
Sunday 16 September 2012

Sunday Sundries: This Will Be Exciting To No One But Me...

...But I got a haircut! I know, (normal) people get them all the time, but I haven't had a proper one for TWO AND A HALF YEARS because I have a hairdresser phobia that's akin to that which most (normal) people have of the dentist. But NO MORE!
This was the only picture I took that I could allow to be on the internet... Sadly it kind of cuts off the hair... Like the hairdresser did! (Oh, puns...)

I really like it! This is also the first time it's been straight in like... 2 and a half years, and it won't be staying that way, so I'll have to see if I still like it when it's curlified. Although there's not a lot I can do about it if I don't!

Anyway. That was pretty boring news, I'm sorry. What else... Oh yeah, I went shopping with my cousin on Tuesday, which brought to the forefront of my mind how RIDICULOUSLY different we are (she thought I was weird for sending a postcard to my internet penpal [Totally not weird!] and said that Stephen King had a messed up brain despite never reading one of his books [:O] and then I went to wander round Hobbycraft while she had her makeup done by the Boots lady [not that I have anything against makeup, but I don't wear any and it doesn't excite me at all]) but how it doesn't matter! Because we love each other! It's like... Love triumphing over shared interests, guys. It's all good.

Anyway, I guess from my dithering you can kind of tell that I didn't really do anything this week. And I didn't, which was fine except when I try to do a weekly round-up post, it makes for some pretty dull reading, I realise. So let's liven things up and talk about something I really hate: YOLO! We all know that this stands for 'You Only Live Once', right? And to be honest, it's a sentiment that I don't hate- you have to do exciting things, and things you might not get another chance to do, because, indeed, you do only live once. It's just a truism.

But when it's used for something like 'Oh, I've got loads of homework today but there's this major party going on tonight... YOLO!' I'm just like... That's not an awesome once in a lifetime opportunity, that's you being a lazy moron! I mean, the other day I saw a white van where someone had written on it 'Clean me! YOLO'. You only live once, and you're going to spend that time writing shit on people's dirty vans? And you think that's a good use of your time? Basically, everyone needs to get over this before we have an entire generation of moron alcoholics who only drank so much because YOLO! LOL! and civilisation FALLS APART. I don't even think I'm being dramatic.

Young people are so stupid...

Anyway! Bookish update alert: I'm still loving the RIP Challenge. I finished The Little Stranger yesterday and I shall review it tomorrow (here's a shorter version, in case you don't want to read it: meh.) and I'm still trying to decide if Crime and Punishment can count as a RIP book. I think yes, but since I've already read 4 and it's only halfway through September... I don't think it really matters! So I'm going to keep plugging away at it (it's really good, but harrrrrd, for some reason. Russian lit, man) and read some other things cause that's just what I do.

Mum starts her radiotherapy next week, so I don't know how internet present I'll be (probably loads- like I'll come in and be like 'I can't face ANYTHING except the internet!) so DON'T PANIC if I'm not here loads. Cause I know how you worry about me. And have a lovely week!


  1. I love the haircut girl. I hope you post pics with it all curly-like.

    1. Thank you my dear! I will perhaps post curlified pictures next week if you so desire it :)

  2. Your haircut looks great! Although boooo straight hair, cause I have straight hair and it's boring! Let's see the curls!

    I honestly hadn't heard of the YOLO thing until I heard about people talking about how stupid it was... shows how much I avoid stupid younger people at all costs. But let's think of other things it can stand for...

    You Obviously Look Old / Odd / Ogre-ish
    You Obviously Love Oprah
    You Only Look Okay

    Wow it's hard to think of "O" words off the stop of my head...

    Hope your mom's radiotherapy goes well! You know, as well as things like that can. And try to have a good week :)

    1. Thank you! And don't worry it'll totally be curly ALL THE TIME when I wash it, cause I'm a lazy gal. Curly pictures next week!

      I'm pretty sure the main things I've heard about YOLO are just people saying how stupid it is, which PLEASES me, and gives me hope for humanity. So I just thought I'd add my two cents :) (You Obviously Like Owls is my personal favourite, I have to say!)

      I will try to have a good week! Each treatment only takes 15 minutes or so, which means not very much hospital time, but lots of travelling. But I'll take the travelling over hospital time any day!

  3. Your hair is awesome, and I totally get the haircut being a bit deal thing. I don't have them either, I just tie my hair up :-p and then when I get desperate I usually get one of my friends to just chop a couple of inches off it...

    also I would totally take Hobbycraft over makeup. Hobbycraft is amazing. I often have to be physically dragged out.

    Hope your week isn't too sucky - if you want somebody to take your mind off stuff I can totally whinge at you about baby related problems on Twitter, you know where I am! :-p

    1. Dude, I love you! I thought it was just me! I think I'm kiiind of over the whole hairdresser phobia now (especially cause I think my hair looks pretty! Hehe) so I shall return, but I'll never be an every six weeks kind of girl (is anyone? I hope not...)

      HOBBYCRAFT! The first time I went in there I was so overwhelmed! With joy! And I kind of do have to be dragged out. Or at least have a very good reason to leave. Ah, crafts :)

      And thank you for your amazingly kind offer! ;) You must be nearly there now right? EXCITING! Expecting many baby pictures :)

  4. The haircut looks awesome! Maybe post a curly pic too?

    "we have an entire generation of moron alcoholics who only drank so much because YOLO! LOL!" - bahahahaha yeah that's pretty much the true definition of YOLO. Other than the owl one (obv).

