
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Helllllo Top Ten Tuesday-ers! Welcome! Now, this week's topic is kind of ridiculous, because I could basically just list my top ten favourite bloggers, and they would truly be the people I most wanted to meet, so I have of course cheated a lot on this list. But it was THE ONLY WAY! So, here goes:

Top Ten Bookish People I'd Like To Meet

1. Stephen King- Obviously. I mean, it'd have to be after I'd read allll his books, and even then I probably wouldn't have the guts to go 'I read all your books and it was awesome' I'd just be like 'Hi, I love you' really quietly. But still, I'd love to meet him and not be a shy idiot!

2. Caitlin Moran- THIS IS HAPPENING! SOON! I'm too too too excited about it to talk about it, but I'll tell you the story once I've been. But anyway, SCREAM!

3. The Readalong Gang!- You know who you are! This is just an easier way of saying 'Alice and Alley and Megs and Rayna and...' so on, but really, all of us would have the best time just hanging out and watching movies and being ridiculous. It'd be great.

4. My English Blogging Ladies- Specifically I'm thinking of Bex and Hanna and Ellie, but I think I follow more UK book bloggers, and guys! We should hang out! It'd be great, and besides, it's kind of lazy not to.

5. Haruki Murakami- I'd be all like 'Dude, I totally feel your vibe and everything, shall we go and hang out together near some cats or something' and he'd be like 'no, you weirdo' and disappear. It'd be amazing.

6. Harper Lee- Not just because To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favourite things in the world, but because she's a recluse, everyone! Imagine meeting her and getting to talk to her about stuff (it wouldn't even have to be about her book if she didn't want it to be)! I think it'd be pretty special.

7. Jenn- Cause she's my oldest blogging friend (I mean, the one I've had the longest. Not that she's super old) and I loves her and ALSO she lives in Maine so we could go and hunt down Stephen King at the same time. I'm nothing if not good at planning imaginary meetings...

8. WILKIE!- Preferably with the ladies from number 3 because that would be SO MUCH FUN! There'd be so much forehead stroking, you wouldn't even believe it! *sighs at the thought of it*

9. The Brontes- Mostly so I could go back to Yorkshire, but also just because... The Brontes! They are the awesomest. And I think I kind of have the imaginary hots for Branwell. Before the alcoholism.

10. John Steinbeck- I genuinely think I could have been really good friends with him, since I agree with pretty much everything he ever said ever. And because I just LOVE him so so much.

Annnnnd... (Cheats cheats cheats) 11. Kayleigh- Cause I neeeeed to watch all of Breaking Bad with her in person, so we can analyse the CRAP out of it. This will of course be happening in Australia rather than here, cause hello? IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY THERE!

Honestly, I think this is a pretty solid group of people! Obviously some impossibilities in there, but you never know when someone's going to finally figure out time travel... And then there's just normal travel for the rest of them!


  1. OH MY GOD YOU'RE MEETING CAITLIN MORAN????? I don't think I could be more jealous if I tried. I will want all of the details. All of them.

    Aside from that, I think I pretty much drive past your house every time I go to see my family (like, not literally, cos that would be weird and stalkerish, but the general area...) Also, if we went to meet the Brontes (because that's entirely possible), we could combine it with Hanna and Ellie because they live in that part of the country. See how it all works out? :-p

    I really think we should have some kind of UK blogger event, because it would be awesome. Except then everybody would realise how socially awkward I really am...

    1. I AM! I mean, it's a book signing thing, so I'll be actually near her for like 3 seconds, but STILL! IN THE SAME ROOM AS HER!!!! SCREAM! I will of course tell the story. FOREVER!

      DUDE! Let's go up to Yorkshire and see the Brontes AND Hanna and Ellie! It's PERFECT!

      Ditto on the socially awkward bit. I'll stand with you and look around awkwardly with you! It'll be perfect!

  2. Your number 5 is my fav one. Or at least the one that made me laugh the hardest.

    YAY Readalong Gang! Also there's a bar in NYC (and prob elsewhere) that does random themed trivia and one of the nights is Clueless trivia. So you all need to make it out to NYC and we will kick ass.

    1. Number 5 would clearly happen though! I'd be like 'let's talk about the deepest recesses of our souls' and he'd be like 'um... can we just go and eat noodles and go for a run or something?' Why am I making him a lame person..?

      OMG WE MUST DO CLUELESS TRIVIA! I"m not even kidding, that sounds like the BEST THING EVEERRRRR!

    2. Um, we would win the pants off Clueless trivia.

    3. Clearly. We'd set NYC on FIRE with our Clueless knowledge.

  3. Great list! Very funny and some of them really made me giggle. Especially #5 and #1!

    1. I'm glad my almost definite dorkiness in such situations amuses you ;) hehehe

  4. I enjoyed the mix in your list and reading your comments. Fun.

  5. If I ever meet Stephen King, I'm going to punch him in the face. I read The Stand in college and didn't sleep for a month because of the vivid, terrifying images of corpses in dark tunnels and also because of his creepy photo on the back cover, and I feel the man is owed a swift uppercut for that.

