
Thursday 13 December 2012

Sex and the City Fatigue

Before I write about my Sex and the City fatigue, you have to understand what a big deal (no pun intended. Unlike EVERY line in that fucking second movie) it used to be for me. For every situation in life, I believed, there was a line or a situation from either Sex and the City or Friends that was appropriate, and I used to know the order of every episode, from every season. I liked it a lot, you could say, and you could also probably say it was my favourite and not be far from the truth. I've probably watched it the whole way through about six or seven times, and never tired of it.

So, when I got a part time job and found myself with the majority of my mornings free (both a blessing and a curse; blessing: no getting up early, curse: HOW DO YOU USE UP MORNING TIME EFFECTIVELY?) I thought hey, you know what'd be nice? Watching a couple of episodes of Sex and the City a day, either to wake me up, or to eat lunch in front of, whatever strikes my fancy. I do this now, as I think everyone does: I just go through boxsets instead of mixing up my viewing, and it just so happens that I was between TV series when I got all employed and stuff, hence, Sex and the City time.

But. I've had to stop. And it's not just because I signed up to Netflix again and, hello, they have Modern Family on there, and it's not just because the movies have changed how I feel about the TV series SO much (which they have), but it's because... You know when you're obsessed with something when you're young and then you go back to it and it's really disappointing and you're somehow disappointed with yourself for liking it? It's a bit like that, only I think it's just that I've changed SO much since even the last time I watched it the whole way through that maybe it's just not relevant to me anymore.

Or maybe it just sucks.

These women literally talk about nothing but men. It's something that Miranda (who is clearly the best character, at all times, ever. And right now she's the only one I can stand) brings up in one episode that I would have been able to tell you about once but now can't so much, and the fact that she only complains about it once shows some remarkable patience on her part, considering that it's all they ever talk about. I don't know why it didn't annoy me before, but apparently it does now. It really does.

Charlotte is incredibly irritating with her whole 'I just want to get married' shit, because hello girl? You've got this awesome job, you live in NEW YORK CITY and you are rich as fuck. Get some hobbies! Do things with your life instead of just waiting around for some guy to take care of you! I mean, I'm not saying that marriage is bad or that you know, people shouldn't want boyfriends, BUT I feel like one shouldn't just wait around for these things to happen, or worse try and FORCE them to (*ahem* Trey *ahem*) but just live their lives and then if they meet a nice dude they want to spend time with then GREAT but if not then their life will have still been worth it, you know?

Samantha's just kind of this ridiculous caricature, which is fine because it means it's difficult to get really annoyed with her, but on the other hand... Nice writing, people. I know this is something that does get better as the series progresses (and, in fact, I've always liked the later seasons better than the earlier ones, so I might just be being a little unfair here, but I can rant, yes? It's the internet, of course I can!) but it's definitely a major annoying factor in stopping me from watching more, because I just CAN'T.

And then there's Carrie. Oh Carrie, Carrie, Carrie. I used to think you were so cool, with your writing and your living exactly how you wanted, but it turns out? You're just a fucking idiot. I totally used to be on her side with the whole Big thing, but the more I age, the more I'm just like... TELL HIM HOW YOU FEEL AND NOT YOUR FRIENDS! And also STOP DOING THAT YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A CHILD! And WELL I WOULDN'T WANT TO FUCKING MARRY YOU EITHER! And I think it's a shame because her character is clearly created so that women can relate to her and feel good about the relationships they left that made them feel like shit, and that's all well and good, but... If their relationships were anything like Carrie's? And if they acted like her at all? Then they're fucking idiots too.

The main problem though, isn't that they're terrible characters, it's that their lives are empty and meaningless and shallow. And I realise this makes me sound like a dick, so allow me to elaborate. Not only do they only talk about men, they genuinely don't talk about anything that has any interest for me at all. I feel like I am a bit spoilt in that I can just spout things out about books and people respond to them, because the internet is the greatest thing ever, but it's like... There is one conversation about politics, ever, in SATC, and it's about the comparative hotness of various politicians. In spite of being a writer, Carrie basically never reads, unless the person she is dating happens to be a writer and then she's all over it. It's like their entire lives, all their actions have to have something to do with a man in some way, and it completely sucks to watch. Or at least it does to me, now.