    Hope all goes well with your mom this week

    1. Thank youuu! I totally am going to post a curly picture now since it's in high demand! I hope my face looks ok at some point during this week! Haha.

      The owl one is the only allowable definition of YOLO, I think. Or at least the only one I'll sign up to!

      And another thank you! I'm sure it'll be fine- she's not at all worried about it haha! The only side effect is tiredness, apparently, so I'll just have to do more house-y things, which hey, I'm totally used to!

  5. Your haircut looks great. I have hair that will never be completely straight so I can sort of empathize. (Though your hair is much curlier than mine).

    I think CP should count for RIP, some pretty serious stuff happens in it and it is kind of creepy in parts.

    I hope your mom's treatment goes well. :)

    This is probably a silly question but how are YOLO and owls connected? I'm sitting here like "I agree, YOLO is stupid...but owls? Huh?"

    1. I don't mind having curly hair (especially when the hairdresser's all like 'you've got a beautiful curl to your hair'- YESSSSSS!) but I mind being too lazy to do stuff to it. Bad me!

      You know what, if you say C&P counts then I'm down with that! It's pretty dark, so yeah, I'm counting it!

      And thank you! I'll keep everyone updated, obvs!

      The owl thing is just like a better abbreviation/what YOLO *should* stand for, you know? Although I also like Sarah's 'You Obviously Love Oprah' (see above)

  6. Lovely hair! I also have hairdresser phobia, however I need to bite the bullet. My hair is crazy long now, but not nice crazy long - it's suffered and no amount of conditioner disguises it!

    I hope your mum's treatment goes well <3

    1. Awww, I'd definitely advise having a nice haircut, because honestly I bounced all the way home cause I was like 'I have nice hairrr! YAY!' Seriously, it was ridiculous how happy it made me!

      And thank you xx

  7. Funnily enough, I always go a year or two between haircuts too - and I have long curly hair, and when I DO have it cut tend to have it styled EXACTLY LIKE THAT. Until the next time it's washed and it all boings up around my face like Milly Molly Mandy (Google it, dudes). My lack of haircuttyness (shut up, it's a real word) isn't so much hairdresser phobia as sheer laziness though. Spending an hour sitting with a glazed expression watching a lady cutting a millimetre at a time off each strand of hair is just so... boring. It HAS gone a bit 'fallen out of a tree' again now though, so I guess it might almost be time to bite the bullet and make that appointment. :(

    YOLO... Jeezus. Young people ARE stupid. Except for the quiet academic ones who'll grow up to be awesome bookish ladies like us, obviously... :)

    Also, you're doing so well for RIP! I kinda forgot about it while I was away, so I'm officially declaring that a paranormal romance about dragon sex totally counts, because there's some evil witchery and black magic in there. *Glares around and defies anyone to tell her differently*

    MORE ALSO, hope your Mum's treatment all goes well and that you manage a bit of time to relax along the way, even if it IS by stalking through the blogosphere like something that should probably have an RIP book all of its own. ;)

    1. Oh duuuude, my hair will totally do that when I wash it. I'm slightly concerned because it is VERY short at the back! But I know what you mean about boringness too though! I was just staring at my face going 'wow, my face sure is round', and THEN I had to take my glasses off and my face looked totally deformed, and I was like 'ARGH!' Only, you know, in my brain.

      Yay for quiet academic young people! If I was young now, I totally wouldn't even know what YOLO was. Probably...

      RIP! I loves it. I picked up a Stephen King yesterday cause I was feeling ill and wanted something familiar, and I'm SO INTO IT! Seriously. Dragon sex=totally counts. And also, ew! I mean, ew if you get off on it, I guess, not in general.

      I shall try to relax some! It will just be in the afternoons, so I'll have the mornings at least to just do whatever. We'll see, I'm just trying not to get stressed about it!

  8. Laura, I love your hair, it looks amazing. The straight totally suits you!


    1. Thank you my dear!! I would leave it straight if only I wasn't so lazy... If only!! x

  9. Love the hair cut! Super cute.

  10. Haha, I assume I'm the internet penpal in question? I got the postcard this weekend, and it is awwwwwesome! Thank you so much! I've put it up at my desk so when I get distracted I can just imagine I'm standing on a stormy, windy moor, tragically looking towards the manor where my true love lives. That's totally what you do on moors, right?

    1. You totally are- WE ARE NOT WEIRD WE ARE COOL!

      I think that's probably the normal thing to do on moors. I sort of frolicked around them cause I was like 'YORKSHIRE IS THE GREAAAATEST!' but if it'd been winter? I might have felt differently.

  11. Lady, look at that bangin' hairstyle!

    Also, Stephen King is awesome and so are internet penpals. Your cousin is weird. haha

    1. Why thank you! It is fairly 'banging' haha!

      She totally is weird. And to her I'm weird. And we loooove each other anyway! It's all very cool :)

    2. Nawww, family. That's how I am with one of my sisters. Complete opposites. Except when it comes to cupcakes, we bond over tasty treats.
