
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Announcements and New Arrivals

Ok, I really only have one announcement, which is that the readalong of The Moonstone starts tomorrow! So if you're really having an urge to read some Wilkie this summer, then you should definitely do this. And also you should anyway because it's clearly going to be awesome, even if the book sucks (which it won't, but you know, if it did we could make fun of it and stuff!)

And with that announcement comes a book I bought...
Obviously! But it's pretty, huh? I'm seriously in love with all these Penguin English Library books, they've kind of become my equivalent objects of lust to the Clothbound Classics, only, you know, they're cheaper! And on that note, I also bought this:
Because the writing in mine was just too small, and well, I just can't deal with that, you know? I also bought (bear with me, guys, this is like a month's worth of books. And it was a booky month) a complete set of Maya Angelou's memoirs which is 6 books that were... wait for it... £3. I don't even know how to pass up an offer like that, so I didn't.
Oh, and here's a thing I did this month- I participated in RAK for the first time, and it was pretty awesome (this totally counts as my wrap up post for that, DON'T TELL ME IT DOESN'T!). So I sent out books to Bex and Ellie, cause I like them and also I approved of their lists (I sent Ellie The Woman in White, and may in fact just use RAK as a vehicle for buying EVERYONE The Woman in White and making sure they read it!) and ALSO Bex sent me This Side of Paradise by F Scott Fitzgerald, with, I have to say, a rather lovely cover!
See, it's nice huh? So I was really pleased with RAK and will definitely be taking part again this month (although probably not every month, because poor! Or at least not every month until I get a job anyway) and it's really nice and feels really good to do and everyone should do it all the time, ok? And this wasn't the only book I got in the post that I didn't even pay for either! Here's another:
Eeee! I won this from a giveaway Trish did over on her blog, and I was SO excited because it's something that I'm really excited about now, but probably would have forgotten about, which seems like it would be a very foolish thing to do from all the things I've been hearing about it! So, you know, yay! And thanks again Trish!

And then (I told you this was long. I'm so sorry.) my dad decided that I needed a present for being nice and looking after him and my mum and things, which was really nice of him, even more so because what he bought me was books! (and also a Joni Mitchell album, because JONIIIIII! But also, BOOKS!) And these were these:
Which, by the way, I happen to think were really good choices (he asked me what I wanted and I directed him to my wishlist, so he chose them all by himself) because they're books that I did want, but also may never have actually bought myself. So now I have them and all is well with the world! Ahem, well, not that last part. But you know... And then I was allowed to run around in various charity shops and things and I bought the following:

Which I feel I'm allowed, because I have valid reasons for wanting them all! You know, you've been there right? 

So, I'm really sorry about this post because I even got bored writing it, so, you know, feel free to beat me up later. IF YOU CAN FIND ME hahaha the internet is awesome. 

Oh, and actually there is one more thing: The very same Trish I mentioned earlier is doing this awesome thing called Pin It and Do It, which is a sort of challenge thing encouraging people to make/do the things they've pinned on Instagram. I'm totally on board with this because, like everyone, I assume, I pin many many things with really good intentions and then, erm, never make them. I think I've made one recipe I've pinned, so.. I need to do something about this. I'm being a 'timid pinner' (making 1-3 pins) but hopefully I'll get a few more in than that- we'll just have to see. So go and sign up and I'll cheer you on and stuff! 

And now I'm really done. Go on with your LIVES, good people!


  1. Yay for RAK! And I'm really glad you liked the cover, I wasn't sure if you would. Also Ready Player One is all kinds of awesome :-) and you're allowed to buy stuff in charity shops if you have legitimate reasons for wanting them, also cos it's charity so it helps people and stuff! My logic is totally infallible...:-/

    1. I really do! It's all art deco-y and twenties and perfect for Fitzgerald! Which is probably the point, so go me for grasping that! HA, my charity shop logic is absolutely 'it's for charity! So it's a good deed really!' which I have exercised again today. Whoops...

  2. Used also and and faaaaar too much in that comment! Sorry!

    1. Hahaha, no worries! I use all the words and also exclamation points waaaay too much!

  3. I loved This SIde of Paradise! And I totally love those Maya Angelous you found. What a great book week it's been for you :) I'm tempted to join the Moonstone read along. It's just that i have so many other shiny new books waiting for me :-/ Hmmm what to do. What to do . . . .

