
Monday 15 October 2012

The 500th! (There Will Be Books)

Guys, this very post is my 500th post. Let's have a party!
Now, to distract you from the fact that said 500th post has no actual content (I've been busy! Reading The Grapes of Wrath and stuff. Everything else just has to wait), would you like a book?

Several things have aligned for me to make this offer. Namely, the fact that I just realised that this would be the 500th post, the fact that someone told me on Sunday that I now had 200 followers (now 203! What is going on?!) and the fact that tonight, I sorted out some books to, and I have to be honest here, make room for prettier editions of the same books. What can I say, I'm really shallow!

So here's the deal. Many of these books are fairly heavy (well, they're all fairly heavy) so what I'm going to do is have a list of UK only books, and a much shorter list of books I'll send anywhere. I'm going to limit it to one per person, so choose wisely! (Although... ok, you can have a second choice if someone wants the same book as you. But that's it.) And I'll leave this open until, let's say Friday, and then I'll say who's going to get what on Sunday. Sounds fair? Good.

Here's what I need from you: Your email address so I can contact you, your location in the world, and your first and second choice books. And... I don't know, say something interesting too, yeah? Does this all make sense? (Yes Laura!)

Ok, here come the books.

UK Only
The Mill On The Floss- George Eliot
North and South- Elizabeth Gaskell
Oliver Twist- Charles Dickens
Jude the Obscure- Thomas Hardy
Moby Dick- Herman Melville
Mary Barton- Elizabeth Gaskell
Vilette- Charlotte Bronte
Tess of the D'Urbervilles- Thomas Hardy

International (UK People can have these too! Obviously)
Sons and Lovers- D H Lawrence
Shirley- Charlotte Bronte
Silas Marner- George Eliot
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn-Mark Twain
Frankenstein- Mary Shelley
The Scarlet Letter- Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Graduate- Charles Webb
Dracula- Bram Stoker

That's actually quite a lot of books now that I type them out, and good LORD I hope you all don't want one! But seriously, pick a couple, let me know, we'll see what we can do. And hey- thanks for listening to me witter on for 500 posts. You guys are the best.


  1. Congrats! That's a good list of books there. I already have most of them, so I'll keep mum.

    We can be shallow together. I'm always upgrading copies. Even if I haven't read it yet. But its usually used copies in both cases.

    1. I only ever used to upgrade copies if I'd bought a really ratty copy and wanted a nicer one (all secondhand too!) but now I've discovered Penguin Clothbounds and Penguin English Library covers, I am alllll over them! Luckily there aren't too too many of either, so... I'm not bankrupt yet!

  2. Woo! Congrats! 500 is huge! Especially, in my opinion, for two years of blogging. I won't make you mail me a book all the way to Canada :) I too like to "upgrade" my books - but that doesn't always mean for a newer version. Sometimes it's the opposite - like if I find an old, well-loved hardcover of a book I already own in paperback - then I will replace it with the older one.

    1. 500 posts in 2 years is either impressive or sad. I wouldnt like to say which, so all I will say is unemployment! It is not my favourite.

      Do you really not want a book or do you just not want to cost me money? Cause I picked out the light books especially for you overseas people! But if you literally don't want one, that's cool! Hehe

    2. Well I would never say no to books! ;) I haven't read any from the list, sadly. Which is your favorite?

    3. Hmmmm, well of the (international) ones that no one wants (do you see where I'm going with this?!) Id have to say Sons and Lovers, but overall out of all those books, it's probably Moby Dick. So hey, do you want Sons and Lovers?

    4. Yes please! :) brieanafraser at gmail dot com. You the best!

  3. Congrats on your 500th entry! I'm impressed, since I'm terrible at blogging and will probably never ever get there. I just watched a theatrical production on Dracula and left the theatre horrified that I never got around to reading such a classic! Do you have a particular edition (preferably pretty since I DO judge a book by its cover, jk but not really) that you recommend?

    1. Hey, why not have mine? It's not so pretty, but it's still such an awesome book. But if you really want a pretty one, I have to recommend the penguin clothbound edition!

      But seriously, do you want mine? Cause, email address please of you do!

    2. Really?! Thanks! I just didn't want to trouble you with international shipments, but I'd love to have your copy! My email is etudesque at gmail dot com. Thanks again!

  4. Congratulations! I'm really happy for you achieving longevity :-) No need to enter me in the giveaway, just wanted to celebrate with you! I know I don't get a chance to visit very often, but I'm glad you're keeping it up!

