
Sunday 29 April 2012

Sunday Sundries

Things that have amused, intrigued or made me nod A LOT this week

  • This ranked list of all of Stephen King's novels (I'm currently reading number 61, and, well, I can tell)
  • This very amusing rant on gendered marketing (make sure you watch the video at the end, it's adorable/amazing!)
  • This Tumblr tag (I have no idea what a Tumblr tag is...) on Busty Girl Problems. Girls who can't wear blouses, I FEEL YOUR PAIN!
  • Frances's post on the Girls backlash- because that shit is really really bugging me. (Have just realised that this is from last week... But it still counts because I say so)
You guys are so so lucky. You have no idea how close you were to reading (or, I should say, not reading) one big giant rant about the internet dramas I have observed and been pissed off by this week! In summary they were: annoyance that Girls is being called racist when, you know, that'd be TV in general, but let's take it out on the girls, huh?; that there was a big YA book blogger DRAMA that I didn't really care about and yet inexplicably spent like half an hour investigating at midnight on a Thursday night (why, me? WHY?); and this whole Lush-being-sexist thing that made me want to shout at all the feminists and tell them to stop making everything be about women, because some things are about animal rights and this was one of those things and ARGH.

See, a one paragraph rant is much more bearable than a whole post! I think all of the above probably proves that I spend too much time on the internet, and I should probably get more fresh air and stuff, which I would except that it's been raining ALL WEEK, and when it hasn't been raining it looks like it's going to and that does not exactly encourage me to go on a nice invigorating walk. Really. And let's just say that the weather has pretty much been reflective of my mood for the week, which has been FOUL and also grumpy. Which probably contributed to the disproportionate anger over internet things that I probably need to get over to stay sane. And I also need to listen to this. A lot.
Like Prozac, only better.
And now for an important update on my mother's hair: It's still hanging in there! Kind of. She's sort of a bit baldish at the back, but there's still some there. Which is fortunate because we're not picking up her wig until Tuesday (we were meant to get it on Wednesday, but she didn't feel well enough to go, so Tuesday it is!) Have I talked about the wig before? Possibly not- it's really nice and not all that different from her actual hair, which I think is a missed opportunity! And also I was a bit disappointed by the wig fitting, in that I wasn't allowed to try any of the wigs on, which is another missed opportunity, I feel!

I really have nothing else to report from this week because, you know, rain stopped play and all, and also because I don't do any of the things ever. Oooh, except I made Jam Doughnut Cupcakes, but I can't tell you what they're like because I haven't tried one yet (they're for today's pudding at my nan's house- we have Sunday Lunch, like Friday Night Dinners in the Gilmore Girls except that there's like 11 of us and we all like each other...) but they look DELISH, and, hello, they're Jam Doughnut Cupcakes. And, as an added bonus they're vegan, which, as we all know, means that they're calorie free *high five*. 

I've just realised that this coming week involves the start of May, which is terrifying so let's pretend that's not true... No chemo for mum this week so that's like the best thing about a week at the moment. Other than the wig collecting I don't really have any plans, other than staying off the internet because it's really pissing me off at the moment (I've just remembered another blood pressure raiser: Everyone's being mean to Dooce, and I can't stand it!) So, yeah, less of that and more of the outside thing I've heard so much about. Combined with, and I think it goes without saying, much reading and figuring out how to listen to an audiobook (like... just lay down and close my eyes and listen? Or do something at the same time? I'm very unsure...) If any of you have any suggestions on that, please throw them my way because I JUST DON'T KNOW! And have lovely weeks, each and every one of you!


  1. Oh I also feel like your mom missed a chance not to get a fun different wig, but I guess the whole point of the wig thing is to help her look and feel like her normal self, so maybe that's understandable. Yay for no chemo this week!

    I hope you get lots of sunny happy outside time. And I'm just as kind of mystified by audiobooks as you... the only audiobook I think I've ever finished I listened to on the computer while I played spider solitaire, and even then I had a print copy of the book too so that I could read it when I wasn't near a cd player. I'm a weirdo. Good luck!

    1. Yeah, I'm thinking that probably is the point of the wig, but one with purple bits in it? Waaay a missed opportunity!

      It's totally sunny today! But I feel crappy so I'm in bed instead :(. But still, sunny!! I listened to a bit of audiobook before bed last night, and that seemed to work quite well, so I'll maybe try that for a bit? I just... I feel like if I'm doing something else I'm not going to be paying attention to the story, so... I dunno. AUDIOBOOKS ARE WEIRD!

  2. I'm glad that your mom is doing well. Wigs are kind of fun if you're in the mood for something different but don't want to make a drastic long-term change.

    I listen to audiobooks before I go to bed. Someone reading to me relaxes me and puts me to sleep. I just start with the last part I remember the next night.

    1. I totally listened to Bossypants last night! It didn't really put me to sleep, and it was a bit weird having someone read to me, but still... I listened to it, and I liked it so that was all good really! :)

  3. Why wouldn't they let you try on wigs? Missed opportunity indeed! Also yay for no chemo this week!

    Jam donut cupcakes sound amazing. Please follow up after pudding? dinner? to confirm.

    I've listened to audiobooks in the car and when I've gone running. I don't think I have the patience to just sit and listen to an audiobook so I need to be doing something else. I've heard of people listening while doing chores.

    1. I don't really know... I was being all irritating and totally hinting that I wanted to try wigs on, but the lady was being almost overly sensitive that my mum was like *whispers* a cancer patient, you know? Like... We were just being silly and normal, and she was like 'we have to find the right wig to make you feel comfortable so NO FUN ALLOWED!' It was annoying.

      Follow up to the jam doughnut cupcakes- they were delish! All the jam sunk to the bottom and I don't really know why, but regardless, they were still great!

      All good audiobook suggestions! I listened to some last night like before I went to sleep, and that worked quite well, but I definitely feel like just sitting and listening to an audiobook is like wrong somehow... even though I just sit and read and don't do anything else, and it's basically the same,,, I JUST DON'T KNOW!

  4. Thank god Tommyknockers was in (nearly) last place. Gawd I hated that book.

    And yay for The Stand. The. Best. Ever.

    1. ARGH, don't say that, I still have to read it! So far it's not SO awful... so it gets worse?


      Also The Stand is awesome, but I would have to put It at the top of my list (I am clearly going to have to make a list when I've read them all!)

  5. Not sure I agree with the Stephen King ranking list entirely but its pretty close!

    I hope your mom enjoys a rest this week.

    1. I definitely don't fully agree with the list, since whoever wrote it seems to LOVE the fantasy books, and I do not so much, but yeah, there definitely aren't any real stinkers (other than, I think Bag of Bones should be WAY higher- it's probably my second favourite). But anyway, I enjoyed reading the list!

  6. I know what you mean about getting sucked into reading about that recent YA blogger drama. I have maybe one or two YA bloggers on my reader and one of them posted several links to the key posts of the drama and I spent way too much time reading about it.