    1. It has been a RIDICULOUS book week, and I think I'm slightly in trouble. Whoops..?

      READ THE MOONSTONE, READ THE MOONSTONE! Here's me selling it to you- Wilkie is the greatest ever, and we have the MOST fun with Alice's readalongs!! :)

  4. Yayyyy Ready Player One! And The Moonstone! And all the books!

    I really should to the Pin It and Do It thingy cause there are so many things on Pinterest I want to try... but I'm too lazy to even challenge myself to do some right now. How sad is that.


      I maaay be too lazy to do any pinterest things, but I want to try and this seems like the best motivator to do that, so... we shall see how that goes! Probably nothing will get done while the olympics are on though, which is baaaaad but DAMN I LOVE THE OLYMPICS!

  5. I love The Moonstone! I read it earlier in the year before the readalong was announced, I'm sure you will all love it :)

    And I'm keen to see what you think of Storyteller. I've read another biography of Roald Dahl and it gave the impression that he wasn't a very nice man at all...

    1. Yeeeeeey! I've only heard people saying they love The Moonstone, AND it's a Wilkie book so I'm just assuming that there's no way it can be bad!

      I think I've heard that Roald Dahl wasn't necessarily the nicest (I sort of think of him as quite crochety) but I feel like... I don't really care? As in, cause his books are so lovely that I don't really mind what he was like? But I'm still interested in that? Lol, all the questions!

  6. Wilkie!!! I hope he does not let us down with this readalong. I have high expectations after WiW

    Also hooray for Ready Player One! Revel in the nerdy '80s references

    1. WILKIE WILL NEVER LET US DOWN! I truly believe that, especially cause I read Armadale too and that was AWESOME!

      Ready Player One! I'm pretty excited! Keep prodding me and make me read it sooon!

  7. Wow! This is all very exciting stuff, Laura! Your edition of The Moonstone is glorious. It's one of my all-time favorites :)

    1. I know right! I love my copy of The Moonstone so, and I'm really excited to read it! I'm so excited that you love it, cause that obviously means it's great! :D

  8. ...I don't think you've got enough books there, Laura.


    I hope the Ready Player One references aren't too specific to America, because I REALLY want you to love it since we've all gone crazy over it and its charmingness.

    Roald Dahl was married to Patricia Neal, whom I love. What is all.

    1. That's what I thought too, it's why I bought some more today... I need to be STOPPED!

      I really don't know why the knives and forks... It seems like the cover of Vanity Fair, with its jewels and all is more appropriate- but also SHHHH, it's pretty!

      I hope not too! Cause as we've all observed, I've missed some specifically American references before, so... Hmm. We shall see!

      I knew that! Admittedly I didn't know that until she died (first reaction: that's the lady from Breakfast at Tiffanys! Second reaction: She was married to Roald Dahl?!) but still, something I knew! Yay!

  9. This is such a happy post. It made me smile. :) <---- see I'm smiling

  10. Wow you got lots of great books! I love the cover of This Side of Paradise.
    I participated in Pin it and Do it last time and it was so much fun, it resulted in delicious treats being baked and consumed. Will be doing it this time too!

    1. That's what I'm hoping I'll do! This is the plan. I love the cover too, so appropriate right? :)

  11. Wow! So many great books here. I love the clothbound books (almost gave one away for the giveaway rather than the choice of book), but I'm absolutely in love with the puffin classics. They look like little books of rainbow sherbet.

    I'm so glad that Ready Player One arrived safely. You'll have to let me know how you like it! And finally, thanks for joining Pin It Do It. I still need to figure out what I'm going to be doing but I really look forward to seeing what everyone else does!

    1. I love the clothbounds so so so much... Trying to collect them all, which is going VERY slowly!

      I absolutely will let you/everyone know how I feel about Ready Player One- I'm slightly nervous about it in case I don't LOVE it like everyone else, but I'm sure it'll be great! Also, I'm so excited about Pin It Do It! SO badly need some motivation to actually DO the things I pin, so it's like the perfect challenge for me :)
