
Sunday 10 June 2012

Sunday Sundries: An odd week...

Hello hello fair readers! Do you know what this post is? It's a post that has nothing to do with Armchair BEA! Yay! (Apart from, I guess, that bit right there... Hmm.) Much as I enjoyed it, I'm glad to get back to normal posting with like reviews and things! It's going to be great! Apart from the fact that I'm in the same position I was in last week and there's no weeklong event to save me and I have like one book to review and, well... It could be a lean lean blog week, is what I'm saying. Prepare yourselves for the worst.

Ahem. Drama aside... As the title has probably told you, it's been a funny old week this week! For a few reasons, but a lot of it is to do with the fact that everyone had two days off for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee (I, obviously, didn't, but still, there were extra people around, and so that was just abnormal!) and then the week never really took off from there. It was kind of a write-off, is I guess what I'm saying. I did go and meet some people I used to work with and that was SUPER fun, and the highlight of the whole day was finding an American sweetshop in Guildford (which is where I went, obviously) which was clearly SO EXCITING. For me anyway, because, and I probably haven't mentioned this, but I'm a little bit obsessed with twizzlers which you basically can't get ANYWHERE over here, so, yeah, there was some excitement. Also I got some marshmallow fluff and vanilla coke zero, and other things and omg the EXCITEMENT. It was palpable.

So that was that... So yeah, the start of the week was fairly good, but then since Wednesday my mum's been feeling quite poorly so that's been a bit distressing/has involved doing some washing and washing up and a bit of cooking and things, which obviously I have no complaints about but which are things that I did this week so I'm including them here! I also baked some (on the same day that I posted about why I love baking, funnily enough) and then on Friday my nan had a hip replacement which totally felt really sudden, because it was something we hadn't all really talked about much because she was meant to have it done in February and it didn't happen, so we weren't sure it was going to go ahead. But it did, and she's pretty much ok, and, guess what? It means I get to go to the hospital EVEN MORE! The excitement! On the plus side, though, she could come out as early as tomorrow, and I think no later than Thursday, so, yay? Sort of...

The oddness of the week (and you know what, I think when I say odd, I really just mean 'it felt really long' in the sense that on Friday I remembered Monday and felt like it was about a month ago) has been compounded by the fact that I haven't been sleeping very well, because I keep going to bed late (like a moron) and waking up early (for no reason) and it's all just bad. Bad bad bad bad bad (I'm typing so much because I'm tired. When I'm tired my mouth just does all the work that my brain normally does, which should probably turn out worse than it does, but I don't know any juicy secrets about anybody).

So, unusually, I have some aims for this week. Namely, getting to bed at a reasonable time (at about 3pm, I'm all like, ugh, I'm going to go to bed SO early tonight, and when it actually comes down to it, I'm like, ooh, internet, which is like the solitary version of talking too much), finishing some books so I have something to blog about this week (I might have to resort to a post about TV, please be advised) and, I don't know, getting my hair cut or something? I was nearly sort of going to go this week, but then mum was ill and I didn't want to leave her for too long, so, yeah. I still have bad hair.

These are clearly the lamest ever goals, but really, I JUST WANT TO SLEEP MORE! Is that such a problem, stupid body? I'm going to make it not be a problem. And also I'm going to read more (especially if I sleep more. That's how it works). It's going to be good.

PS Just as an added weird thing, now (Saturday evening) I'm totally in bed with a fever and, quite frankly, I want to die a bit. So... yeah, a funny old week, once again!


  1. My youngest just got over a high fever, flu like virus of some kind...for about 48 hrs all we've done is sit, sleep and watch Nick Jr..and sleep. Illness always knocks everything off the charts and throws everything to the you'll probably have a couple more weird days ahead of you :/ Feel better soon!

    1. Thank you! I already feel kind of better, but I think there's still much laying around watching tv (maybe not Nick Jr, but who knows..?) to be done before I'm 100% :)

  2. You should use the fact that you're sick to watch lots of stupid TV shows. But hopefully you'll be better soon, and your mom will start feeling better soon and your nan will be doing splits and other things to put that new hip to work.

    1. Dude, cleeearly going to be watching stupid tv shows! Although in this case 'stupid' might have to mean 30 Rock cause I'm soooo into it right now, and it's just sitting there staring at me! I think we're all on the mend right now, so that's all good (lol at my nan doing the splits though. I LOVE that image :) )

  3. Last week was odd for most people I think. After two bank holidays it just felt wrong to go back to work...
    There's an american shop in Notting Hill that I find fascinating. They have all the cereal (practically candy) you see american kids eat on tv, plus mac and cheese packets and tons of american chocolates and sweets. Although I was warned off trying the chocolate, apparently it's very different to (as in, not as nice as) european brands.
    Anyway, hope this week goes better for you!

    1. I'm sure! Quite a lot of people I know took the whole week off, plus it was half term, so basically I'm pretty sure everyone should have just had the week off!
      Clearly I now need to go (back) to Notting Hill, because whenever I know of an American shop, I basically HAVE to go there. It's a thing. I totally second whoever told you American chocolate is gross though, cause it IS, especially Hersheys. Although I did have some mint chocolate m&ms that I got at that shop and they were DELICIOUS, which is maybe because they were dark chocolate? Either way, YUM!

  4. Seriously BEA kicked my ass. I'm on BEA overload, I'm glad it won't be back for another year. Your poor mom, I hope she feels better this week! And bummer that you have a fever, I hope you're feeling better too.

    I like that you have little mini-goals for the week, even if they're simple... I kinda want to steal that idea. I think I may. *evil laugh*

    1. I know right? And we didn't even go to the thing where you basically just walk around all day! My mum's feeling better already ta, and I'm... a bit better. I probably need to watch more hoarders to recover or something.

      I love my mini-goals! They're so... lame. But I think they're achievable *enthusiastic thumbs up* You should totally make small achievable goals that'll make you feel good when you definitely achieve them!

  5. *hugs you for having to go to the hospital too much*

    Do us to send you some Twizzlers? Because man, they are EVERYWHERE here.

    1. *YAY hug* I'm ok. And since I'm ill now, I can't go and see my nan anyway! I'm not sure who's winning here, but it might be no one...

      Dude, I always need twizzlers. ALWAYS. Although right now I really need some mint m&ms because those were INCREDIBLE. And your chocolate usually sucks so much! (I mean not YOUR'S. Just, America's...)

  6. Odd week, indeed! I read a book a day which was not nice.

    I can imagine your joy when you found the American sweetshop! There is a English shop in the next town from where I live and I went there before Easter and they has Cadbury's CREME Eggs!!!! I was so happy. They were like 3x the price but still. Yummy!

    1. Yeah, I saw that- very brave of you!

      Ohmygosh, Cadbury's creme eggs! I feel like, if I even left England, I'd need those sent to me, or I'd have to go home every easter or something because they are AMAZING. I'm happy you get to experience them (for crazy high prices. Less happy about that.)

  7. I'm sorry that you're mom isn't feeling well but I'm glad that you're feeling better. (And that you got American junk food).

    Those weeks that just seem to go on for ages are the worst. I hope that this week goes better.
