
Thursday 8 March 2012

Literary Blog Hop, March 8-11

Literary Blog Hop
The Literary Blog Hop! She is back. I am happy. And this month, there are three questions to answer. THREE! So let's get to it.

How do you find the time to read, what's your reading style and where do you think reading literature should rank in society's priorities?

As an unemployed person I have almost unlimited time to read (this is, I have to say, about the only positive thing about unemployment) so finding the time lately hasn't been an issue. Except that, well, because of all the housewifely/nursing duties I've been doing at the moment, actually finding the motivation to read has been more of an issue than actually having the time. But, when I do feel like reading, I really go for it- and most days I read in bed in the morning (not at night because I still share a bedroom with my sister and she goes to bed stupidly early) and in the bath (my absolute favourite place to read) if at no other times.

My reading style? I, well, I don't write in the books, but if I see things I particularly like, I write them down in a separate notebook, which isn't something I generally used to do before I started blogging (although I did do it for Uni books, of course) but which I like to do because I like to collect lovely words. Other than that, I don't know- I guess I partially read from a feministic viewpoint because hey, I am one, but not in an overly conscious way, and the angry feminist only comes out when there aren't any interesting women in the book I'm reading, which doesn't really happen very often. So, yeah. I read the words and think about them and stuff.

Society. They should read more books! And I don't necessarily think that governments should like enforce some kind of compulsory reading thing on people (because I'm not MENTAL) but I resent funding being cut for something like a library, when no money's being cut from, say defence. Because like, if everyone in the world read certain books, then maybe we wouldn't even have any wars because people literally wouldn't be able to kill another beautiful and unique and wonderful human being (I realise I'm being overly simplistic and naive here. But really, I'd like to teach the world to sing and so on! And read!) So, yeah. Libraries should stay open, and people should probably take the time out of their busy tv watching schedules to have a bit of a read every now and again. That would be pretty good.


  1. It's awesome that you have so much free time to read :-) But I know what you mean about having other stuff to do... I had FOUR days off of this week, and I read a whole 30 pages or so cause ya know, I'm busy and stuff. And have tv shows to catch up on...

    I also agree that it's crappy when funding for libraries is cut. They're libraries! Wanting to defund them is like wanting to drown puppies. It's just evil.

    1. It is awesome, but then also, I like having money to buy stuff so it's not ideal! But yeah- reading is haaaard and other things are easy hehe (ok, it's not that hard. But it requires effort of some kind). It is evil, EVIL! Libraries are the best thing ever. Especially because of how I'm all poor!


    They closed all the branch libraries (i.e. all the ones but the one I go to) on Sundays and Mondays, and people were so furious about it that the mayor reopened them Monday afternoons. Yes, Chicago has a HUGE budget problem, but don't take it all out on the library because it seems "superfluous." Because it isn't.

    I'd love to write in books, but I still have a mental block about it. Sigh.

    Do you ever find that having a bunch of free time makes you want to read less? I remember that being the case during my summer breaks. I'd start out being excited and then because I had SO much time, I'd do nothing.

    1. I love that people were furious about the libraries being closed! There's this whole thing here where they're taking away funding for libraries and people are just supposed to volunteer, in jobs that people used to get paid for. Which pisses me off, because librarians are important, AND they already get paid shit and they do it anyway. *starts angrily muttering about tories and whatnot*

      I just can't write in books! I think it's kind of not that useful anyway, because it's hard to find the bit where you wrote the thing, although I guess when you're not writing it for a lesson of some kind, it doesn't matter that much... I dunno.

      Also, I totally did the whole summer holiday thing! Like, by the end you're dying to get back to school, just to have some structure back in your life! That's kind of what being unemployed is like... And as for the reading... I don't think it's that I have too much time, but the fact that I *can* read whenever I want to makes it somewhat less exciting than say if I had to go to work and was reading a fab book and then I could go home to it... You know what I mean? I'm not sure I do anymore, and if you've made it through this whole comment then, you know, well done!

  3. "So, yeah. I read the words and think about them and stuff." Yup agreed!
    I never read something going "And now I will read this book through THIS lens!!" At least not since graduating from school.

    1. I've never read books through any lens even when I was supposed to lol! But I think our own general brain viewpoints are good enough ones, you know? :)

  4. Nicely put. I also love to read in the bath. I'll often take unnecessary baths just to have a nice place to read. It's by far the most comfortable place for me.

  5. I live in a city of ten million. We have some of the biggest fanciest malls in the world but we have no public libraries. It really bothers me when I read of libraries in the USA or UK being closed for budget cuts while millions are spent to build stadiums where people are paid millions to play games. Your point about military expenses versus libraries is very well taken.

  6. I agree. Funny enough, in my community I see lots of families come into my local branch and the library system has opened and is opening several new branches to replace older branches or just adding where the need is so clearly felt. I suppose depending on where you live depends on what the local governments want to do about libraries and some clearly have the foresight to realize that libraries are important parts of the community and play a vital role.

    As for where I like to read, I prefer my bed because there is no TV or computer to distract me from reading (if you don't count my Kobo Vox, which sort of acts like a computer).

  7. I like your writing style. It's full of personality. Definitely agree on libraries. Cutting funding on libraries is such a short-sighted "solution". I remember when I was in elementary school they would have one of the children's librarians visit the school and help us sign up for library cards. Do they still do stuff like that?

  8. I don't work either (out of choice) but I try not to read too much during the day and I never watch day-time television, because I think you can get in a rut, where those two things are the only things you do on a day. So, I read a lot in the evening, instead. :-)

    Hope you'll find a job soon!

    1. Hmmm...I wish I could read in the bathtub. But even when we had a working bathtub in this house, I rarely used it and never with a book in hand. Mostly because I was afraid I'd drop the book and ruin it.
