
Thursday 7 June 2012

Armchair BEA, Day 4: Beyond the Blog...

See how I didn't even change the title for today's post? That's because I totally approve of it for some reason... It's nice and has alliteration and stuff, you know? Anyway, I'm totally going to "share a fun aspect about my blog or life that has nothing to do with books" in just a second, but can we talk about freelance writing first? Can we talk about how I'd LOVE to do freelance writing but have no idea how to go about it, and hey, do you do that and how do YOU go about it? And also yeah, do you make money doing this blogging thing, because let's talk about that too.

So, I of course do neither of these things because clearly, I think I'll be happier as a pauper. No but seriously, some one give me a job/send me some money please? But what do I do when I'm not reading or watching TV or whatever? I'll tell you: I'm probably baking. And you don't even have to tell me how much of a 50s housewife this makes me sound, and I also don't need anyone saying that doing it is an unfeminist thing to do. Baking has nothing to do with feminism, in my humble opinion, and a whole lot to do with making delicious treats that you can share with people you love. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout says that Atticus has two peculiarities: "one was that he never ate desserts; another was that he liked to walk." Well, Atticus clearly sounds like the paragon of fitness and virtue, but no desserts? Seriously? It's about the only thing I don't like about the character, and I'd like to think that I could turn him with a slice of red velvet cake...

I have ever so slightly integrated baking onto my blog (see the 'Devouring...' tab above) but I've literally only shared maybe 7 or 8 things I've baked, other than what I've shown in teeny instagram pictures in my weekly update posts. I'm not really sure why this is- I think it's partially that I read a LOT of food blogs and I definitely can't take pictures of food as well as those people so I don't really even try; partially that people never seem to read them (which isn't, in itself, something that normally stops me, but I don't want to bore people by making them look at my crappy pictures of cake!) and the last part is that I'm a bit wary of posting recipes on the internet, because they basically belong to other people, and it's not really up to me to share them, you know? So it's kind of like... here are crappy photos of cakes, that I'm not going to give you the recipe for and that you don't want to look at anyway. Lucky you!

So, yeah, baking is mainly a thing that stays offline for me, because of all those things, and also because, for me, the main point is in eating the darn things! Having said that, I do still photograph a lot of the cakes I make, (there's some evidence of that here) and I know that, if I'm ever stuck for a post, I can always do a nice baking one! But, as I've said, it's not something I tend to do a lot of, and I think I prefer it that way- I spend SO MUCH time online that it's nice to have a pursuit that literally forces me to unplug and turn basic ingredients into something delicious, if not always (ever) nourishing. Baking=a nice rest for my overstimulated internet brain.

Having said all that, I do have one baking post that I know I'm going to write in the future, because I think I've found the actual best recipe for brownies EVER, that's so easy to make and seems to be foolproof (I'm a brownie FOOL, in general, so this is why I know it is) so I just need to prepare myself for such an event, since I know that I'll just eat like all the brownies afterwards, like, within about 3 days. They're THAT good, you guys. I don't really know why I just told you that, other than the fact that it's on topic and well, you know you want to stick around to see it!

In conclusion, baking is fun, and, at least the way I do it, something that's better when it's left off the internet. If you ever need a break from, I don't know, real life, then baking is something that I can wholeheartedly recommend, especially since you get something pretty tasty out of it at the end. At least, that is, as long as you do it right...


  1. I love that you bake! And I also agree that there's nothing un-feminist about it! I wear an apron when I cook sometimes and the honeyman says "Oh you're so 50's" but seriously, when did aprons become an icon of the 50's? Am I the only one who still uses an apron? And WHATEVER I don't care cause I wanna be a housewife and I don't care if anyone thinks that un-feminist.

    Ahem. Anyways, YAY CAKE! You should definitely post pics of all your baking, cause even "bad" pictures of cake are better than no pictures of cake!

    I think I'm going to go home and make some cupcakes today...

    1. Dude, aprons are like just useful! I hardly ever remember to wear one, and then I always regret it, so really aprons are just common sense (which I lack). The thing with housewifery is that it's not like a bad thing in itself, and it was only bad when that was basically like THE ONLY choice for women, as in, 'oh, you've just got married and popped out some babies, now stay at home FOREVER!' If you choose to stay at home then, you know, good for you!

      I saw this documentary once where this woman was like a stay at home mum, and she was also like super smart, and she was like 'being a working mother isn't feminism, it's capitalism' and I was just like OMG WOW, because yes! Like I don't think anyone should be forced back to work because they can't afford not to, and I don't think anyone should be forced to stay at home if they don't want to. Freedom of choice, basically!

      YAY cake indeed! I should probably post more pictures, but sometimes I can't even be bothered to like pose the cakes because I'm just like CAAAAAKE and eat it you know? But I'll try to do more baking posts, I think. Maybe. YAY FOR CUPCAKE BAKING TODAY!!

    2. YES! It's alllll about the choice! :-)

      And sadly I am not cupcake baking today, because I came home and promptly wasted 1.5 hours online and soon the honeyman is going to take me out to dinner. Sooo... hopefully cupcakes soon, darnit. I even have cute little cupcake wrappers!

