
Sunday 28 October 2012

Sunday Sundries: Workety Work Work

Happy Sunday guys! I'm kind of understanding this weekend thing more now that I have a job again, so yay to weekends! Not... that I did anything with my Saturday other than watching Girls and knitting and writing blog posts. But still! These are things I enjoy! A lot.

So, it's weird. Because I'm working part time (2-6pm, daily) I theoretically have time to do things in the day, but it's kind of like... it gets to 1pm and I haven't done anything and then I have to have lunch and leave, pretty much. This is mainly because I'm really bad in the mornings, but also because I haven't really settled into this new schedule of things, and I guess still subconsciously think that I will have the afternoon to do things (this is when I used to like blog and read blogs and read and stuff, is why I'm bringing this up) and... I do not. So, OBVIOUSLY the answer to this is to get my shit together and get things going in the mornings (and getting up earlier... Wednesday I woke up at like 10.45am, which is clearly NOT OK) and yeah. Get stuff done.

But it's like, the things I haven't been getting done have been RIDICULOUS because I wrote this blog post about Haworth I think last weekend, and then just kept forgetting to post it until Thursday, which is just stupid! So... I'm going to get my shit together and try not to be stupid! I just need time and a new brain...

So, yeah. I'm slightly overwhelmed by the change in schedule, but I'll be fine. I did manage to fit in an opticians appointment and lunch with a couple of my friends in the mornings before work, so... it's not like I haven't done anything! And yesterday I finished my first book in 2 weeks, I'm aiming to finish The Grapes of Wrath today... Shit is happening. Just... slightly slower than usual. I'll get better at this schedule thing, I swear! (This is mainly for me rather than for you guys. I should probably shut up now.)

So! It's a bit of a short one this week, but I don't really have anything else to tell you! I got two exciting packages in the post this week, so that was awesome, and I've realised that I have no suitable officewear, so it's a good job I don't work in a formal office! All of this feels really boring (except for the packages, they were awesome!) so tell me, TELL ME about your week please? It was good? I sure hope so!


  1. Oh right, okay, so you got two exciting packages in the post, which were the most exciting bit of the week, and you were excited, BUT YOU DON'T TELL US WHAT WAS IN THEM TO MAKE THEM EXCITING! Dude, where's the excitement in that? Srsly. (I'm quite excited to find out, though.)

    I had to do adjusting big-time when I shifted from being an 'Oh, hello Lunchtime, did I miss Breakfast?' kind of girl to an 'Is 6am too early to eat a muffin?' kind of girl, but now it's all settled and it is SO MUCH BETTER. Admittedly, the first half hour of the day is often made up of vacant staring and sipping things with caffeine in, but still. At least the house is quieter to wake up to!

    My week was mostly filled with tissues, Olbas oil and hot tea. On Thursday all the blusher in the world couldn't hide my 'recently returned from being buried beyond the Pet Sematary' visage, which might explain why I hardly sold a thing at the shop. Dude, I was scaring MYSELF, y'know? I'd walk past the mirror and do a double take and be like "JEEEZUS... Oh, it's just you."

    My sister offered to work for me today so I could do Recovering, but I bravely said 'NO! I shall work and be strong!' only now all I can think about is how much nicer it would be to be sitting under a duvet with a book and it was WITHIN MY GRASP and I am clearly a fool. Oh well. How's that for exciting? :D

    1. OK, SO I really couldn't be bothered to find the things and take pictures of them all, but admittedly I should have taken pictures when I got them, cause I's a blogger and that's my responsibility! SO my friend Frances sent me a Nora Ephron book (NORA! It was Wallflower at the Orgy, before you ask) and a heart balloon and a letter, all of which was awesome, and then Kristi, a fellow book bloggerer sent me a copy of The Fault in Our Stars, which was also so awesome and nice of her!

      See, I'm like... I was ok at getting up, and then not so good at doing stuff during the day, whereas now I'm like 'ugh, getting up' and then also 'I can't DO anything cause I have to be at work at 2pm!' And it's annoying! And THEN I feel pressured by MYSELF (lame) to do stuff in the mornings before I go even if I don't really want to. Basically I just need to chill the fuck out, but also not TOO much because otherwise I really won't do anything but work and that would be bad. So, yeah. Adjustment period.

      Poooooor Ellie and her illness :(. I HATE it when you're ill and then happen to see a mirror, and go 'OMG WHAT?!' Usually my hair does allll sorts of bad things. Stupid hair.

