
Sunday 18 March 2012

Sunday Sundries

I didn't have enough instagram pictures to do a little montage this week, so instead here's a young Johnny Depp! This has nothing to do with the rest of the post, but it sure puts a cherry on my Sunday...

So, this hasn't been my favourite week ever. Which means that this post is probably going to be pretty short! (Cue cheers and applause from the masses) In spite of involving way less hospital time than last week, (my dad came out on Wednesday, and proceeded to be really really whiny) I just haven't had a massively happy week. Most of it is down to feeling massively unappreciated, a bit is down to neither of my parents being able to hear because they WON'T GO AND GET THEIR HEARING TESTED AND GET FREAKING HEARING AIDS, and goddammit, I really hate repeating myself; and a bit is probably just the fact that it isn't spring yet, and oh LORD has it been dull here! All of this has basically equalled a lot of self-pity and whinging all round (and by all round I mean, in my brain) and so, really, I can't wait for this week to be over.

Lets see... things that are good that happened this week. Well, I finally found out who killed Laura Palmer in Twin Peaks! Yesterday afternoon, I literally just went to bed (I've got a cold and a cough at the moment, so I think that's ok...) knitted my mum a hat because today's Mother's day in the UK, and watched Twin Peaks for about 4 hours. I really didn't mean to do it though! It was just getting more and more intriguing, and then I, as the audience found out who the killer was, but I had to wait for Agent Cooper to figure it out, and, well, it was somehow evening and I hadn't moved for hours! It was pretty amazing. It was also pretty scary, and made me a little bit scared walking up the stairs in the dark, and also I had a moment where I was in the kitchen making the dinner and facing away from the door, and my mum came in behind me and, well, I screamed a little bit when she spoke. I realise this isn't that remarkable a story, but I'm normally relatively calm and unflappable so, yeah, I was a little flapped!

What else happened this week that was good? Well, I went shopping and bought some of my own birthday presents (joys of being older and having ill parents- having said that, at least I won't have things I don't want!), mainly from Lush- I am a complete Lush-aholic, and if you've never tried anything of theirs, please allow me to recommend The Comforter Bubble Bar, which smells like blackcurrant and just makes the most delicious baths EVER. So yeah, definitely got one of those... And a few (a lot) of other things too!

So, yeah, a few bright spots in a week that was mainly miserable. Not so shabby, I guess. My aims for the coming week are to be not so miserable, and to do many enjoyable things! I've heard whispers of a lunch outing, and my sister's dancing and things on Saturday and I'm going to see that, which should be fun/ possibly funny if anyone falls over or something! This is fairly cruel of me, I realise. I've also got a few things to sew that I'm going to get right onto (HA) and I'll probably finish watching Twin Peaks because, hey, that's my favourite thing to do at the moment! Reading-wise, I've finally got it down to just one book (Little Women) although since that's a Penguin Clothbound copy and I clearly can't take it anywhere OR in the bath, I'm going to have to start another one too. I'm thinking a Bill Bryson right now, but I'll let you know. Or I won't. Whatever.

I hope you all had much nicer weeks than me, and enjoy the beginning of Spring! (That's Tuesday, in case you didn't know). And because it's definitely not obnoxious to go on about ones own birthday all the time, there are a mere three weeks and a day until mine! Oh lord, the excitement; which is mainly tempered by the pile of presents that are still on the table downstairs because my mum can't be bothered to out away somewhere, and which I ordered myself anyway... DAMN this getting older thing (again).


  1. If I was buying my own gifts I would totally buy them all from Lush or Waterstones, that's already where most of my pay goes. The Comforter is pretty much the only way I can convince the boyfriend to go into Lush with me, perfect baths.

    1. Haha, I actually have done that! Well, Amazon not Waterstones, but all much of a muchness really (I would have gone to Waterstones because they're slightly less evil, but they rejected me for a job around christmastime which makes them the ULTIMATE evil now!) And I love that your bf loves The Comforter! I'm always lusting after the boys who work in Lush, but I can't tell whether that's because I actually think they're cute, or because they must get staff discount... hehe

  2. I'm sorry that you're having a rough week. Time to pamper yourself and have some me time. I would die for a Lush face mask but they only sell them in stores and there are none near me. sigh.

    Hope the book lifts your spirits.

    1. Me time= definitely needed! Aww, my poor Jenn- I got a free sample of a face mask on Wednesday, and if it wouldn't go off on the way, I'd totally send it to you! All their stuff is entirely awesome and delicious though :).

  3. Mmm...Johnny Depp...

    Okay. So. Moving on.

    I can't use LUSH products. I wish I could, because they sound so fantastic, but my skin is so sensitive that I can't use anything with oils or perfumes or chemicals in it. Boo.

    1. Aw, that's lame! Lush does basically use all natural ingredients, so I don't know if that would be ok for your skin? Obviously you know your own skin better than me though, so I should probably just be shhhh hehe.

    2. I doubt it. My skin is ridiculously sensitive. I think I've had every rare skin disorder known to man. There was one I got in 10th grade that is so rare that they don't know the cause OR how to cure it, and it just went away on its own six weeks later. It basically looked like I had oblong ringworm patches all over my arms and shoulders for six weeks, though it wasn't fungal and it wasn't contageous. Some sort of virus. ?? So yeah, I avoid anything in my water! The only thing I've found that works is Aveeno bubble bath for sensitive skin, and even that I use rarely.

  4. Sorry the week was rough but yay for less hospital time. Enjoy the LUSH stuff!

    When is your birthday? FB wouldn't tell me. Or it tried to be I couldn't figure it out.

    1. My birthday is 9th April, orrrr 3 weeks today :). Which is also when I'll get to use the Lush stuff! *Harps, trumpets, rejoice, rejoice* I feel that your birthday is soon, but it feels kind of stalkery to think that, so maybe let's just pretend I didn't! But really, is it soon?

    2. My birthday is the 30th, so yup, it's soon! Also are you holding out using the Lush stuff or is someone making you? because if you're making yourself wait you have far more self-restraint than I have.

      And I don't think it's too internet stalker-y to know my bday. Considering I admitted to checking FB to see when yours was.

  5. Hey, that's true. You creepy stalker ;) hehe.

    I'm not using the Lush things because, the way we do presents is that usually my mum/dad orders them all (it's basically all books and DVDs and things) and then distributes them out to like my nans and aunties, which is all totally normal to me but now I think about it seems a bit weird that I don't let people choose what they're going to buy me... But anyway, the Lush stuff is all ready to be distributed to whoever, so I can't use it! Otherwise I absolutely would be.

    Also, soooooon birthday! Exciting!