Sex and the City, I don't know if it's you or if it's me, but I think we have to break up for a while. I'm sure you'll understand- you still have a tiny slot left in my heart, but I just don't think you're The One. I think I'm just going to go and watch Girls for a bit, because Lena Dunham? She really just gets me more, you know?


  1. I got rid of all my SATC boxsets recently for exactly these reasons, especially Carrie. She's just whine whine whine!

    1. WOAH that's a big step. But I might have to do it man! She really does whine ALL THE TIME. And I get that Big isn't a very nice boyfriend (I'm talking early series here) in which case, FORGET ABOUT HIM AND MOVE ON. Gawd, is it really that hard?

  2. HOW BAD WERE THE MOVIES!! Especially the second one, I was so freaking offended the whole way through that I can't even think about ever watching the show again.

    Also, you'll probably hate me for this because I know you like Girls, but I finally watched it all and it just seems like a Gen Y version of SATC, except they're in their 20s instead of their 30s.

    1. Duuuude, that second movie nearly killed me with horror. And I came out of it and was really cross and in a bad mood all day, for reals! I didn't mind the first movie so much, but I totally get and agree with all criticisms of it. So there's that.

      Look, I just think that with Girls... It's like firstly they're younger so it's not like 'oh look at me I'm already successful so we don't ever need to talk about our jobs and oh look a man!' and it's more like 'how the FUCK does anyone ever achieve anything and why is this person better than me etc etc' and I feel like they talk about sex and boys less, and place more emphasis on like themselves and friendships, and.... Yeah, I don't really know where I'm going here, other than that watching Girls makes me feel ok that I'm in my early twenties and still have no idea what I'm doing.

      But neither of them are exactly aspirational to me, you know?!

    2. I totally get the "they're clueless about life and future so I'm feeling OK over here" but I still find it so same-y. I mean you have the writer, the one working in a gallery, the hippy version of Samantha and it's still like 90% dudes and sex - it's just that 10% is room-mate drama and complaining about parents.

      Anyway, I don't particularly like it so maybe that's why I can't separate the two!

  3. Sex and the City was totally relevant to me in my early twenties when I was single, but even then I wondered at Carrie's lack of responsibility (ex. shoes vs. mortgage) and how much sex they have! Not that I'm one to judge, but sheesh - they ALL got around quite a bit.

    Anyway, if you take them with a grain of salt, they're still funny, but maybe they're something that is better left in the past.

    Also - Friends is still relevant in all ways. Always. :) And I totally don't get Girl. I must be too old for it now.

    1. They really did! I really don't find it at all believable AND (and I think this is maybe the crucial difference) I don't think they're really cool anymore or want to be like them? Which is totally a good thing, I reckon.

      Also, yes this is indeed true. Pinch of saltiness but not lifestyle envy anymore (like this is actually a sentence... LOL)

      FRIENDS IS THE GREATEST! FOREVER. The thing with Girls is that it's like 'yes, this is EXACTLY what it's like to be in insecure employment in your twenties' and I'm just like 'Lena, hold me and tell me it'll all be ok'. Which hasn't happened yet, but one day...

    2. Friends is NEVER going to not be awesome. I quite often find myself quoting obscurely from it and giggling to myself, cos I'm cool :-p

  4. Reading the whole of this I was planning to comment on the end with "Have you seen Girls?..." But clearly, you have! Lena Dunham is the one to me right now!

    1. LENA I LOVE YOU! No really, I definitely do. Yay yay yay.

  5. I am SO glad this went from you loving it to realizing what it's actually like. I've never been able to get into it, because yeah: "These women literally talk about nothing but men." Or shopping. Or something else incredibly superficial and injurious to the gender as a whole. It's like, "Wow, a series about four ostensibly strong women, and -- oh, they're just talking about sex and shoes."

    I'm just glad people aren't so into it anymore. ALSO, they were trying to set up The L Word as a gay lady's SATC, but it's way better. At least season 1 is. Because season 1 is amaaaazing.