      You were a FOOL for not letting your sister work today, a FOOL I TELL YOU! But, I don't know, nice work for being a brave soldier? But bad work for being a martyr? All I knows is, I would have taken that offer, because I am the WORST ill person ever. It's actually a little embarrassing how bad I am at being ill haha

    2. Haha, I'm actually dreadful at being ill - I totally milk it and am all like 'ZOMG I'M DYYYYING, SOMEBODY BRING ME DRINKS AND A CAT TO SNUGGLE', but then as soon as someone goes 'okay, have this one on me' I feel really stupid and guilty and end up doing silly things like going to work anyway. Then I feel MORE ill. VICIOUS CIRCLE, dude.

      Your parcels sound awesome. I wouldn't say taking all the pictures is a RESPONSIBILITY, per se - probably a small description of the awesomeness would have been Okay With Me. But I SEE WHAT YOU WERE DOING! You were making me all excited about the excitement and PROLONGING THE AGONY so I was like 'jeez, there must at the very least have been a talking parrot and a Golden Ticket in there!' Very sneaky.

      I used to have stupid shifts at Sainsbury's when I was at university that were like that. 2pm is NOT a sensible Start Working time, I agree. I would get up at 10am, watch daytime television until half twelve, make dinner, then leave. EVERY TIME. There's something about that 12pm-3pm Going Out Somewhere slot that just makes people incapable of doing anything else, all day, ever. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

      Oooh, oooh, closing time! I AM TOTALLY HAVING A PYJAMA DAY TOMORROW! Woohoo! *runs away in a shower of Olbas oil*

    3. That is a vicious circle of silly illness behaviour! But yessssss to staying in bed today! You needs it!

      Taking pictures would SORT of have been a responsibility if I was a lifestyle blogger, cause they're all like 'LOOK AT THIS STUFF I HAVE!' But anyway, now you know! And ps, I would rather have a Nora Ephron book than a talking parrot any day!

      Dude, that is SO true. Mind you, it's not just the 12-3 timeslot- when I was at uni I had a 5pm lecture one time (and it was my only one of the day) and I LITERALLY couldn't do ANYTHING before it. Mind you, that might have been cause it was on a Monday too...

  2. I am right there with ya. Working is just so... not exciting to blog about, lol. And it does get in the way of precious blogging time, which is why I kind of suck at reading blogs on a daily basis now. You learn to fit it in where you can and not worry about it too much.

    Hope you're liking your new job! And that this coming week is all awesome and whatnot.

    1. It really isn't, is it? And it's not just that, but it's really not that wise to get too detaily about it either. I mean, I realise I don't exactly have the most popular blog in the world, but it only takes one person to read one thing and then you could easily get into trouble. I may be being dramatic, but... I don't know!

      I feel really sad that I don't read blogs daily now! So I'm glad you're like 'hey it's cool man!' Cause it's like... if I start computering too early it gives me a headache, and after I've stared at a computer for 4 hours I really can't be bothered to do more, so some days it's like 'no blogging for Laura' which makes me sad but, oh well, you know? I definitely need some more adjusting time though :)

      I am liking it! It's not the most exciting thing ever, but still. MONEY hahaha. And thank you, I hope your week is awesome too!

  3. Damn work, getting in the way of blogging. I mean, priorities! But are you liking work so far?? Outside of the whole getting used to a new schedule thing.

    1. Isn't it SO LAME?! I actually am liking work, oddly enough! I mean, it doesn't set my world on fire or anything, but it's interesting enough AND I get to roll my eyes at rich people a lot and they totally can't see me, so THAT is awesome!

  4. I am so much like you - I am useless with my mornings, USELESS. Which is why, as much as I hate getting up really stinking early, in hindsight I prefer it because well then, I'm up and I actually accomplish things, like work. BUT, if I have an afternoon shift like 12-5, I do nothing except for maybe read a few blogs. I do love staying up late in my head it all kinda balances out because I'm awake for as just as many hours as earlybirds, except my day is just shifted...sigh. But hooray for $$$!


    1. I do love staying up late too! But since I have the WORST living arrangements in the world (sorry, homeless people) and share a room with my sister, it's like... I can't really stay up late in the way I want to, which is in bed with the tv on! But I'll figure out some kind of arrangement I'm happy with. Probably.

      For package information, see above! Basically, it was books. :D

  5. Oooh what are you knitting? WIP photos!!
    I'm totally with you with the late morning starts. I am in grad school (I treat it like a part-time job), so even though I have the option of being spectacularly productive, I end up being a bum and not get anything done until there's like 30 minutes til class. ahhhh we're going to get our stuff together! I have faith in you!!!

    1. I knitted a baby hat for like my nan's neighbour's baby, cause essentially I can only knit hats and like blankets. I'll try to remember to take a picture of it for next week!

      We WILL get our shit together! All will be well! (I will never be that productive though. Biological destiny.)

  6. Woo for work, Boo for work getting in the way of THINGS. On my days off I don't get up to early either. Oh well. I try to take a day and write things and then schedule ahead, but it doesn't always get done.
