
Thursday 17 May 2012

Devouring Books: Bossypants by Tina Fey

I read Bossypants in one day about a month ago, not because I wanted to or didn't have anything else to do that day (although, come to think of it, I really didn't) but because I literally couldn't stop reading. Because, guess what, guess what? Tina Fey is really funny! She's like ridiculously funny, and Bossypants could have been about 500 pages longer and I still would have tried to read it in that one day. I sort of feel like it's redundant to review it, since I'm thinking that everyone who wanted to read it has read it by now, and has obviously peed their pants with excitement about it because it's the best of all things. But just in case, I'll say some things about it.

Starting with, I bet you're wondering why it took me like a month to review it! (You're not? You really don't give a crap? Oh. Well. Shut up.) Anyway, the reason is that the whole time I was reading Bossypants I was going 'well, this is clearly amazing. But imagine it being read IN TINA FEY'S VOICE,' and, since we live in a digital age, I managed to download the Bossypants audiobook FOR NO MONEY. I should probably explain that, rather than depriving Tina of money (I feel close enough to her to call her Tina, are we all down with that?) I downloaded it with the blessing, nay the encouragement of Amazon, who are constantly sending out 'One free download with Audible' voucher-y things with everything I buy from them, and, well, I finally took them up on their offer (and promptly cancelled my Audible account. I'm a cold bitch).

So! This was my very first audiobook in adulthood and I didn't really know what to do with it- I mean, do you just listen to these things whenever, and just lay down and close your eyes and be read a story? I don't drive so that wasn't an option, and as for like going for a jog or something whilst listening to an audiobook... LOL. In a word. So, in the end, I listened to it just before bed, when I was too sleepy to resist listening to someone, but not quite sleepy enough to go to sleep. So, at a rate of about half an hour a night, not every night, I made it through my first audiobook. And it was bloody brilliant! A personal highlight was listening to the Tina Fey/Amy Poehler SNL sketch that was just in script form in the book, but was literally the performance in the audiobook; but there were a lot of other advantages to listening to Bossypants too. As in, Tina Fey is blooming hilarious (have I mentioned that yet?) and hence, her performance of her own book was also, obviously, hilarious.

And, as for the content? Amazing. Bossypants is ostensibly a memoir-esque thing, but included within it are a lot of Tina's thoughts about like feminism and what female beauty is supposed to mean and all kinds of things like that that make me go 'YEAH!' because, well feminism! And I learned some new things too- such as, did you know that Tina Fey has a scar on her face from being slashed by some horrible random when she was like 5? Because I had NEVER noticed it before, which I guess is the mark of good filming and stuff, but since I read Bossypants, I keep noticing it. Which is sort of irritating actually. And also irritating was the slight spoilering of 30 Rock (of which I've only seen the first season, but, then again, spoilers of sitcoms are not exactly like spoilers for drama series) and the complete absence of talking about Mean Girls! I mean... I guess it maybe wasn't that dramatic or amusing, but it is the very first thing that made me love Tina Fey, and I think it's mentioned, fleetingly, maybe twice in the whole book. Sadface.

BUT anyway- those minor irritations really only occurred to me after having read Bossypants, and after the audiobook, I didn't even care about them any more, because Tina Fey is just the funniest! (Duh. This is clearly my opinion of Tina Fey. Someone shut me up, yeah?) I mean, if you like Tina Fey, you're basically going to love this book, and if you don't? I don't know. This book will maybe change your mind, but it seems to me like it's very much in Tina's voice, and if you don't like that then, well, you're crazy, firstly, but also, you may not like this book. BUT how can you not like a book that celebrates women in comedy and makes men in comedy, by the way, sound really gross; whilst also talking about a father who sounds AWESOME (that's Don Fey.) and just other generally awesome things? You can't basically. So read it.

Oh yeah, and get the audiobook too. It rocks.


  1. OBVIOUSLY peed my pants with excitement.

    Awww, you've only watched the first season of 30 Rock? The first three or four are definitely good. Then I lose track. But yeah, WATCH MORE. And then do Parks & Rec, if you haven't already. ALL THE POEHLER AND FEY.

    1. I have the first four seasons on DVD and I just haven't watched them cause I suuuuck! And also because, BREAKING BAD. But I do love it! And I love that in Bossypants, Tina said that the first show that they really settled into their little niche was the one with the creepy Austrian prince or whatever, because that's the first episode where I was like "I'm actually going to die from laughing!" So yeah.

      Also, YES I need to watch Parks and Rec! My problem is that, I'm kiiind of more into drama programmes than comedy, and by that I mean, I can watch a few episodes of 30 Rock and be satisfied for a bit, whereas with like Breaking Bad, I'm like I MUST WATCH THIS ALL NOW OMG THE TENSION! So... I'm working on that. Mainly by not starting another drama series from the beginning right now.

  2. I would've enjoyed this one more if I had been a SNL or 30 Rock fan, I think. I also wish now that I had listened to it instead of reading it. Hey, how the heck do you get those little free download thingies?? I'm an Amazon order freak and I don't think I've ever received one of those :p

    1. I think it may just be a UK amazon thing... But literally with every order for the past year I've had a leaflet in my amazon order that's like 'download an audiobook for free!' and, well, I finally did it! I agree that you probably get more out of it if you're a 30 Rock or SNL fan (although I've basically never watched SNL. Although now I wish I had!)

  3. And if you don't love Tina Fey? Well you're wrong. I mean, I know, everyone can have their own opinion and blah blah blah. But still, opinions can be wrong.

    Now I need to get this audiobook...

    Also, watch 30 Rock and Parks & Rec, as Alice has already commanded. Although with P&R you need to just hold out hope through the first season (or so) that things will get better. Cos they do find their niche and it's wonderful once they do.

  4. And also they find Rob Lowe? Cause I can sit through ANYTHING if Rob Lowe is involved. Seriously. :)

    And YES clearly anyone who doesn't love Tina Fey is wrong! I feel like EVERYONE should especially love her in Mean Girl because, oh, poor Ms Norbury!

    I had to look at IMdB TWICE to write this comment. I hope you're happy!

    1. IMDb, even. I've been on the internet too long today...

    2. Yes! Rob Lowe AND Adam Scott are on the show. When those 2 join the cast it gets much better. Not just cos they're there but the whole show just works better.

      Aww poor Ms. Norbury, the pusher. Haha

    3. "Did Ms Norbury ever try to sell you marijuana or ecstasy tablets?"
      "What are marijuana tablets?!"

      Damn, now I need to watch Parks and Rec and 30 Rock AND Mean Girls...

  5. I read Bossypants and really enjoyed it (although I liked Mindy Kaling's memoir more). But now I really wish I had listened to the audiobook! Tiny Fey is so funny--the audiobook sounds awesome!

  6. Tina Fey is AMAZING!

    I've been meaning to get a copy of the audiobook for awhile now...maybe this week will be the week!Also, the same thing happened to me when I heard about her scar, I had never noticed it, and now I notice it every time.She seems like a crazy strong lady, glad to hear it's a great book!

  7. Interesting! I keep running into this book at the Barnes & Noble that I work at, but I hadn't quite decided whether I wanted to read it or not. I think I shall now, though! Your review sounds great! ;)

    Marlene Detierro (Skagway Tours)
