
Sunday 9 September 2012

Sunday Sundries: Summer Is Here!

Hey guys, it's September now, which obviously means that, in a completely logical way, we're finally getting a proper summer over here! Yeah, it's ridiculous, and yet it would be churlish to complain about it because it's sunny! And so hot! And lovely! Yesterday afternoon I just walked to this bit of grass (I would say park, but it's not a park, hence, 'bit of grass') and read under this tree, and it was BLISS! In fact... it was under THIS tree:
Which waaaay back in March I was like 'I'm going to read under that!' and then NEVER DID. So I'm glad I finally did before autumn (which is basically winter) got here.

The big event this week, anyway, was my sister's birthday on Thursday and because I'm lovely I made cupcakes for all the people she works with (supposedly for money, but I have seen no evidence of any yet...) plus I made her a birthday cake that she complained about. It wasn't the best of 'thank yous' I've heard. Anyway, the point is that I could have actually done without the super-hot temperatures for those two baking days because oh MY, I nearly melted. With the oven on as well... It was just too hot. But it's all done now and I feel good for doing a good thing, and also I'll feel even better when she pays me. I'll buy myself something pretty, like my own copy of Attachments.

Oh, and on Friday I went on a picnic with my friend and it was AWESOME and totally picnic weather and would have been a perfect day if there hadn't been a point where I had to pee in a bush. Yeah. That was not the most fun I've ever had, but other than that? It was great! All the days are great when they're sunny! (I'm in such a good mood. I don't even know how I'm going to deal with the downfall when it's all cloudy and rainy next week. It's not going to be fun.)

I'm totally not going to keep you for much longer because I really don't have anything interesting to say (although, allow me to observe: reading scary-ish stories when it's sunny and lovely? Totally diminishes their scariness. Take THAT, We Need To Talk About Kevin!) because I've just basically been reading and baking and getting outside as much as humanly possible while it's still lovely. But I just want to announce, or rather, re-announce that:
You can read The Grapes of Wrath with me and many other awesome people this October! It's going to be awesome, I can tell already! So you can sign up HERE, and if you've already signed up and refrained from putting the bad bad picture thingy on your blog as requested, you can now put this way classier one on there if you wish to do so! Now, you might be on the fence and all like 'ooh, I don't know, can I manage to read The Grapes of Wrath in one month' and I'm here to tell you that Bex is taking part, and she's going to have a baby in the middle of it. So you can probably manage it, is what I'm saying. So get your sad gifs at the ready, cause October is not all that far away!


  1. The weather is weird isn't it? I want it to be cold as I have bought a nice new jumper that I'm impatient to wear!

    1. I'm pretty ready for it to be cold too! I re-started knitting last week, but it's been too hot to carry on with that! So weird.

  2. Aww I feel famous now! :-) I love the hot weather, it's the best bit of living by the sea, except that at the moment it's just making me have massive ankles and that's not the funnest, but oh well! Apparently it's raining from now on though so it's good that you made the most of the sun while it was here!

    1. You are super famous! Cause you're all awesome and cause I have visions of you in labour, reading Grapes and going 'well, my struggles here are nothing compared to the Joads's' which is possibly inaccurate (sorry, definitely inaccurate!) but makes for awesome visions!

      ANYWAY! Yay the seaside, but also I guess yay today's weather, if only because your ankles have maybe a bit of respite! But I am sad that the sun has gone away, probably forever (or... until March or something. Whatevs!)

  3. Oh, a Steinbeck readalong? If I can get my ducks in a row I'll try to join but I can make no promises--that's a helluva book commitment to read in lieu of the not-yet-published stuff I'm supposed to be reading for work. But I'll lurk if nothing else.

    1. Lurking is always appreciated, but also The Grapes of Wraaaaath... it's the bessssssst!! *nudge nudge nudge* hehe.

  4. That is a MAGNIFICENT tree to read under! I'm still on my search to find my own quiet tree on campus :)

    1. It was so lovely! Plus it had leaves on it and everything, so was really shady! I loved it :). And now it's going to rain for about 6 months, probably, so please, a moment's silence while I mourn my tree-sitting-under *goes very very quiet and sad*

  5. I'm super jealous you got to read under that tree. Even if I could find a tree like that where I live, I'd get eaten alive by all the mosquitoes! I really love the picture you took of it.

    And geez, if someone can do the readalong during the month of having a baby, there is NO EXCUSE I tell ya. ;p

    1. ARGH, not mosquitoes! Not really a problem here, I have to say, but I do see a MASSIVE amount of bugs I've never seen before whenever I sit under trees. Very weird. Thank you for the picture love! I would take the credit, but it's all instagram's work, really.

      And I know right! Everyone in the WORLD should now be doing it, I reckon!

  6. Way to pour on the guilt. Bex is going to birth a human and she's taking part, so I'm pretty sure whatever you have going on, you can read this. But seriously, everyone needs to join this.

    Hooray for reading under the tree! Yay

    1. Exactly! I think it's something people need to think about, cause if she can handle both things, what can't they handle?!

      I'm so happy that everyone's so excited that I read under a tree! No one's excited that I baked! I probably should have included pictures of that too, huh? :)

    2. If I saw the cupcakes, I'm sure I would have oooh-ed and aah-ed about them. Also I'm hungry right now, so I would like a cupcake.


    1. THIS SOUNDS LIKE THE BEST COMMENT EVER! Sadly it's not here, and I didn't even get a confirmy email or anything, and it's not in my spam comments either. Now I'm ALL THE SAD!

  8. That is the coolest tree ever! It's finally getting cold here (yay!) I'm so excited to break out scarves and sweaters!

    Yay for baking! (Even though you didn't get a thank you!) I'm glad you're getting a bit of summer now.

    1. Isn't it though? It's really pretty, I should have taken a picture of it with leaves on and everything! YAY SWEATERS AND SCARVES (hats are my favourites though. Yay hats the MOST!)

      I got a thank you for the cupcakes, but a complaint about the main cake. Which was annoying, but the baking was still fun so it's all ok :) Also *whispers* I think summer is over now, as of today. :(((((
