me from going mental.

9. Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk- Is it not Tyler Durden who says 'It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything'?  I feel like this would be very useful advice for someone who's just lost everything, although maybe not so much if it spurs them on to start a terrorist organisation. Hmmm...

10. The Rough Guide to the USA- In the spirit of being free to do anything, what better than starting a new life in the USA, for which I would obviously need this book (which I love by the way... Ah, America). If I couldn't find it, The Rough Guide To Sweden would also be acceptable, because hey, Sweden is pretty awesome.

Obviously, family members and my macbook would take priority over any books, but that goes without saying really, doesn't it? I still think these ten books would set me in good stead for being able to move on with my life, and out of tragedy create opportunities. Like horrible capitalist governments.

On a slightly less depressing note, it's the best Tuesday of the year, and my favourite religious holiday today- Pancake day! (also known as Shrove Tuesday, I guess, but the pancake part is really the important bit!) In recognition of this glorious day, I've already had these, American style pancakes for breakfast, and I'll be having the more English-style ones (or, I guess, like crepes? Only thicker?) for after-dinner pudding. It's very very exciting! Will you be indulging in the pancake frenzy of today, and what's your topping of choice? I'm all about the nutella, personally, and if not that, then it's golden syrup. Mmmmmm...


  1. Irreplaceable - or hard to replace - became the theme of my Top Ten today.

    I've never heard of pancake day. Yesterday Jason made us all blueberry pancakes for breakfast, since he was off work and the boys were off school for President's Day. They were yummy. I rarely eat pancakes because they don't fill me up so much, but still, mmm...

    1. Yeah, I kind of thought it wasn't a thing in America, to which I say WHY NOT?! It's like the best day! I mean, it's just how us English people do Shrove Tuesday (like in New Orleans they do Mardi Gras) and I'm not entirely sure of its religious basis, but still. Pancakes! I know what you mean about them not being filling though- I had like 2 for breakfast and I was hungry again about an hour later... *sigh*

  2. MAAAAAAUUUUUS, you are so good.

    Fight Club?? Wuthering Heights?? FREUD?? We have OPPOSITE opinions, madam, but I still like you. ;)

    We do Mardi Gras obvs, but...pancake day I only heard of yesterday when co-worker Doug mentioned it. Personally, I'm getting creampuffs after work.

    1. YOU DON'T LIKE FIGHT CLUB?! I mean, I don't like the fact that there's like one lady character, but still... SOAP MADE OUT OF RICH LADIES FAT. Come on! Also, I am not fully down with Freud, but I still think I need to read some of his shiz so I can fully tell if he's really really sexist or not...

      Creampuffs are not a thing that we have, but they sound yum-filled. Pancake day is awesome though, especially since we're not a country that really has pancakes ever (which I think is a biiiig mistake, personally!)

  3. This is the 1st time I'm hearing of Pancake Day - and I tried to tell my boss that I needed the day off to properly celebrate, but she wasn't having it! Lol - I loved reading your reasons for choosing the books too.

    1. You so need pancake day off! National Holiday alert! Hehe

  4. Ah, man, I had complete intentions of coming home tonight and doing some (American-style) pancakes (because we are Americans) but partner dear was having a meltdown with his credit card customer representative and I was having a panic about some research and in our combined tizzies, I completely forgot. And pancakes for dinner would have been so nice. This is the fourth Pancake Day I've had in this country and I still haven't had any of the lemony English ones. For shame.

    On topics, I adore that you'd take your MoMA guide with you. I think I'd sadly be shoving all my various academic books out the windows and there's nothing really of interest there except to geeks like me.

    1. I don't even like the lemony ones, but you should really have some! I learned for the first time today how my mum makes them, and they really shouldn't taste as good as they should from what she does! (I mean, she doesn't do anything gross or weird! It's just really basic) I still prefer the American ones though :)

    2. We peeked at our supply of maple syrup after I mentioned this to Partner Dear and discovered that it'd gone fuzzy on top. That stuff is like liquid gold. And pancakes would have been so lovely tonight. I've even got smoked streaky bacon. **sigh**

  5. Pancake Day is the best! I like them all sorts of ways - spinach and ricotta, mushrooms and cheese, bananas and honey, strawberries and maple syrup. Tonight I had lime juice and sugar. It was mucho tasty.

    1. YUM! To basically all of them! There's this place in Covent Garden called Creme de la Crepe that I think you need to go to- they have alllll sorts of different things in pancakes, and they're delish! My favourite is cheese, chicken and BBQ sauce mmmm (It has some special name but I can't remember it now. But still, it's awesome!)

  6. After I wrote my list, I realized that I have some exhibition and travel books that I would really like to keep. I have a London guidebook that is probably totally outdated, but it reminds me of my first visit, so I can't give it away.

  7. Great post! Your list is really interesting to see! Oh, and pancakes are delicious :D