    3. "I came home and promptly wasted 1.5 hours online"= MY LIFE. Dinner sounds lovely though, and, you know, the cupcakes can wait (note: the cupcakes can never wait. Never.)

  2. Yay for baking! I'm a keen baker as well. I don't think it has anything to do with feminism; I do something I enjoy, no one is forcing me to, and it results in delicious treats. What's better than that?
    I haven't really incorporated my adventures in baking and cooking in my blog, although I'm very tempted to. But like you, I don't think I could take as nice pictures as the amazing food bloggers plus it's not like I make up the recipes... so I don't know.
    Oh, and I like aprons too! Why are they a symbol of the 50's? Is there a more modern way to keep your clothes clean when baking?

    1. Exactly! I mean, baking's just good sense really- delicious treats you can share with everyone? I don't understand why everyone doesn't do it! My pictures are so sub-par that it's a bit sad... I just compensate with instagram and try to make them look a bit artsy hehe!

      There is literally no other way to keep your clothes clean whilst baking! Literally! Although I do often forget to wear an apron, UNLESS it's christmas and then I always remember my Christmas apron that I made myself! (Seriously, such a 50s housewife... lol)

  3. YEAH for the baking! I actually do Foodie Fridays so that I can have an excuse for requesting cookbooks off of Netgalley. Sneaky I know but I love to cook. It is so fun and baking is my favorite part of it. Even during the summer in TX which is just insane to the nth degree!

    Glad to get to know more about you beyond the blog :)

    1. Oh that's very cool! I have such issues baking in the summer, cause I get baking cravings, but ALSO it's so very very hot... So I just have to deal and drink lots of water haha!

  4. YUM, I love baking (and eating desserts), too! No Atticus attitude Chez Bellezza!

    1. Haha, Atticus' dessert attitude is like the anti-me- I don't really think a meal's over if I haven't had something sweet at the end!

  5. Hooray for baking! And who is claiming baking is unfeminist?? EVERYONE likes baked goods. Even Atticus, I'm sure.

    And now I'm hungry

    1. There's this whole feminist sector that's like 'oh all these young women who bake and sew are oppressing themselves and pretending to be feminists but obviously they can't be because they enjoy pursuits within the home' blah blah blah, to which I say FUCK YOU STOP TRYING TO OPPRESS MY RIGHT TO BAKE. IT'S MY BODY AND MY CHOICE!

      Basically, we're all batshit. Atticus clearly doesn't like baked goods though! Apart from mine, obviously, because he told me.

      Eat your crappy cookie!

  6. I looooove baking too. It's so therapeutic sometimes because you don't really have to think while you do it. And it usually always is delicious haha. I'm def going to look at your recipes and pictures. I had started a blog to keep track of recipes I wanted to try. The blog was more for myself so I don't usually advertise it. Here's the link if you're interested though Mel's Cookbook It's mostly healthy stuff, but there's a tab for treats (all the really good stuff like cheesecake! haha). I also love for finding new desert ideas.
    -Melissa @Harley Bear Book Blog

    1. Oh that's very cool! I use pinterest in the same way that you use your blog, I think, as in to save recipes from other websites that I want to try. I think I've made... about 2 things so far (out of LOADS) but that's still better than nothing I think!

      Also totally agree about not having to think whilst you're baking, but ALSO having to think just enough so that, if you've got a problem or anything, you can't think about it because you have to make sure the measurements are right! Baking=perfect.

  7. I love baking too but I'm not good at it, for which I blame my oven - although it's most likely my worry that the thing in the oven isn't cooked properly yet, so I leave it too long...

    Baking is great - and it's nice that your blogging community stretches to cooking too. Makes a nice change.

    1. Always blame the oven, that's what I say! (I totally do that too, but more with like savoury things, for some reason- cakes and stuff I'm much more confident about, and just like 'Yep, you're done, out now!' Probably because I make them more.)

      Doesn't it make a nice change? I actually discovered food blogs BEFORE book blogs, which I think is why I'm more inclined to follow them too. But book blogs are definitely more my things in terms of actually doing one!

  8. There's definitely a swing-back of sorts of women learning out to bake (beyond a box), along with sewing and knitting. Knitting in particular is huge! I know lots of 20s-30somethings who are fanatic over knitting.

    I taught myself to cook a few years back, inspired by Giada from Food Network when she did Everyday Italian. I bought a few of her books and subscribed to Martha Stewart's Everyday Food magazine; the recipes are simple and I've learned a lot. It's sad how many people don't know how to cook today. I don't buy lack of time either; people have time for movies, blogs, shopping. It takes effort to cook but it's worth it. Baking - I stick to brownies and cookies, but I very much appreciate a baker willing to make something creative. I will always volunteer to taste test!

  9. baking is a fantastic thing to do! and it's an awesome reason not to be online! Feel free to send any treats to me! I love baked goods!

  10. I don't bake much but I do enjoy cooking when I have the time. Weekend Cooking is something a lot of book bloggers participate in since it is hosted by a book blogger - might be the excuse you need to include more baking on the blog!
