
Sunday 21 October 2012

Sunday Sundries: The STRANGEST Week

This week really has been so odd. It's kind of felt about 3 times longer than usual, I'm not sure I had any idea what day it was at any point, and things have been happening. Like I got a job! YESSSS!
I mean, it's only part time, which isn't ideal, BUT you got to accentuate the positive man! So that's a thing that's awesome, but also SO strange, and it came on the back of two rejections in a week (less than a week, actually. It wasn't fun. And one was a LIBRARY. I mean, come on!) which added to the things I had to do, and then kind of stress about. Whilst also trying to ignore the stressing about them.

Like I said, very strange.

Basically, even though the interviews I had this week only took up about two hours of it, they actually took up all the time from the interviews to the phone calls of DOOM, which meant that it felt like they took up a lot of time, and I was astonished that I still had time to walk (A LOT), cook things and generally function in a life way, because it felt like job things had taken up so much time. Even though they hadn't. There's probably a lesson here about the elasticity of time or something, but whatever, this week just felt waay long.

But then it was all good and I was happy and ALSO I had pizza! With my cousin. Which always makes for the best kind of Friday evening.

So that was a really vague description of my week, I realise, but the thing is, at the time it felt totally stressful and long and like UCK, but now that all the preparing and interviewing and waiting to hear back is over, it's sort of a blurry memory of something that was horrible but is now over. Like that thing with childbirth where you forget it as soon as it happens. NOT that I'd ever compare my week to childbirth... (speaking of which, BEX HAD HER BABY! Go and see!)

And now, for the book news.

Guys, I bought too many books this week. Without even really realising. This is BAD and shouldn't ever be encouraged. But... Do you want to hear about them all? I mean, there are 10 of them. Which is really bad. I should probably be punished. Can you tell how sorry I am? (I'm really not)
So I got Wolf Hall because Hilary Mantel just won her second Booker Prize, which isn't necessarily something that I'm massively bothered by (I mean, Doris Lessing won the Nobel Prize for Literature and I think we all know how I feel about HER) but it kind of makes me think there might be something in it. I realise that I've been putting her off because she writes Historical Fiction, which is something else I'm not exactly fond of, so... This might sit around for a while. And then I also got Possession, because someone, I believe it was Alice, said it was really good (a theme for this week!) so... We shall see.

In this same escapade I also got The Handmaid's Tale which of COURSE I already owned, but my copy really did have falling out pages and it IS one of my favourite books, so I feel really justified having a nice copy of it. *Looks around for anyone protesting this* *Also remembers why she doesn't do posts like this anymore, gets a formatting HEADACHE*

Anyway... I tried on Friday to go to this book sale that I tried and failed to go to before but it was cancelled (it's very possible I moaned about this at the time) and I failed AGAIN on Friday because I was there at about 11am and it didn't start until 1.30pm, which I was NOT in the mood for hanging around for (there's very little to do in this town, I should add). So, I vowed to return the next day (which I did!) but before that, there was time for a little charity shopping, and

My next Murakami! I didn't have anything with me to read, so I started it while I waited for a train, and,  a mere 22 pages in, there's totally a vagina metaphor. Nice work, Murakami.

And then there was this book sale! In a church! So I consider all books bought as a donation to Jesus. I bought 5 in total, and here are 4 of them:

I didn't even know that Man Walks Into A Room existed, since I thought that The History of Love and Great House were Krauss's only books, so I'm pretty excited about that! The Silence of the Lambs is the other book that's Alice's fault, because she was going on about it this week, and I saw it, and, well, one thing led to another. The Brontes obviously had to be bought because of my Haworth devotion (I've written a whole post about it that'll be going up this week, by the way- exciting times!) and then I got  The Collector because I believe Brenna said nice things about it ages ago, so I thought it was worth a try.

But none of that is as exciting as what else I have to show you! (Isn't this post getting LONG?! Sorry!) So firstly, and slightly less excitingly, the other book I got at the church sale is a signed edition of Checkmate by Malorie Blackman, which I wouldn't normally have bought, but just LOOK at what it says inside:
I mean, I couldn't exactly NOT buy the book that was dedicated to me now, could I? I have to add that I basically read everything Malorie Blackman ever wrote when I was about 10, so... This isn't just some random author! I LOVE HER.

And speaking of love... My sister met Jacqueline Wilson on Friday and I was immensely jealous because she was ACTUALLY my favourite author when I was a child/tween and WHY DON'T I GET TO MEET HER? But I was mainly pacified by THIS:
Which I will cherish FOREVER because omg Jacqueline Wilson! I should add that I've now, in the space of a month, gone from having 0 signed books to having 3, which I think is pretty impressive! But then, I am easily impressed...