    1. HE CAN'T HELP HIS FACE THOUGH! (I happen to know which photo you're talking about, and daaamn, he is creepy looking).

      Fair enough. I will be there to pick him up off the floor and nurse him back to health (this is all getting a bit Misery-ish for my liking...) cause of how I love him and all.

  6. Stephen King! He's on my list - as is Joe Hill! That one author photo was creepy. I forgot the Brontes, but I'd love to meet the person who created Jane Eyre. I'd be awestruck.

    1. Wooooo Stephen King forever! :) Would definitely love to meet the Brontes SO MUCH :)

  7. Love your list! Stephen King is a must! And Murakami Haruki would be so awesome too!
    Great post! And thanks for reminding me, that I should watch the last ep. of Breaking Bad :D:D:D

    1. Oh my GOSH you must watch the last Breaking Bad (last at the moment, that is). I can't say any more than that, but OMG!

  8. Wilkieee! Great list. Also, 1 + 5 = lulz.

    1. Wilkie forevs! I WANT TO KISS HIS GIANT FOREHEAD!

  9. I would totally go and hang out near some cats with you - leave the Murakami dude out of it, it'll be much cooler this way. Er... :)

    Me and Hanna totally hung out in Bakewell and it was AWESOME! We went round everywhere that had books, and she was dead restrained and kept making me buy stuff instead of her, and by the end I think she was all, "Dude, this is your own town, aren't I meant to be the giddy one?" Like I said: AWESOME. ;)

    1. CATS! Just, in general. Let's hang near them and see if they'll be our friends :D

      I was so excited by your recap of yours and Hanna's trip. Like, seriously, it sounded AMAZING and EPIC! :)

  10. I loves you too! Hunting down Stephen King sounds like an awesome and terrifying plan. (I think he may be a vampire so something). Even when he's on our local PBS stations in the daylight he comes off as super creepy. I don't know why.

    If I ever get a Tardis, I think we should track down Wilkie, too.

    1. I do find his face really really creeepy! And I don't think he can help it! He's just ever so slightly a weirdo, but I still love him so it's all ok :)

      Let's track down WILKIEEEEEE! Everyone can come in the Tardis cause they're massive!

  11. I think that when we hunt him down in a group, we'll have a bigger chance of catching him, no? And then we'd all be really fit and ready to run after Haruki Murakami :)

    1. I am alll kinds of down for hunting down authors. I'm not even kidding. Although I don't really want to TERRIFY anyone haha!

  12. It IS always sunny!! But also, can you imagine how often we'd have to pause Breaking Bad to discuss every minute detail? Maybe you should come to Australia for about a year, that's probably how long it'd take!

    Aaaaaand, I want to go to Maine and stalk Stephen King too!!

    1. I would SO come to Australia for a year! It would take me that long to get over the jet lag haha! But we would seriously be like 'omg, did you just see that EYE MOVEMENT?!' and discuss it for like half an hour... And then watch another 2 seconds of the episode! (I totally re-watched s4 again recently, and there were so many things I wanted to discuss with you! Seriously!)

      Anyway... You can come to Maine and stalk SK with me and Jenn! And then we'll go onto Japan to find Murakami! THIS IS ALL GOING TO BE SO GOOD!

    2. That's exactly how it'd be!!

      Email me all your thoughts! Also, we need a new show to send epic emails about - something showing at the moment to relieve our lack of BB stress!

    3. I just generally need a new show to watch, to get over the :(((( about Breaking Bad not being on. Shall email in a bit, cause there's a specific thing I want to discuss! Also I'll have a look at which programmes are on atm :)

  13. I like that Katie's solution for everything is to punch people in the face (ooh, she and Megs would get along).

    WHY DOES KAYLEIGH GET ONE ALL TO HERSELF. *looks menacing* *like Katie and Megs*

    Clearly yesterday I somehow checked zero blogs. I'm not sure how that happened.

    We would be on Wilkie like white on rice.

    1. Haha, these girls and their punching... Totally never going to cross them.

      KAYLEIGH GETS HER OWN CAUSE SHE'S NOT IN THE READALONG GANG! And yet it is very important that I meet her cause she's the only other person I know who watches Breaking Bad, and I am tired of watching that show on my own. Also are we even talking about the same Kayleigh cause I have 2 of them.

      I truly thought you didn't love me anymore because two (TWO!) posts have gone by without your thoughtful commentary. But its all ok! An now I feel loved :)

      We would be all over Wilkie. It would be disgusting/the war experience ever.


    3. Yeah but she didn't get one all to herself! I INCLUDE LINKS TO AVOID THIS KIND OF CONFUSION, ALICE!

  14. I am not as on top of blog reading as Alice, but I always get there eventually. And here I am! And day we will all be together...with Wilkie. And I'm working on Breaking Bad, so I will theoretically be able to discuss it with you someday. SOMEDAY.
