
Sunday 20 May 2012

Sunday Sundries

NOT the cake I made... See the recipe for it here.

So, a whole week happened, huh? What exactly happened I can't remember because, let's face it, it's Sunday and I am therefore good for nothing. And this Sunday is my papa's birthday, so happy birthday to him! I have, of course, made him a cake (it's a funfetti cake and I only discovered the existence of such a glorious thing a month or so ago and OBViously I had to make one!) and that promises to be the absolute highlight of the day! False modesty never did anyone any good.

But! There was a whole week before today, and stuff happened in it. Not a lot of stuff, admittedly, but I did manage to make my mum drive me to a local-ish mecca of charity shops to look for books, and well, I obviously bought some! I got one of the few remaining Bill Bryson books that I didn't already have, and I also got two of the fattest books, which I really want to read, and yet may never because they're just too massive (The Corrections and Infinite Jest, if you're interested, which you obviously are because this is primarily a book blog!) And yeah- I finally finished all the seasons of Breaking Bad, and I watched everyone on Twitter doing the Bout of Books Readathon jealously (I'm probably going to do the next one, because it seems SO fun!) and also wrote like 3 blog posts in a day, which I've been doing more and more recently which is weird. Like... I save them up or something until I have nothing to post, and then write loads in one go. It's one way to do things, I suppose, and it works for me, so whatevs, I'm not going to think about it too much!

Also in blog world this week I've been doing some blogging admin (this is what I call the boring but necessary things) basically in the form of pinning all my reviews of things to Pinterest. Have we talked about Pinterest before? I really like it, just as a way of keeping interesting things I've found on the internet in one place, and also to look at pretty things that other people have found. I mean, sometimes I don't have the energy for it, but mostly I just find it useful. So, hey, follow me here if you're on it too and we can be Pin Friends! (note: we don't have to call it pin friends. We can call it something much cooler.) ANYWAY, so I've been pinning relevant posts on there because I feel like there are just hundreds of people calling out for book reviews of not even newly released books. I just like feel it, ok? To do this, I've basically been going through my entire blog, and if you've never done this before, may I highly recommend it? I mean, really- there are LOADS of things on here that I'd forgotten about, like videos of Daniel Day Lewis licking necks; AND I wasn't even as embarrassed of my old writing as I thought I would be. I literally used to cringe every time I hit the 'Publish Post' button, but now I'm kind of like... No, I did ok!

Back in the real world... Yesterday was fun because it was basically an extension of my birthday- my sister bought me a theatre ticket as a present and the show was yesterday and yeah, we went! I'm sure there was a more concise way to say that, but I'm pretty tired! Anyway, we did a bit of shopping and had pizza for dinner and then went to see Legally Blonde: The Musical. I should say, firstly, that I'm kind of morally opposed to turning things that are already things into musicals (it's like, get some ideas of your own, you know?) BUT Legally Blonde was actually pretty good and retained the essence of the movie whilst also being unique in a few ways that were interesting and fun. So yeah, I liked it! Definitely the highlight day of my week, I'd have to say.

And basically, that's about it. Can't really grumble about any of the week, especially considering that I didn't have to go near a hospital or a chemists or even the doctor's surgery even once! Always a plus in my world!


  1. Oh my god...that cake is a thing of sexy dreams! :P

    1. Isn't it STUNNING! I really wish I had made it... One day! One day.

  2. You should absolutely join in the next Bout of Books! Imagine the mountains of fun!

    And can I just say that I totally love Pinterest, and when I remember or when I particularly like a book I add it to my "itty bitty book reviews" board, but in general I have no where near as much motivation and will-power that you have to go through and add all my old ones. So good on ya! I'm too lazy, lol.

    And though I don't think I've seen the movie in it's entirety, a Legally Blonde play sounds like it'd be fun and hilarious :-)

    1. I know! I feel lame for not doing it now too, cause I didn't really do anything special this week (apart from yesterday) so I could have read and found new blogs and things!

      I just went through my old blog posts because of that not so exciting week, and honestly it didn't take all that long! Like... a maximum of 3 hours, but probably not even that, and I spread it over 2 days... Plus it was kind of hard to stop after a while! (I bloody love pinning stuff).

      Legally Blonde was really good! I have seen the movie like a BILLION times, so there really weren't any plot twists or anything for me in the musical, but still it was a lot of fun :)

  3. That cake looks wonderful!

    I just started following you on Pinterest. I need to go back and pin all my reviews and blog posts on there, but I'm lazy. I also need to organize my circles on G+ and fix my bookshelves on Goodreads. Suckish, I know. Therefore, easy to procrastinate. It's tough enough to get myself to sit down and write a review when I prefer to just start reading another book. *sigh* I missed it, and I know I asked before (but I don't know under what blog post) but what do you think of the HBO series Girls?

    1. Isn't it so gorgeous! I need to make it, like yesterday. Or maybe one in a different colour. Or maybe many in all different colours! Oh the possibilities!

      I'm so lazy that I don't even have Goodreads or G+! But I was fairly bored at some points this week, hence, the pinning (also, page views make me happy, so, there's that. Although I really haven't gotten that many from Pinterest so never mind!) Also, YES to being lazy about review writing. Which is part of why I write lots in one go, but also because that's kind of what I've gotten used to- I think I need to get out of it though, cause sometimes I can hardly remember the book when it comes time to review it!

  4. Nevermind, I found it (under Melancholia). I can't wait for this evening. I've been meaning to write a blog post about it, too, but I'm not sure from what angle. I seriously am addicted to that and Mad Men, and they both sort of go hand in hand for me, odd as that must sound. On one hand, it seems like we've come a long way, baby, and we've come some ways, but on the other hand, we're still stuck in the virgin/Whore of Babylon dichotomy, and so much of who we are depends who we are in relation to a man...

    1. I... I've never made a connection between Mad Men and Girls, but I see where you're going with that right there! I just LOVE Girls so so so much! I kind of want to marry Lena Dunham, and I don't even like girls like that. But her, I would marry! Definitely going to write something about it after the season's finished (I believe there are only 2 epsiodes left, which makes me very :( )

  5. Funfetti = best cake.

    We should do a Corrections readalong. Cos I keep putting that book off but I said I'd do it for a challenge so now I haaaave to. But the last readalong was so much fun, it seems like the best way to get through it.

    1. Right! I feel so deprived not having it as a child, I would have gone MENTAL with excitement!

      We should do a Corrections readalong! Would you like to be the hostess? (See my amazing passing on skills... lol. But I do want to do a Grapes of Wrath readalong, and two in one year? EFFORT!) OR let's just make Alice do it. :D

    2. Let's try to convince Alice first :) but if not I GUESS I can't do it.

  6. I love Legally Blonde the musical. It is hysterically funny.

    I hope you join the next bout of books, it's so much fun and so much less pressure than 24hr readathons.

  7. That cake looks amazing, even if we do all know that food shouldn't be blue.
