
Sunday 11 November 2012

Sunday Sundries- Dolly Parton is a GODDESS

I started this post on Friday night and it's now Sunday afternoon where, of course, everything is different. But I'm going to cut and copy and paste and whatnot around this so that it kind of makes sense and I don't have to write a whole new post.

But it might not make sense. Sorry.

I've come to the conclusion that I shouldn't really be reading 3 books at once, because they will all never be read, and you, my poor poor readers, will have to wait for literally WEEKS for reviews. So maybe after I've read these three that I'm reading, I'll try for one at a time. Maybe. Or I'll just read more.

Anyway, that was a really good example of ramble thinking, wasn't it?! Deepest apologies. Let's see. The main thing I have to tell you today is that I went to see 9 to 5 at the theatre last night, and it was AWESOME, and Dolly was on film in this clock and that was EXCELLENT and I was just like THIS IS THE BEST THING DOLLY, I LOVE YOU! It was actually really unexpectedly fabulous because I had no idea what was going to happen, so I was completely surprised by the story, which was right up my alley! (I'm not going to tell you what happens, because what if you want to see it?! But it was really funny in ways that I wasn't expecting, and that you don't normally see onstage). And, I don't know if you know anything at all about 9 to 5, but Dolly wrote all the songs in it, plus she was in the movie which, I believe, was not a musical (although I could be wrong) and I basically love her more now than I ever have, which I didn't think was possible!

So, it was all feminist and awesome and I laughed LOADS, and the only drawback (which is a completely unfair one, so wait for it) is that in the original Broadway cast, ALLISON FREAKING JANNEY, who, by the way, I WORSHIP AND ADORE was Violet, who is sooort of the main character, and definitely one of the three main ones. Which is not to say that the woman who played Violet wasn't good, cause she was (her accent, actually reminded me of Allison Janney, and then made me go OH MY GOD SHE WAS IN THIS) it's just... Allison Janney! ALSO, 9 to 5 was totally playing when I was in New York in 2009, AND I remember being excited about it then even though I didn't really get what it was, so... Missed opportunities people! But I'm really glad that I saw it in one incarnation or another, anyway. DOLLYYYYY!

So, basically I need to procure myself a copy of 9 to 5 the movie and watch it, and I also need to watch The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas which I own, but I can't quite bring myself to watch it without Frances!! Which is sad but true.

I bet you want to know about the rest of my week, huh? Let's see... Work, work, work, still not figuring out how to do stuff before OR after work, not writing enough for NaNoWriMo, not reading enough for my mental health, and generally performing all tasks at a substandard level. But I totally still have viral tonsillitis (which means that it still hurts and there's nothing they can do about it) so I'm just like whateverrrr, I'm fine. So it's all good in the hood. Sorta.

I don't really have anything else for you, and it's already dark here, so mlumph is sort of an onomatopoeic representation of how I'm feeling at the moment. I'll try to be more interesting next week, but until then, have some Dolly and my love *gives you love*


  1. Dolly Parton is a national treasure. So I'm kind of pumped that folks elsewhere like her, too!

    And I frequently listen to her version of Seven Bridges Road on a loop when I'm driving to work. Love it.

    1. I basically love Dolly more than I love most people in the WORLD. So yeah, she's at least popular with me! :)

  2. She's the best, best, best, best. I kind of want to be her when I grow up. :)

    1. Me toooooo! Oh my GOSH! (I'm totally working on the boob thing, but, um, that's about it. Haha) But yes, LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  3. Oh I'm with you on the Dolly love! You should grab a copy of Steel Magnolias too. I LOVED her in it :)

    1. I actually haven't seen ANY Dolly films, which frankly, is just ridiculous. So I will definitely watch Steel Magnolias at some point too :)

  4. Dolly will always hold a soft spot in my family; my middle name - Jolene - was chosen because of her song. 'Course, by the time I got OLD enough to listen to the song and GET IT, I was all "Ma, you named me after a slut....".

    1. Christina, I did not know this about you!! Best middle name everrrrrr! And I wouldn't necessarily call Jolene a slut (bit harsh love!) but... yeah. Definitely on Dolly's side in THAT song (which I LOVE by the way, obviously!) :)

  5. Yeah, the movie's not a musical, but it's great. And she sings the main song over the opening credits.

    *cough* Also I totally saw it on Broadway with Janney and Stephanie J. Block (who I was more excited to see). Ahem.

    1. Awessssssome. Definitely need to see it.

      I am clearly holding back my bitter jealousy at your seeing it on Broadway. BITTER jealousy. I'm going to go ahead and assume that Stephanie J Block is some actual awesome singer person, as opposed to the GREATEST PERSON EVER and I'm going to allow you to have been more excited about seeing her. Just about.

  6. So I know nothing about Dolly Parton or 9 to 5, so hmmmmmm... I have nothing to contribute there.

    But you have tonsillitis? That sucks, stop being sick! And hopefully you figure out some kind of system soon - stupid work, messing everything up. I sympathize. Hope you have a better week!

    1. Hahaha, all you have to do is accept that she's awesome, and it's all good!

      I've had tonsillitis for aaaaages now, and the doctor's like 'it's viral and I can't really do anything about it', and I'm like 'Great!' and just DIE at home at night because I'm so tired and feel all crappy! So yeah, it's no fun. And STUPID work, indeed. I'm thinking that once November is over it'll all be ok because no more NaNoWriMo, but I'm sure there'll just be more things to do in December.

      So basically I just have to get over myself and do all the stuff. Simple as!