Here endeth the book news.

I won't detain you any longer because WOAH that was long, but a quick look at the week ahead: Work! Agh! It's going to be interesting figuring out how to get things done, because I'm normally not much good in the mornings but ok in the afternoons, which is fine for work (which is in the afternoons) but means that I'm going to have to get my act together in the am if I want to get anything done at all. Which I do! But I'm sure I'll figure it out. And either way, y'all will hear about it next week anyway!


  1. Congratulations on the job! But, yeah, omg, books . . . I went on a bit of a bender this week too - as if I need more books :-/ *ahem*

    Anyway, your finds look great! I've just discovered Nicole Krause too - she has a new one?! I had no idea. I must add that to my TBR list. And Handmaiden's Tale is fantastic. A must read. And I totally get needing a better copy of something you already have. I do that all the time lol. Possession and, of course, a Murakami! are both already on my search radar. Happy reading :)

    1. Thank you! And yeah, I KNOW! At no point in my life have I ever gone 'you know what I need? More books.' But oh well!

      The Nicole Krauss is actually her first novel! Which I thought was The History of Love, which shows what I know!

  2. Okay, finding a Malorie Blackman that looks like it's dedicated to you is the frickin' most awesomest bit of literary cheating I have ever seen. Kudos to ya, dude. Also, BEX AND BENJAMIN, WOOHOO! Yay for jobs... and rampant book buying... and sorry, but I bloody LOVE the fact that you went to a church sale and bought a book about blood and cannibalism as a suitable donation to Jesus. There should be a gif or a story or a picture or something for moments like this. If you can find one, Twitter awaits... :)

    1. Isn't it GREAT literary cheating?! I wasn't even going to get it, but then the other books only cost £6 (£6!) and the Malorie Blackman book was £4 and I literally just had £10 cash, so at that point I simply HAD to get it!

      DUDE, I didn't even think about it being a church and the cannibalism thing! SHIT! Also I've realised that they had a separate section only for (wait for it) horror, sci fi and murder mystery books, which I'm now thinking is so as not to alarm the churchgoers who are only used to reading Joan Jonker and what not, so they didn't accidentally buy one!

  3. Congrats on the job! You've got some really pretty covers in there. I'm starting to think I should give Wolf Hall a go, have had a copy ages but the size keeps putting me off. But Hilary seemed so lovely and normal at the Booker ceremony.

    1. Thank you! I really don't know how I'm going to do with Wolf Hall since I'm basically a Historical Fiction-phobe, but I'll see. It should at least be nicely written since it won prizes, right?!

  4. Yay for finding a job! The job market seems difficult everywhere so that is amazing news. I hope it's something you enjoy.

    There's nothing shameful about buying books, and I'm sure Jesus appreciates your donation.

    I have been intrigued by Hilary Mantel too. I have the audiobook of Wolf Hall and am hoping to start it this week. I don't do well with historical fiction so I was thinking that the audio might be easier to get through. We'll see.

    1. Duuude, it's totally a rough time to be trying to find a job, so I'm so happy! *does happy dance* And hopefully I will enjoy it, it seems pretty straightforward so :)

      Jesus BETTER appreciate my monies.

      I don't do well with Historical Fiction either! Hence the probable leaving of it for a while. But we shall see. Yes we shall.

  5. Job hunting sucks, but HOOOORAY!!! Congrats of the new job :) I hope it goes awesomely.

    And ummm buying books is ALWAYS good, and sharing them with us is even better, and SUPER COOL that you found a book already basically dedicated to you!

    Good luck this week! :)

    1. Thank youuuuu!

      Books are the best. They're much better when I own them. Except when they're not. :)

  6. Woooo job! Congrats! That's always such a good feeling, yes?

    And those are some lovely looking books! I swear, you folks in the UK have the best cover designers. I especially love The Handmaiden's Tale cover! Gah!

    1. SUCH a good feeling! Especially after all the rejections! Although with me, cause I'm a worrywart, it's more like 'YES!' and then five minutes later 'but what if I can't do it?!' Which I basically always can because, you know, I can do stuff!

      I am a crazy person, is what I'm saying.

      I really liked The Handmaid's Tale cover too! Obviously, since I bought it... But the one it replaced was less nice, and that was an English edition too, so... *shrugs*

  7. Malorie Blackman! Jacqueline Wilson!! I'm jealous! Also, congrats on the super awesomeness of job :-) What are you doing? Is it funs? (to be honest, doesn't really matter too much, job being job after all) I love that you bought Silence of the Lambs in a church, that makes me smile. Book buying is always a good thing - I am missing it currently, although I do have to go to the library to register small one's birth on Tuesday so I *may* have to get some books then... And get him a library card. You need a library card when you're 9 days old, right? :-p

    1. Dude, I would so be jealous of me too! Seriously, it's like my childhood dreams coming true! (or would be if I'd actually met them. Y'know.)

