
Tuesday 22 May 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Time for another Top Ten Tuesday! I really really like this weeks topic because I'm allll about the appreciation of other people's blogs. I don't even know how many times I've written about the book blogs I love, so it's nice to give a bit of blog love to some other bloggers that I follow! If I'm not reading book blogs, I'm normally reading food or kind of 'lifestyle-y' blogs, so they'll basically be the backbone of my list. Just, you know, so you know... Anyway, here goes!

Top Ten Blogs/Sites You Read That Aren't About Books

1. Dooce- The queen of mommybloggers, loved by many, hated by lots more... I'm sure you know about Dooce. I adore her, because this one summer I read her entire blog and it was AWESOME. So, she's the best and you should obviously all read her blog all the time. The end.

2. Bake and Destroy- As if that blog name wasn't enough, Bake and Destroy is clearly the awesomest and most kickass baking blog on the whole internet and actually, its author Natalie is the sweetest and has totally replied to my idiot tweets to her about two separate dreams I've had about her (nothing dodgy, promise!) So, yeah. To me, it's basically like having a celebrity tweet me back!

3. Hello Giggles- Kiiind of an irritating name, BUT Hello Giggles involves Zooey Deschanel, which makes it automatically readable, but more importantly has a massive network of women writing about basically anything and everything you can think of. It's definitely worth checking out because I think there's something on there for literally everyone.

4. Joy the Baker- I love her so much. Her blog is like the loveliest Californian lifestyle where you bake all day and write cookbooks and are just generally sweet and lovely. I got her cookbook for my birthday, and it did not disappoint.

5. A Beautiful Mess- Kind of a lifestyle/crafty/outfit/sometimes recipes blog that's so pretty and presents such a lovely lifestyle (running a clothes shop and a blog and also being a photographer= wonderful!) When I revealed to Frances that I'd never read this blog, she was shocked and alarmed that I hadn't because 'the whole internet follows Elsie Larson!' I don't know how true that is, but I think it should be, because A Beautiful Mess is simply lovely.

6. The Vagenda- This is literally the most amazing blog ever. It was essentially started to take the piss out of women's magazines (and oh BOY does that need to be done) but it's kind of evolved to talk about a whole range of female and feminist issues, whilst still taking the piss out of women's magazines, in a totally awesome patriarchy smashing way.

7. Whisk Kid- Probably one of the first food blogs I discovered, after Frances (again!) posted a picture of her amaaaazing rainbow cake, which I tried to emulate myself about two years later. Anyway, Kaitlin combines beautiful pictures of baked goods with beautifully written little stories about her life and whatnot, and it's a lovely combination.

8. Sometimes Sweet- I actually found this blog through Danielle's column on Hello Giggles, I just really liked her writing style AND the stuff she wrote about- there was one column about people's perceptions of heavily tattooed people, specifically women, and since I'm all about the tattoo love, I was sold! Her blog is really lovely- I love her Tattoo Tuesday feature, and she posts a lot of sweet pictures of her little boy which, well... tattoos and babies? Can't go wrong!

9. Miss Indie- Quite a new blog find for me, but I really really love Mandy's writing voice and she really takes the nicest pictures! Honestly the cutest, most adorable blog I follow.

10. Hyperbole and a Half- Now I know you all must know about Hyperbole and a Half already, but it occurs that this is about my favourite non-book sites, not 'obscure blogs I must recommend.' So, I have to confess something right now- when I'm reading and stuff and just generally watching things alone that are funny, I don't really laugh out loud that much. I'm totally amused, it's just that, I think laughing's more of a performative thing for me or something? Anyway- this blog? Makes me laugh with every post. I read the entire thing in a weekend because that's how good it is. If you haven't come across it already, go there RIGHT NOW!

So. That's some stuff I read online that aren't book blogs. And I think it's all a good mix- because sometimes I want to escape a world that's all about the books, but lifestyle/outfit blogs grate on my nerves after a while because they're JUST CLOTHES AND WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME YOUR LIFE IS PERFECT, and also, if I just read baking blogs, I'd feel all inadequate because the stuff I bake is delicious but not very photogenic. So... I think I have a good balance. Now tell me- what other blogs can I add to my reading list?


  1. I haven't heard of most of these! Except for Hyperbole and a Half, which is, of course, absolutely hilarious. I'll have to check these out! Thanks for the recommendations.

    1. You're so welcome! They are all, obviously, awesome, so, yeah. :)

  2. Mommy bloggers are a pet peeve of mine. Oh my. These poor babies are going to wake up someday and (oh dear!) discover that they are not actually the center of the known universe.

    Here's my
    Top Ten List of Sites that Aren't About Books.
    Please stop by!

    1. Ah, but Dooce isn't your average mommyblogger, in that she doesn't like worship her children and isn't afraid to call them assholes if they're behaving like assholes! (actually, that sounds bad... Like that, only less insulting...)

  3. You're so much better at finding non-bookish blogs than me, lol.

    1. Maybe, but only because I discovered like cooking blogs before I discovered book blogs, so I already read a whole load of them before I even stumbled upon my first book blog! So, yeah, don't feel bad! Hehe

  4. Thanks for introducing me to Whisk Kid!!! I love food sites, especially ones with fabulous pictures! LOVE it!

    1. You're so welcome! Her cakes are the BEST! :)

  5. Must follow The Vagenda. I clicked on a few of the links you Tweeted but I need more.

    1. Dude! Yes! You'll never take a woman's magazine seriously again! (I mean, assuming you take them seriously now, which hopefully you don't... lol)

  6. I'm glad you all have listed Hyperbole. I left her off because of the extreme lack of updating, but if people haven't read her yet they obviously should.

    And I have HEARD of Dooce, but have not checked her out. But I shall.

    1. I get that. But yeah, I want EVERYONE to go and find her and read ALL THE POSTS EVER because she is the awesomest :)

      And yay Dooce! I feel like for a new person it must be a bit like 'why is this woman whining about stuff and what are all these sponsored posts and MLEUGH' but if you make your way through the archives from the beginning she is actually the greatest and then you have to follow her forever and ever. I nearly DIED laughing at one of her posts once, so that was fun!

  7. I've spent an hour just visiting the blogs on your list alone! I'm loving this week's Top Ten! I've read Dooce and A Beautiful Mess before but Vagenda is WOW! I was blushing, giggling, and laughing out loud just from some of the random boxes I clicked on!! Must follow! :) Great list!

    1. Yay! I love making people read The Vagenda because it's just the best and the funniest AND the truest! And I'm loving this week too! I've followed about 10 new blogs, which, well, I really didn't need to do, but I'm glad I have :)

  8. I love Dooce. She goes a little overboard on reminded everyone that she's not Mormon anymore, which gets annoying, but I love her photos, her kids, and her writing. I feel bad that she's going through a hard time now.
