
Sunday 13 May 2012

Sunday Sundries

You'll see why in a bit. Just keep reading.

I somehow managed to forget to do a Sunday Sundries post today, and now it's like 6pm (not that late, I realise, but there's Breaking Bad to be watched, and dammit I want to just lay around like it's a Sunday!) So, what I'm saying is, this is going to be relatively brief *cheers ring out across the WORLD*.

So here's a thing that happened this week- I got my first ever piece of fan email! I mean, it was a few lines just saying 'hey, I really like your blog and your reviews AND you're really funny' and I was like, firstly, I love you, but also, how nice is that?! I mean, when I find a new blog that I LOVE, I usually leave a comment just telling them that I love them, but an email is sort of above and beyond, and it was a real confidence booster. It also got me to thinking about how lots of bloggers have had people sending them negative emails really, and how equally confidence breaking that must be. I mean, why do it? Wouldn't we all rather live in a world that bolsters positivity and confidence, rather than just being nasty to each other all the time? And what kind of a person goes out of their way to actively be horrible to someone? A bad kind, that's who.

But anyway, fanmail, yay! And here's another thing I've been noticing about myself- I'm a lot less tolerant of certain types of books these days. And by that, I mean that I'm a lot quicker to give up on one then I ever have been before (as in, I haven't been) and I really don't know what's up with that. Actually, I have a couple of theories- firstly, that I've got SO many books that I can't really be wasting my time on books I don't like more or less straight away (well, ok, I don't have to like them straight away, but I can't be doing with actively disliking them) and also because of this too many books thing, I'm trying to get rid of some (basically just to get more) and so just giving a book up because I don't like it means I can go and get a new one (at some point) that I do like. Basically, what I'm saying is, I read the first bit of Cloud Atlas this morning, and I didn't like it, so it's already in the charity shop bag. And it feels GOOD.

Anyway- real life things. Let's see. I hung out with my friend on Monday cause it was a bank holiday here, and we had a joyous time- we pondered about whether the Von Trapp family were Catholic or not and also about how camp the cowardly lion is (guess which films we watched!) and it was all awesome. And then it rained alllll week and I went on two hospital appointments and was disgustingly housewife-ish on Saturday (I did the washing and baked [CHOCOLATE RAISIN BROWNIES OMG] basically... but still, housewifery on a Saturday? No.) but the lovely Monday got me through the week. Also I read some things and watched some other things and that was all good.

So! That was about it! The internet told me that it's Mother's Day in the US today, so I hope you're all being nice to your mums and have bought them appropriate gifts and things. Today is also Hanna over at Booking in Heels' blog birthday, and she's giving things away, so go over there and tell her happy blog birthday! I feel like there was another link that I really really had to share with you, but I can't think of it... But if I tweeted it, it was probably awesome, so you should really just be following me on twitter already!

Aaaand, now I'm really done. Have a lovely week everyone!


  1. Oh, that rakishly handsome Christopher Plummer. He could dance with me in the gazebo singing zen nonsense songs to me any time. (Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could = very zen)

    Also, imagine him with longer hair and squint your eyes and he looks not unlike Jason Isaacs.

    1. Totally had to google Jason Isaacs, but now that I have, I totally see what you mean! I like them both :)

      Also, that song is totally zen! And maaaybe my second favourite in the whole film (I like Eidelweiss the best)

  2. Oh, dear. The captain's picture attracted me to read. I mean, he's one of the most memorable characters for me. (And, yeah, he's handsome)

    By the way, the "nothing comes from nothing" part reminds me of Shakespeare's King Lear (or is it just me?)

    Congrats on having a fan. Fans are adorable, aren't they?

    1. Hehehe, I love that you clicked on it just because CAPTAIN VON TRAPP! That's the awesomest reason ever.

      I haven't read King Lear so I couldn't possibly comment. I'll come back to you when I have :).

      And YES, fans are amazing. Well, fan really. But it's just so nice to get a nice email for not really doing anything much, you know. So lovely :)

  3. That is awesome that you got fan mail! Well deserved. and way less creepy than I thought cos I first thought you meant like an actual snail mail letter, which gets into Misery area.

    Other topic, how amazing is the Cowardly Lion song "If I Were King of the Forest"?

    1. Oh mannn, that would be so creepy, UNLESS I had already exchanged addresses and stuff, in which case it wouldn't be a surprise! (Note: I am totally not adverse to hand written letters, they are, in fact, my favourite. HINT HINT lol).

      How awesome is The Wizard of Oz in general?! I definitely didn't watch it properly last week, AND I haven't seen it since Wicked, so I really need to watch it again! (my favourite bit is when they get to Oz and get all spruced up. It's difficult to say why...)

    2. I will totally send you letters! I can send cards and stuff, assuming they don't try to charge me $80 to send them.

      I rewatched Oz not too long ago for some reason. I can't remember why I wanted to watch it but I mean, do you really need a reason? Even if the munchkins still scare the hell out of me. Especially that lollipop guild. Also I now have that "Scrub scrub here, scrub scrub there" song stuck in my head.

    3. Yessssss! :) I don't think I've ever sent just a letter to the US. I know I sent a really thin book once and it was like £2.50 (so, like... $4, maximum?) which wasn't bad at all really!

      Are you really scared of munchkins?! That's so funny/adorable! I used to do munchkin impressions allll the time at school (as in, just randomly burst into 'follow the yellow brick road! Follow the yellow brick road' and then singing the song because it highly amused one of my friends! BUT the lollipop guild is my favourite thing to imitate!

      Also: You never need a reason to watch The Wizard of Oz. Never.

  4. Yay for fan mail. That actually makes me think I should start leaving fan mail-ish comments more often when I find a great blog. Cause otherwise I'm kind of a lurker until I get up the courage to say something on a really good review or something.

    Also, I am 100% on board with your dropping books that just aren't hooking you in. I've been more comfortable doing that lately too. I can always buy more books, but I can't buy the time to read them so why waste my time on something I'm just not into? And I also get rid of books just so I can go buy other books, and the honeyman just does not understand this. Glad someone else does :-)

    Hope you have an awesome week!

    1. I think leaving fan mail comments is so awesome, just because... who isn't going to like that?! Having said that, I do lurk A LOT on blogs that intimidate me, just because that person is so awesome and funny that they probably won't like me at all! (Weird little self esteem blip thing... I dunno).

      And YAY for giving up on books. There just definitely isn't enough time to waste on books that don't do it for me! I can't just get rid of books willy nilly though, I have to really dislike them... although I'm working on the letting more go thing. I'm trying!

  5. And I hope you're having a lovely week! Conversely, this week I got my first really nasty comment on my blog. I deleted it, of course, but it still made me sad that someone went to the effort. Glad to hear people also make the effort to be extra nice.

  6. Christopher Plummer was a good looking man when he was younger. No that he's no longer good looking, but you know. I have similar adoration for CP that I have for Cary Grant. Those stunning good looks and all that charm. The scene in sound of music where he and Julie Andrews dance in the courtyard is one of my favorites in all of cinema.
