
Sunday 7 October 2012

Sunday Sundries: There Is No One Way To Define This Week

This has nothing to do with anything, but I think it's an important thing to remember.

Really, this week has kind of gone from 2 hospital trips in one day (BOO) to a day where I felt incredibly shattered (more boo!) to the glorious CAITLIN DAY (biggest YAY ever!) to kind of two more days of feeling a bit rubbish. Let's see what today brings! But seriously, I think the feeling rubbish thing is kind of a thing where I have tonsillitis (still) and haven't really rested much because I'm like 'hey! I can handle travelling up to London all the time!' and kind of FORCING myself to feel ok whilst doing so, and... Yeah, these are not really good things to do.

ANYWAY! Mum only has two more radiotherapy sessions to go! YAY! I honestly felt, at the start of the three weeks, like it would NEVER be over, so I'm really glad that it nearly is. For mum's sake more than mine, OBViously, but still. It hasn't been much fun. In other 'my family's health' news, my nan was released from the hospital on Tuesday, a mere 5 days after she went in, which is a way good thing, and a result of her heart not having any damage from the heart attack, and from it being caused by, probably, a little blood clot. Which obviously is still not great, but, you know, it could be way worse.

*Shakes self off* BLEURGH, medical issues, BORING, amiright? Unfortunately it's really about all I have to talk about this week, because when I wasn't in a hospital I was laying down OR meeting Caitlin Moran, and BOY do I feel like I shot my wad by writing about that experience already. Dammit, me, save the interesting stuff for Sunday posts! I am such a FOOL!

Shall we have a chat about books? (Fall back topic, always.) I got my hands on a copy of The Casual Vacancy this week, courtesy of my local library (try to take THAT away from me, Cameron) and have read about 5 pages of it, which means NOTHING other than that I'm also reading, let's say five other books, which is actually slightly a lie and it's more like 7. Except that really I'm not reading anything much at all, because, you know, reading requires energy that I don't really have at the moment. Having said that, I did re-read To Kill A Mockingbird and the first Shopaholic book this week, because re-reading is kind of soothing and also kind of requires less attention. And effort. Which is good cause those things are hard.

As well as The Casual Vacancy, I also acquired another book this week through... possibly less than ethical methods. What I am about to tell you may shock you, so if you're of a sensitive nature you may want to look away now. Or at least sit down (why would you be standing?!) So, on Tuesday, mum and I discovered the joys of the books the hospital had to offer (they have about two shelves full in the radiotherapy department) and I found a collection of poetry (Poems For Life) that I was a bit enamoured by, and which I sort of might have stolen. A bit.
IN MY DEFENCE- we totally replaced it with another book that was actually something people might want to read, as opposed to poetry, which nobody ever wants to read. Especially me. Except for this time. It's actually a weird choice of a thing for me to steal, I have to admit, but it's a pretty good collection of poems.

So there! You got my dirty little secret out of me! Are you happy now?! It's possibly my weirdest book acquisition, in many ways, but it isn't even my most memorable of the week since, did you not hear me when I mentioned the CAITLIN DAY? That was the besssssst... Anyway... My aim for today is to read that section of The Grapes of Wrath I set everyone so that I don't put on a poor show on Tuesday and, you know, have no idea what everyone's talking about (or at least... very little idea.) So there's that. And then also more resting so that I can actually feel properly better for once. Which would be very nice indeed!

So, reading and healing. What's everyone else going to be doing this fine Sunday?


  1. It's good your Mum only has two more sessions left, bet all of you can't wait.

    I am impressed that you got a library copy of Casual Vacancy so quickly - when did you go on the hold list?!

    1. Dude, I soooo can't wait! I feel like I should plan a million things to do when we don't have to go up to London every day, but mostly... I just want to sleep a lot!

      I didn't go on the hold list massively early actually! Maybe... a few weeks before? There were like 120 or so copies going around, so it seems like no one in Surrey will have to wait too long!

  2. haha I love that you pulled a little book swap there! I wish your family a quick and healthy recovery :)

    1. Thanks! And the book swap really had to be done. Just... Yeah. :)

  3. Aww, glad your mum's sessions are winding down. Hospitals sure can be a depressing place to be (trust me, I used to work at one) unless you are on the baby ward - then that can be exciting (but really boring to work on)...anyways, I *need* to know what book you replaced the poetry book with? I'm always tempted to take a book from the display rooms when I'm at IKEA.

    1. Argh, working in a hospital! Although I can imagine that a baby ward is sort of awesome :).

      I actually replaced the poetry book with this chick lit-ish book that was my sisters (I heart new York) purely because I doubt people about to have radiotherapy would want to read any of the books I have rejected and yet still lurk just outside my bedroom door!

      Aren't the ikea books all in Swedish?!

  4. I LOVE the fact that you stole a book - though actually, you totally recovered your karma with the swap thing. That's the kind of thing I'm tempted to do quite regularly because I have a slightly *cough* completely obsessive personality. Like, I stole the in-flight magazine on the plane on the way home, because I wasn't done perusing it AND the food pictures were kind of yummy. Of course it is now under my sink and I have never looked at it again. This is also the reason I buy so many books - because if I see one I want in a shop I'm physically incapable of leaving it! Okay, so on reflection, these are not the same things at all, but it's still awesome that you were so devoted to life-related poetry that you nicked it. :P

    Brilliant news about your mum and your nan, it's always nice when hospital-esque stuff comes to an end. It'll take you another three months to get the sterile scent of Not Quite White Corridors out of your system, but hey! Just get some good coffee or something to stick your nose over, you'll be fine.

    P.S. ZOMG I must have that GIF! :D

    1. I felt like swapping the book was fiiiine, whereas just stealing it would have been crossing a line! I know what you mean with the compulsiveness though, cause Ive bought many many charity shop books and yet have not read so many of them...

      Sadly, I'm so used to hospital-smell now that 4 minutes into a visit I don't really notice it anymore! Mind you, the London hospital doesn't really smell much, which... Can't be a good sign!

      Steal away the god, it's totally not mine!

  5. Dude, totes okay with you grabbing that book. ESPECIALLY since you replaced it.

    So, glad that your mom's radiation is almost done, but boooooo to all the hospital and sick times. Hope you start to feel better! Also, I already read the GoW section AND pretty much finished my post about it to go up on Tuesday. How awesome am I? (Very.) I feel so on top of things for once. Except I'm ignoring housework and reading blogs instead... oops.

    Have a good week and feel better!

    1. Exactly, right? And I feel like the book I replaced it with will be more welcome anyway!

      I am totally impressed with your GoW preparedness! I did mine yesterday cause I knew I wouldnt have much time before Tues, but you didn't even have to be all prepared! Nice work! (and housework is lame, don't do that shit! Haha)

      Thank youuu, you toooo!

  6. Your gif was perfect for your book swap, which is so much better than actually stealing.

    I'm glad that your mom is doing better, and that things are looking up for your nan as well. I hope you enjoy Casual Vacancy.