    1. So a weird thing has happened to me reading your comment, and it basically consists of me going 'NO I LOVE THEM LEAVE THEM ALONE'. Clearly I'm not quite ready to let go yet, but YES this is all true. There are SO many things they could talk about, but they never talk about work, or like feminism (HA. Obviously) or anything with any substance and frankly it is pissing me off.

      Aw, you and The L Word. I think they try and set EVERYTHING that has a mostly female cast up as the 'new Sex and the City' and interestingly enough, I don't think of that as a good thing any more. Also, I've never seen The L Word, but my housemate watched alllll of it when we lived together and we had some interesting discussions about things spurred by it. Which was cool. And probably never happened with SATC.

  6. Yes to this experience! I haven't seen the whole series, and by the time I started watching it, it was already old, but I was definitely into it when I first started watching it. Because NEW YORK! It's like a fairy land of excitement and awesomeness that I have never been to but would very much like to. But then, the realization that Carrie is a fucking terrible person. It's kind of a shock, when it happens. And those awful questions that she narrates at the end of every scene. It's upsetting stuff.

    But Giiirls! This show is getting so much love and it's starting to really bother me that I haven't seen it. THIS MUST BE REMEDIED. Tiny Furniture is on Netflix - that might be the place to start.

    1. God, she really is. And it's such a SHAME because her life is sort of awesome, she'd have plenty of money if she stopped buying FUCKING SHOES and she lives in New York City. If I had all that, there's no way I'd be like 'omg my boyfriend doesn't love meeee and I want everything to be perfecttttt' YOUR LIFE IS FUCKING PERFECT JUST GET A NEW BOYFRIEND.

      Anyway. Girls! I loves it. It's just kind of, I think, a lot more realistic and helpful and makes me want to stab myself less. So that's good. And I like Tiny Furniture, BUT I think Girls is even better. But it's totally a good place to start :)

  7. So...note to self: DON'T REWATCH SEX AND THE CITY SERIES. Gotcha. I think I'd rather keep my fond memories of enjoying it back in the day *sigh*. It's like when you re-read books from childhood and they don't live up to the expectation that you had of them. It's sad really.

    1. It IS sad. It used to be my everything, and now I'm just like 'I COULD DO YOUR LIFE SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU BECAUSE I'M NOT A FUCKING IDIOT!' Which, I think, is totally good for me. But still. Veeeery disappointing stuff.

  8. Random thoughts while reading this post

    I love a good pun but WHY DID THERE HAVE TO BE SO MANY?
    Miranda is the best. Always.
    "Charlotte is incredibly irritating with her whole 'I just want to get married' shit, because hello girl? You've got this awesome job, you live in NEW YORK CITY and you are rich as fuck. Get some hobbies!" - this is the best and yes, shut up Charlotte
    Oh man, watching the show again and realizing how stupid and terrible Carrie is was a shock. They went back and re-edited everything to make her like that? Cos I did not remember that from initial viewings

    All that said, I'll prob still watch reruns when they're on TV.

    1. Follow up, there's apparently a new show coming out called The Carrie Diaries that's a Sex and the City prequel. So...yeah...

    2. Random responses:

      I totally like puns, but the entirety of SATC2 was like someone thought of a load of sexual puns, threw in a really bitchy New Yorker article that never would have happened (which actually I've just remembered, because I don't think about it often/at all because it makes me ANGRY) and then were just casually racist about an entire nation. AND even more annoying than the film was the fact that all reviews of it were like '1 star for men, 4 stars for women' and I was like NO! You don't get to say that! Because it's not like having a vagina means you have no *taste*. (I have been through this many many times before. In case you couldn't tell.)
      Re: Charlotte: I know right? Although it can totally apply to Carrie too, I've decided, even though she's not *as* rich. But still. YOU HAVE NO PROBLEMS STOP CREATING THEM.
      They MUST have re-edited them. But I genuinely just think that we've grown up and have new priorities that make us proper people and not think morons are cool? Or something.

      I have heard of this other tv thing, but I've been hearing about it for ages and nothing seems to have happened, so I just pretended that it wasn't. But that will clearly be terrible because imagine Carrie in high school! She's enough of a mess as a thirty-something year old!