      The job is basically listening to phone calls that came through to other companies and making sure that the salespeople or whatever did their jobs properly, if that makes any sense? And I think that's basically it, so it seems pretty straightforward, if not the most exciting thing ever!

      I didn't even think of the Silence of the Lambs-church thing until Ellie just said, but now I think it's hilaaaarious! I am highly amused at myself :)

      2 things: 1) you register births at the library now? What what?! 2) He DEFINITELY needs a library card! How else is he going to be able to read ALL THE STORIES by the time he's like 5?! But I think you should definitely have a little peek around the library and choose some books even if he keeps you too busy to read them, cause you know, having books near you that you COULD read is always good :)

  8. Oh my god, the book-gods were looking down at you this week!

    And cograts on the job! I just interviewed for more jobs in the past few months than in my entire career combined - you're right, it's so time consuming, yet it isn't. But mostly, it's just mentally exhausting and I find myself having a nap after my interviews. And the WAITING. So much waiting.

    Jessie gif = love.

    1. I know riiigght!

      Thank you! And ugh, isn't it the WORST? And it's been crazy cause for most of this YEAR it's just been like applying-wait a week or so-rejection, which is slightly demoralising, but less STRESSFUL than like 3 interviews in just over a week, which was just ugh!

      <3 Jesse forevs! That gif just FELT right, you know? ;)

  9. Congrats on getting a job! I would stay in a job I hated just to avoid the process of job-hunting, it's so awful and self-esteem destroying.

    I have a new edition of the Barker book about the Brontes on my kindle from NetGalley. I'm about 5% in - it's good but the book is very long!

    1. Thank you! And DUDE, me too. Like, the last job I had I kind of had to leave cause my contract was for 6 months and they couldn't afford to pay me, but other than that I would SO just stay in the terrible job and look for a new one at the same time, so at least there's always someone (however terrible) who wants me!

      I think I just accidentally justified abusive relationships... Damn.

      It's SO long, isn't it?! I'm excited to read it after my Haworth adventure, but... Yeah, it's fricking massive!

  10. Yea! Odd weeks are sometimes the best in hindsight. And awesome about the signed books. Very cool.

    1. Definitely! And it's very cool indeeeeed :)

  11. Congratulations on your job!! I'm very happy for you :-)

    And I really enjoyed Possession, too, though I am not a huge fan of the butterfly cover your post is sporting. And I love Hilary Mantel!

    1. Thank you so much!

      ... Are you telling me that Possession ISN'T the history of the butterfly? I feel... Cheated. I hope I love Hilary Mantel too! But I just... The Historical fiction thingggg :s

  12. Congrats on the new job! I just bought six new books at a library sale... I didn't mean to, but -- but -- I give up. I WANT ALL THE BOOKS!

    1. Thank you! And I KNOW! Why can't we just have alllll the books and not have to worry about space and stuff? I JUST DON'T KNOW!

  13. Congrats on the job! That's awesome! And a part-time job can lead to a full time job. Think positive!

    Look at that book haul. So many new books. Also I really want to read the Collector so can't wait for your review.

    1. This is so true! I AM ACCENTUATING THE POSITIVE MAN! And thanks :)

      Books! Boooooooks! I do love them. Although I am slightly thinking of instituting a ban now until at least christmas, BUT I just got a job and what else am I going to spend my monies on? Exactly.


    Possession, awesome, Silence, awesome, The Collector...I abandoned that one. But maybe you'll like it. Definitely don't read it after Silence of the Lambs, because it'll seem boringly tame in comparison.

    1. Thank youuuuuuuu!

      It's good that the 2 books you MADE ME BUY (in my brain) are awesome! Except we never agree on books, so WHAT HAVE I DONE? I anticipate loving The Collector now, just so you know.

  15. Woohoo job!!! Though I'm sad that you didn't get the library one. That would have been amazing for you.

    That's so great that you got some books and some signed. Yay!!

    1. I knooow, it would have been awesome! But alas, it was not to be. Hmph. *remembers* but I still have a job! Yay!

      I knooow! Books!!! :) hehe

  16. Congrats on the job! And that's an excellent bunch of books there. I loved Possession, Man Walks Into a Room, The Handmaid's Tale and Silence of the Lambs and as far as I can tell you can't go wrong with Fowles or Murakami (except for 1Q84, but everything else I've read by him is brilliant).
