
Tuesday 3 July 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Oh the trials I've had with this week's TTT! First of all I was going to do it because I misunderstood the point of the list and had one all ready, and then when I realised I was like 'ohhh, fuck this' but NOW I'm like 'hmmm... I'm not looking like finishing a book any time EVER so I should probably make a list'. And so this is it! The most begrudged list ever, because I love you all so much that I don't want you to miss me for a whole week. I'm amazing, I know.

Top Ten Books for People Who Liked X Author

If you like Stephen King, you might like:

1. Dracula by Bram Stoker- I literally know nothing about horror novels beyond Stephen King, but I read Dracula last year and it was extremely awesome, and also, I know it inspired 'Salem's Lot in all kinds of ways, so there's that.

2. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley- Because, whilst it's mildly scary and peril-ish, it also deals with the emotional side of things in a way that Stephen King often does too. And it's sort of awesome.

3. The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins- Ok, hear me out, because even though this is all mystery rather than horror, it's definitely a bit creepy and uneasy making and well, utterly amazing. And basically I just want everyone to read it, so go and do that!

If you like Margaret Atwood, you might like:

4. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley- Clearly I've only read Atwood dystopias, but this is kind of a great one that I think remains relevant today. Or I did when I read it years ago...

5. 1984 by George Orwell- You know. Another dystopia and all that. And also, it's terrifying. Like The Handmaid's Tale

If you like Nora Ephron, you might like:

6. Bill Bryson- Because they both have the knack of making the everyday hilarious, and of being awesome. Damn, I'm sad about Nora...

7. How To Be A Woman by Caitlin Moran- See: Hilarious. And amazing.

8. Girls- Lena Dunham is like in LOVE with Nora Ephron, and I think that sometimes comes through in her tv series. And it's awesome so you should just watch it anyway.

And if you liked The Help by Kathryn Stockett:

Then there's really no hope for you. I recommend therapy, OR if you really want to read about the 'black experience' in America, then go for The Color Purple by Alice Walker, or I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou.


  1. Haha if you liked the Help there's no hope for you. You're so negative.

    I want to read some Ephron. And Moran. and see Girls. SO MUCH TO DO

    1. Look, anyone who can get through that book without wanting to murder Skeeter is a far better person than me!

      READ THE EPHRON! I recommend I Feel Bad About My Neck. AND CAITLIIIIIN! Is HTBAW even out in the US yet? It's out this month, right? It's the best everrrrr! And, well, yeah, obvs Girls!! So much you have to look forward to!

    2. I read part of I Feel Bad About My Neck in a book store and liked it but also felt sorta silly reading it cos I'm not at 50+ year old lady. But maybe I'll buy it anyway. Or I'll buy it for my mom or something and then read it.

      Also is How To Be A Woman out here yet?? cos I want to read it but the few time I checked it was like "nope sorry! You're not cool enough for this".

    3. See, I would have felt silly, but it's Nora Freaking Ephron! And she transcends age and gender and everything to be purely awesome. So what I'm saying is, you can buy that book, it's all ok.

      I *think* it comes out this month, sometime. Caitlin and Jenny Lawson did an AWESOME interview of each other kind of in honour of their books and I think it said some time in July. So soon, my dear, soon! (Also, if I see it in a charity shop, I'm a gonna get it and send it to you cause I is nice. Also cause everyone ever should read it...)

  2. I ADORE Stephen King!! (Who doesn't?? LOL!) But I sadly have not read a single book on your list - I guess I need to change that!

    Stop by and see my Top Ten / Teaser Tuesday!

    1. Definitely! Although if you're reading Stephen King already then you're doing well, so that's all good :)

    2. I just counted last month (out of sheer curiosity) and I have read 27 King books - I'm currently reading Under The Dome, so soon 28!

    3. That's very impressive! I've done 28 in my sort of challenge thing so far, but I've read more than that in, like, ever. But still, 27 is awesome!

  3. Frickin' Maya Angelou...

    Thanks for going through all those emotional states to arrive at a list. ;) But Frankenstein? *eyes dubiously* I love Dracula, because MINA HARKER, but I haven't been able to finish Frankenstein yet, and it's been like five years since I started it.

    WiW is obviously the greatest.

    1. WTF how can you have a problem with Maya Angelou? She is AWESOME.

      Ah, Mina. The most awesome/most stifled woman in the woooorld. I love her. I've read Frankenstein twice, and I definitely liked it better the first time, but I still feeeel things for the monster, you know? It's good, finish it dammit!

  4. I LOVE Girls! And The Help! And Margaret Atwood! And your post! I would also recommend Gillian Flynn for Stephen King fans...her books are dark & twisty & creepy!

  5. OH OH OH! I'd never read of Nora Ephron, but her books look amazing. I'm definitely adding them to the wishlist. I need to stop visiting your blog, I always end up finding more books I want! :)

    1. But but but NORAAAAAA! Have you not seen When Harry Met Sally, woman?! *That* is more important than reading all of her books! (Also Julie and Julia, the movie, is pretty awesome. In case you didn't know. :) )

      Also, yes, keep coming here and reading ALL THE BOOKS I SAY ARE GOOD! Cause, you know, obviously everyone should be doing that anyway!

  6. LOL! I love that last paragraph. :)

  7. I may have snorted when I saw your paragraph about The Help. Heh.

    And I need to read something by Ephron! How did I get so far without doing that?

    1. ;) I just... damn, I really hate that book!

      Ephron is the greatest ever and I already miss her! I recommend I Feel Bad About My Neck, but seriously everything I've read by her is fairly amazing :)

  8. I heart Stephen King but it's been a while since I've read anything by him. I would add Dean Koontz to the list of authors to read if you like King :-)

    1. Oooh, good to know, thanks! I genuinely don't really know anything about any other horror authors but King, so yeah, recommendations for me along those lines are good!

  9. I feel like I need to read some more Stephen King... I haven't in over a decade. Then again, I hate being scared and the books I read were super creepy, lol.

    1. Yeah, maybe avoid him then? Hehe. I would recommend The Green Mile though, and Different Seasons, because neither of them are really scary, even though they include some supernatural stuff. The Green Mile is definitely one of my favourites of his like, out of everything, so yeah, try that maybe?

  10. I still haven't read any Stephen King. Where should I start? I picked up a copy of How to be a Woman I. London and was super psyched, but haven't read it yet.

  11. LOL looooove your last one!
