
Monday 9 July 2012

Once Upon A Readathon- Starting Post

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon

So this is that readathon that I'm doing and yet keep forgetting about and it's HERE! So hopefully I won't forget that I'm doing it for the whole of these three days and just not read anything. Not that that would happen. Ahem.

Sooooo. I think what I'm going to do with this is just write a new post each morning just as an update on my progress for the previous day, and to get me focused on reading and stuff for the day ahead. We won't mention the fact that I'll probably be writing said posts the night before, or that probably no one wants all these posts on their google readers and whatnot, because dammit, I'm doing it and you can't stop me! *insert petulant tongue sticking out here*

Here are my thoughts as of right now- I've never done a 3 day readathon thing (or one that's longer than a day) and I feel that I may have some adjustment issues, in either reading too much and burning out on day 1, or not reading enough and feeling slightly disappointed by the end of it. So, I'm just going to chill out and read what I feel like only slightly more than I usually do, which I understand is the whole point of these anyway. So that's good. I have no idea what I'll be reading, other than that it'll be from the Fuck the Patriarchy reading list that I created (so actually, it's from a choice of 19 books, plus Vanity Fair. Obviously...) and I don't really have a goal for how much- I'd like to finish, say, 3 books? by the end of it (I should add that I'm unemployed, so reading that much isn't really going to be a problem) but it could be more or less- if I read some plays/short novels, then I could probably read about 5, if I just read The Second Sex, I'd probably finish that and nothing else. But I'm sure you understand that different books are of different lengths. Obviously.

So here's my first update: I woke up at 11am today (this is literally unheard of) and thus far haven't done any reading. TA DA! *jazz hands etc* Will try to be better for the rest of today.


  1. Best. Update. Ever. *tries to resist doing jazz hands right back and fails miserably*

    If it's any consolation, I deliberately took a day off today and I'm still struggling to get started properly! My grandmother's come to visit and is hoovering/looking for things/trying to see what I'm eating/asking where the cat is, so I keep getting distracted! :)

    P.S. I've just bookmarked your challenges page, because there's SO MUCH COOL STUFF THERE! I'll be back to stalk it more when I'm NOT supposed to be reading!

    1. Hehehe, your gran is a cruel cruel woman- does she not know the importance of readathons?!

      Also, yay you like my challnges and things! The excitement! I'm totally like 'I want to read all the blogs... No, I should read-read... WHAT DO I DO?!' And I just want to lay down and sleep instead! I'm soooo not doing well at this (still!)

  2. I remember seeing this on Alice's sidebar and thinking "Oh, I should totally sign up for that."

    But then I forgot. So maybe I will? Better late than never!

    *scurries off to sign up*

    1. *applauds your signing up* Read, dear Rayna, READDDDDD! :)

  3. This may sound weird, but at this moment I am totally jealous of your unemployment.

    1. It doesn't sounds that weird because I've heard it before, but it sounds weird TO ME, if you know what I mean? But, well, I get your point, and actually I do sort of enjoy the first few weeks of unemployment, and I'd recommend that, but any more than that I'd say a big NO WAY to.

  4. I just signed up. And haven't done anything yet, but write my starting post. But, I'm going to head to the coffee shop now with my Cormac McCarthy and get this party started.

  5. Sigh. I love people's readathon updates. Totally bummed I can't participate due to ensuing blog messiness. ONE GROUP READY THING AT A TIME.

    1. :( I am sad. I think you should STOP readingalong and readathon instead. Cause that's what I'm doing, and it's cool to do exactly what the majority of people are doing. Always.

    2. Damn, that is trufax right there.

  6. I am entirely jealous of people's ability to do readathons! Every time I try, some really important event happens or somebody does big sad eyes at me till I go for lunch/to the cinema/shopping with them, or I'm having a baby and so fall a sleep immediately after getting home from work. Oh well, maybe next time! Also, I love your Fuck the Patriarchy list!:-)

    1. Hehehe, oh dear! If you keep saying maybe next time though, maybe it really will happen next time! :) *fingers crossed*. Also, thanks! I'm quite looking forward to reading ALL THE BOOKS :)

  7. I loved your read-a-thon post. I haven't done much reading at all, despite normally devouring books at an insane pace. I've spent the day, what time I wasn't running errands, checking out all of the other blogs that are participating and finding new ones to follow and comment on.

    So I've read a total of a hundred pages today in my actual book and about a million if you put together all of the blog posts I've read...and cheated and wrote my read-a-thon update post for tomorrow tonight. Yay! xD
