
Sunday 19 August 2012

Sunday Sundries: Surprises and Day Trips

So this week was kind of awesome- I had two day trips, one just to Windsor (I say just cause it's really near me) to hang out with my friend Justine, with whom I found a pub that makes what look like the greatest sandwiches in the world, only we'd already eaten at lunchtime, and so basically it's really important that we go back there. I mean, imperative. So that was awesome, and then I also went to the beach with my friend Becci and her friend Ed and that was also all the greatness, even if it was sort of cold and windy (and then yesterday? Like, 85 degrees Fahrenheit. What the hell?) AND there were gross crabbing incidents, crabbing being intrinsically gross. But still... Much fun was had all round!

So, a good week! Admittedly I did have to go to the hospital on Friday with my mum and wait for TWO HOURS for a ten minute appointment that didn't really tell us anything we didn't know, which did suck a lot, but then I got to hold a baby for a while, so... That sort of evened things out a bit. And maybe most interestingly, or at least relevently to this blog, I GOT RID OF SOME BOOKS! Ok, technically they're still outside my bedroom door cause no one has taken them to a charity shop yet, but I got rid of probably 25 or so books? Which isn't really as many as I should get rid of, but it's a step in the right direction, right? Right. I was pretty proud of myself anyway, and I did that on Monday, so even if the rest of the week had been a write-off, I would have still done that! Except the rest of the week turned out to be awesome, so... Yay all round!

I realise I'm being totally chipper, but don't tell me so and bring me down, man. I like the chipper! And I'm not expecting it to retreat until at least Wednesday, because I'm going away... somewhere from Monday to Wednesday. And I don't know where, so don't even ask me, cause my sister's taking me and it's a big ole secret which is actually more exciting and less annoying than I thought such a thing would be! So... I have no real information about it for you, but it's what I'm going to be doing for the first part of this week so I just thought I'd inform you. It might not even affect posting on here if I can get some posts written today (mutters something about packing and then gives up on computer things) but still... I like to let you know these things.

And I think that's about all I have for you this week, folks! Short-ish and sweet, that's how I like to keep things (err, never. Except when I have to pack and things...) I hope all of your weeks were lovely, and hey, tell me about them in the comments, yeah? 


  1. YAYYY for awesome weeks and daytrips and all the fun!

    Last time I purged like 100 books from my shelves... and most of them are still stacked in the hallway against the wall. It's been months, I should really wrangle up some boxes and take them to the charity shops. But I'm lazy. So there they sit.

    Hope you have another great week and a fun mystery trip! :)

    1. YAY indeed :)

      Duuude, we are so the same- I literally only just got rid of a few books from the last (teeny) purge and they were there for MONTHS, so who knows how long these ones will be there!

      I am SO EXCITED for the mystery! :D

  2. I say huzzah for daytrips and secret trips and being chipper. Looking forward to know what your destination was!

    1. Huzzah indeed :) I am too! I'm sure I'll be going on about it on twitter, and I'll definitely post about it next week :D

  3. Congratulations on your book purge! How did you choose which ones to chuck?

    Happy summer Sundays to you - hope the trip is awesome!

    1. Ummm... I kind of just went 'am I ever, EVER going to read you?' either again OR like ever, and if the answer was no then I let it go. For a more effective purge I would have dropped one of the 'ever's, but, well... I'm not quite there yet. I feel less drowning in books-ish, so that's good anyway :)

      I hope so too! I'm really excited now!

  4. Ooh, a mystery trip, very exciting - have fun!

    And getting rid of any books is always an accomplishment, I feel ridiculously proud of myself whenever I manage it. Mine have to go to the charity shop THE SAME DAY or they sneak back to the bookshelves on their own :P

    1. Thank you! I'll try my hardest ;)

      Dude, I've totally been trying not to look in the bag every day, cause there are a few books I've gotten rid of that I'm slightly waver-y of... But it's ok. I will NOT cave. NOT NOT NOT.

  5. Yay for the book purge!! Doesn't it make you feel loads better to get rid of the books you know you won't read again? (Which is really just making space for more books.) I do it every so often. The sucky part comes when all you have left is books you love and no space.

    1. It does feel SO good, cause I actually have space! I mean, only a teeny bit of space cause I was basically OVERFLOWING with books, but still, I've got a teeny but of leeway for maybe buying a few more books. But I'm going to try not to. (She says!)

  6. Sounds like a good weekend to me! Make sure to be checking your mail. A postcard may be on its way... :)

    1. HOW EXCITING! :) I've tooootally got a postcard to send you, so... Yayayayayay all round :) hehe

  7. Dude, 25 books? That is crazy-awesome. I aspire to your heights of greatness re book getting rid of-ness.

    1. Some are born great, Alice... Maybe you can have greatness thrust upon you ;)

      But seriously, I was totally both pleased and surprised with myself. And glad that it's done for at least a while.

  8. Yay for day trips and surprise trips and all kinds of trips. Especially trips that involve planning follow up trips for delicious, delicious sandwiches.

    25 books? That is amazing. Be super proud of that. And now you have room for new books.

    1. I was just about to tell you about this pub that had sandwiches that I have to go back to before I realised I had actually written about it in this post. OH DEAR.

      I am SO proud of the book removal. And also NO ALLEY NO MORE BOOKS! To be fair, there isn't really any space cause I really really did have too many books so now it's just like they all have places. But NO MORE!

    2. PLEASE still tell me more about the pub sandwiches. Because while I won't say it was the whole reason for the trip, our last trip to Seattle was partially motivated by the sandwich from Paseo. Totally worth it too, by the way.

    3. It basically just serves sandwiches, but they're like AMAZING sandwiches and theres everything you can think of, and basically I want to eat them ALL. And here's the link to the menu:
      Actually, it's a link to the link of the menu. Whatever haha

    4. And now I'm hungry and would like one of each, please.

    5. Ok, I'll send you ALL THE SANDWICHES if you send me some magnolia cupcakes and sweets from Dylan's Candy Bar and any other NYC things I can think of, k thanks!

    6. Oh man, DEAL. I'm sure those sandwiches will travel well. I already told Boyfriend+ that next time we're in England I found sandwiches we need to have