    1. Thank youuuu! You can totally celebrate with me, I hope you did a little dance! *imagines you did, does one too* :D


    (p.s. I love yoooou)

    1. FINE! It's yours. Will email sometime when I can be bothered.

    2. FINE! It's yours. Will email sometime when I can be bothered.

  6. Wooo congrats on 500! I'm good on books for the moment (my TBR pile is OUT OF CONTROL), but just wanted to pop in and say HOORAY! 500 posts is a ton! :)

    1. Oh, I hear you on the TBR pile man! I don't even have a pile, just a 200 or so long list. BOOOOKS. Thanks for the hooray, anyway! :D

  7. This is so awesome, because I'm only a little way away from the same thing! I realised I'd ALMOST squeaked up to 400 followers, and I'm about to hit 500 posts, so there shall be giveaway-age when the time comes. Maybe my 500th post should be a sappy ramble about the wonder of blogging *hic* and all the awesome books *hic hic* and all the lovely peoples *sobs*... Also, I TOTALLY UPGRADE STUFF TOO. Even if it's just a nice shiny copy of THE SAME EDITION but mine's gone a bit dead. I'm trying to stop doing it but I can't help myself!

    I feel a bit crap saying I WANT ONE OF YOUR BOOKS SO SEND IT TO ME PLEASE, like I'm making an imperious gesture and maybe clicking my fingers like a dickhead in a restaurant... but I WOULD kinda like to try The Scarlet Letter... Do you have my email? You must have my email! Congratulations pumpkin, 500 posts is, like, COMMITTED and stuff! :D

    1. YOU SHOULD DO THAT GOOSHY POST! I did one of them for my first blog birthday, I don't even know what I'm going to do for its second! (I take blog birthdays preeeetty seriously!) Upgrading books is very important, and it's waaaay cheaper than doing it with, say, a phone or a computer. You knows its true!

      Don't feel crap since I'm offering them and all! I was finding them last night and I felt bad just giving them to people I didn't know (ie a charity shop) so I thought I'd offer them here first and send some of them to good homes! SO you can totally have The Scarlet Letter. The book, not the actual letter. You don't want that.

  8. Hi there :) congrats on your 500th post! And on your number of followers. I have been following your blog for a while, but have never really had the time to comment. You know how it goes. I would please like either Shirley or Silas Marner. And you're not shallow, upgrading to prettier covers. Books are the best decor you can have so why not have the prettiest ones that you can? my email is terrirens(at)gmail(dot)com thanks for the giveaway :)

    1. love that you've used Patsy and Eddie :P

    2. I know right?! I found that gif and loved it, and didn't think I'd EVER have the chance to use it, and yet here we are! :)

      You may have one of these books, and I feel that I might surprise you with which one it is, which makes things totally fun for me! :)

  9. YAY and congrats on 500th post! Since you just sent me We Need To Talk About Kevin I will refrain from taking any more of your books. For now anyway :)

  10. Congratulations! I wish I had your strength - I cannot seem to get rid of books, I must have multiples of at least 5 different things now so maybe I'll try this myself in the future! I feel a bit rude asking for your books! but if I was lucky enough to be sent any my first choice would be Moby Dick and my second Vilette, my email is

    Thank you so much x

  11. Congrats on your 500th post! That's really exciting! I am no where near that yet. This is such a great giveaway. You give away the best books.

    My first choice would be Sons and Lovers and my second choice would be The Scarlet Letter. My email is jenniferlladd(at)gmail(dot)com.

  12. 1) Congrats! and More Importantly 2) Schweetie, Darling - the Ab Fab gif is amazing.

  13. Congratulations on 500! That is impressive. I've been blogging two years (not very well), and I don't think I've broken 100. 200 followers is pretty great too! Good week for you.

    I would love your copy of The Mill On The Floss by George Eliot. I hope you find a new lovely cover of all of these books!

    klmickelsen at gmail dot com

    1. It was such a random thing to happen/realise was happening at the same time! It was pretty exciting :)

      And of course you may have The Mill on the Floss! I believe I gave my first book away to you, so this is like a little blast from the past thing going on!

    2. I didn't realize I was the first. So cool! I do remember that. It was Brideshead Revisited (love that book!) and it was the Literary Blog Hop. Your giveaway post was so funny that I've been a follower ever since.

      Now I'm in your debt. I'll be culling some books before I make the move back across the ocean next year so I'll have to see if there are any you would like.


  14. I'm so late to this but YAY AND CONGRATS!:-) I wont even with the books cos i've barely read a page since little one arrived,but 500 posts is awesome! I also take blog birthdays very seriously,because they're serious events!!
