
Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Grapes of Wrath Readalong: The Grapey and Wrathy Schedule

It's SO nearly time for The Grapes of Wrath Readalong that I can practically TASTE it, and you know what it's going to be?
After extensive (like, 5 minutes) thinking, I hath decreed that we should post posts on Tuesdays, starting on the 2nd (in 1 WEEK!) because posting on Mondays, as Alice pointed out to me, means that you kiind of have to do homework over the weekend, which, you know, I'm pretty sure we're all too old to do (or maybe we're not... Hi young people/grad students!)
ANYWAY! Here is the schedule, as laboriously (I took the number of pages and roughly divided them by 4) devised by yours truly:

October 2nd: Things we think about Steinbeck- Have you read Grapes before? Were you booored? Do you harbour a (very understandable) love for Steinbeck? I think we all want to know.

October 9th: Chapter 1 through Chapter 11 (that means to the end of Chapter 11. Which I didn't know until like a month ago, so... Just wanted to make that one clear)

October 16th: Chapter 12 through Chapter 18

October 23rd: Chapter 19 through Chapter 25

October 30th: Chapter 26 to End

And it's about as simple as that, folks! I've just realised that this means there are some pretty long chapters, which, you know *sigh* but they're also AWESOME chapters so it's all going to be ok. So get your sad gifs ready, and I'll see you all back here next week! I can't guarantee you'll like the book, but I CAN guarantee Skarsgard gifs. The End.


  1. Oh MAN am I excited about this. I've been telling people all month that October will be the month of which they reply, "That's very nice...can you just pay for your groceries so we can keep the line moving?"

    1. You keep telling those people Megs! The people need to know!

  2. So I'm definitely gonna get to do the first bit about how Steinbeck is awesome and all. The rest of my posts may be very interesting, but I'll do my best, because it's you :-D

    1. Awwwwwwwww *feels all warm and fuzzy* I think it would be hilarious if your posts started off like 'yeah, Steinbeck's cool...' etc and ended with 'couldn't read. Baby. Sorry.' Include gifs in the second of those posts, and no one will even mind! I think I will allow baby to take priority over The Grapes of Wrath in your case only. And just this once! Hehe

  3. I love reading schedules. Otherwise I move on to other books and never finish the ones I'm supposed to be reading.


    1. DUDE, I am so doing that at the moment! I need someone to be like 'ok, you need to finish this book by Friday because people are COUNTING ON YOU' and I would so be able to do it!


  4. The Readalong is coming! I can't wait for the GIFs. And, you know, the book (which I will trust is better than what I remember).

    1. Look, all I'm going to say is... If it turns into a Norwegian Wood scenario with me (LOVES it) vs Everyone else (immune to its clear beauty) then I will be very sad. And also indignant. But mostly sad. BUT it will all be ok cause I'll still like it :) hehehehehe narcissism...

      GIFS! Totally exciting. Although I don't have very many sad gifs, so I might have to crack jokes about it. Which is really non-appropriate.

    2. Dude, I organized my GIFs into folders this weekend, and I have a whole set of Crying/Sad, so I am PREPARED.

    3. I have sad AND angry gifs in one folder. In case I get all righteous and cross.

  5. Readaloooooooong! This. Will. Be. Epic. No pressure though. I'm getting my wisdom teeth out this Friday, so I'mma spend all weekend in pain-killer stupor looking for gifs. You make bad things, like getting part of your face removed, better. Parades for readalongs!

    1. Awwww, if I can do ANYTHING to make wisdom teeth removal any better, then I'm thrilled to do it! I had them out in January and OMG THE PAIN! AND they didn't give me any painkillers. Hellish. Gif searching will make it so much better :)

    2. WHAT?! They didn't give you any painkillers?!? That, that is too much. I don't even.

  6. Oh, I so want to do this!! I need to get some of those GIFs...they just tickle me!!! All right, I'm in...I talked myself into it :) I'm easy.

    1. YAAAAAY. That was really easy, I didn't even have to do anything! Gifs are not compulsory but totally appreciated. As in, I appreciate them. Entirely. :)

  7. Ooooh I'm getting nervous! What if I have nothing to say?! How do I just show head nodding and "mmmhmms" on my blog? I guess I should go out and get a copy of this book! ;)

    1. I believe that getting a copy of the book will automatically mean you have things to say about it! Even if those things are 'This is SO BORING, I have nothing to say *bored gif*' There are literally no wrong answers! Or posts. Whatever. :)

  8. Woooo! How exciting :) I suppose this means I should really go get a copy of the book soon...
