
Thursday 27 September 2012

What I'm Watching Now: Food Porn

Well, not actual food porn... Here's the deal people, I'm ill and I have a book review to write and I can't be bothered, and so I'm going to sum up some things I've been watching on the telly because I don't have one specific show to talk about, or, I guess, not enough to say about one show in particular. And as it turns out, I've been watching a lot of food programmes because... Well, they're clearly awesome. And here they are.

The Great British Bake Off
There's literally nothing about this programme I don't like, and when it was on the other night I believe I burst out with 'this is my favourite programme ever!' I especially like it because I like to bake too (although, seriously, I'm nothing compared to some of these bakers) but even my dad, who I believe struggles to boil an egg, likes it because it's all jolly and English, and everyone's basically really nice to each other all the time and it's wonderful. And also, BAKING! And ALSO also, Mel and Sue, who are clearly awesome, and hello BBC, what are you doing with them the rest of the time? Think about it.

And oh my LORD, I've just remembered that next week they're making gingerbread houses. Like it could get any better...

Cupcake Wars
Cupcakes Wars is kind of terrible, in that it's really formulaic and everyone always has a problem just before the advert breaks and it's like 'oh no, will the cupcakes be made?!' and the answer is always yes. But. Cupcakes! There's nothing I like to make more, and to be honest, it's pretty soothing watching people make them, even when they put weird shit in them like pickles and bacon. I didn't make either of those up. Basically, I wouldn't exactly hate having my own cupcakery, so I can indulge in a little bit of... wishful thinking as I watch. And speaking of wishful thinking...
The carpenters are HOT!

Nigella's back! And she's making Italian food. So I've only watched one episode of this, but it was extremely pleasing even if basically everything she made involved meat (a pizza with a meat instead of bread base? Come on Nigella, what?!) Her programmes are pretty much always good to watch, and I watch repeats of them whenever I can find them, so I can only assume that this will continue to be great. And if she keeps making Nutella Cheesecakes (YUM) then Nigellisima will never be anything less than awesome.

Masterchef Australia

I really hate English Masterchef. The judges are dreadful, the amateur cooks are annoying, basically everything about it pisses me off. But Masterchef Australia? It's amazing- the judges are so lovely, you really feel like you get to gradually know the contestants, and the entire format is just so much better than the English one. In my house, we're onto our third series (and a series lasts from September to early December, it's a long term investment!) and our love for it really hasn't waned at all. If you live in the UK and have literally no idea what I'm talking about, it's on Watch at 7pm basically every night, and honestly, you don't know what you're missing!

I guess sometimes I watch programmes that have nothing to do with food (I was going to say Breaking Bad, for example, but I guess that does have an awful lot of cooking in it...) but those are few and far between, and, to be honest, I love watching all of these things! The main drawback is that they do make me awfully hungry, but hey... What are snacks for?!


  1. I am so in love with the bakeoff. I have the book from the last series and its my favourite thing ever! You should totally watch Ace of Cakes. It's awesome. Yes I know it's on Really which by definition means it kind of must suck but seriously. So good.

    1. Duuuude, I bought the book from this series on Monday! (for Christmas, unfortunately!) So excited to make CHAMPAGNE FROSTING (OMG).

      I have seen Ace of Cakes, and I like it, but I'm sort of like... Yeah, the cakes look really really good, but how good are they going to taste? Not very, is what I say. It makes me kind of sad to just see GIANT slabs of cake.

      I don't know what you're talking about with Really though, it's the BEST! It has all the old BBC3 programmes that I LOVE!

    2. I know what you mean about the cakes..They're so pretty and I'm always like 'I wish I could do that with icing', but they're more about the decoration than the cake I guess. Still I love it, and the atmosphere. I was watching the Choccywoccydoodah (that's difficult to type) programme a while back as well but the boss woman was a total bitch and I didn't like that. I love that the guy on Ace of Cakes is like 'yeah, let's have a food fight'. Great work atmosphere?!

  2. Oh hi, Sue Perkins, aka FUTURE SPOUSE.

    1. She says hi back. I'm sure. You should watch the GBBO, it's SO good. I'll bet you can find it online somewhere...

  3. Have you seen/do you watch Chopped? It's one of those shows that I always get sucked into. Especially when they run a marathon of it.

    1. I have not. Although it is on the same channel as Cupcake Wars, and I should probably watch it some time! Cause I think I really need to watch more cooking programmes, obviously!

    2. Yes! Chopped is the best! And you really can't not watch the entire episode.

    3. And then when you finish with that episode there's another one on and then suddenly 4 hours have gone by.

    4. I'm so going to watch Chopped. You know, when I have some kind of tv control, which will be NEVER (my dad's a remote control FIEND and he must be stopped!)

  4. OMG CUPCAKE WARS CARPENTERS. Beardy, plaid shirts...guh. Years ago, I went on a couple dates with a guy who recently became a writer for Cupcake Wars, and I keep wanting to e-mail him and ask him to hook me up with one of the carpenters. I probably shouldn't bug guys I turned down for other dates though. Seems kinda mean.

    1. Hahahaha, it would be ever so slightly cruel! I know that the hottest carpenter is married :'( but the other one might be up for grabs! And did you know that they're TWINS?

      I didn't realise that Cupcake Wars had writers, and now I'm kind of depressed that they do, cause the dialogue on that show? Not at all awesome.

    2. Most reality shows have writers, but I don't really know what they write. I have a feeling they don't 100% script it, but instead set up situations and give them talking points. I dunno. The reality tv world is such a strange place. And they're twins?! That makes so much sense! It always weirded me out that they looked so similar!

  5. I love love love The Great British Bake Off! Like you said, there is nothing about it that I don't like. I watch it every week with The Boy, who isn't really interested in baking (apart from eating baked goods that is) but for some reason he enjoys it. Mel and Sue are indeed awesome. Plus, I seriously worship Mary Berry and I love how grumpy Paul Hollywood is.

    1. Seriously, I just think it's so well laid out and everything that literally everyone loves it! I looooove Mary Berry SO much, and Paul Hollywood is waay grumpy, but also never actually mean, you know? It's just so jolly and lovely! :)
