
Sunday 9 December 2012

Sunday Sundries: Dear Blog, I miss you

We'll talk about how I miss my blog in a minute. But first, let's do that thing where I tell you about my week and you, in all likelihood, don't care all that much. But anyway!

I was totally ill on Monday and Tuesday so I was off work coughing and being miserable (and blogging! Totally my only two posts of the week were on those days) and I definitely shouldn't have gone in on Wednesday but I did because I'm a brave little soldier. And also it meant they'd know I wasn't faking when I was off on Monday and Tuesday because apparently that's a thing I think about! On Monday and Tuesday, though, in spite of a massive cold, I totally watched ALL of season 3 of The Hills and sewed like 2 and a half cushions, and by the end of it I wanted to MURDER everyone in The Hills. Which wasn't really their fault but mine for watching SO MUCH SO FAST (I think I gave myself cabin fever...) but also... They're SO fucking annoying. I'm sort of in the middle of writing this post about how much Sex and the City pisses me off when I watch it now, but I think the same is true, if not true-er of The Hills.

Although once they get Season 4 on Netflix, I'm totally there. I have issues.

So anyway, once I was back at work that's basically what I did, along with more sewing in the evenings, and also somewhere in there I managed to finish Birdsong which is ridiculous and amazing and means that I only need to read one more book (Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela) to be DONE with all my challenges, which, as you may be able to tell, excites me! I feel the freedom from the shackles of challenges beckoning me! (Can you tell I'm not signing up for any this year? I CAN'T DO IT!) Anyway... And then on Friday night I couldn't get to sleep at allll and for no reason and it was really annoying, so this weekend has been kind of a washout because I've been SO TIRED at all times. Even now. And I have another tree to decorate (I've already done one today, and I'm kind of like... didn't this feel less like work when I was a kid?!)


So, I miss my blog. And by that, I really do mean my blog and not my blogging peoples for once, because, you know, twitter. And I think it would be really easy to blame work for not blogging that much, but you know what? My entire mornings are free and I pretty regularly waste them doing not much. And yeah, I've got less time to read now, but I've got two reviews lined up to write, and I just... Haven't. And it makes me sad because my blog used to be kind of like my job-where-no-one-paid-me-but-it-was-the-funnest-ever-job, and now it's barely on my radar. Sad times.

The thing is, I know it's just a rough patch of having too much to do (which, obviously, I'm not at all used to) in that November free time was committed to NaNoWriMo, mainly (which was totally worth it, actually) and now I've committed myself to making these bloody cushions that I started last year and bought all the stuff for, and then... Never finished. And I'm totally moaning about it but I'm going to feel GREAT when they're all done (and even better when people open them) but at the moment I'm resenting the CRAP out of them for taking my tiiiime away. Also other christmas things grr grr moan. All of this just smacks of first world problems, I realise, but at least I realise it right? And if I realise it I get to complain?

Basically, I just have too many hobbies and not enough time/energy to do them all. It's lame.

But anyway, since I have identified that I want to blog more/some, I'm going to commit more/some time to it. I mean, nothing like set out in some kind of horrid timetable or anything, but I'm going to make sure I do it because I think it's good for me, and I definitely feel more settled when I'm blogging things. I'm halfway through a review of Crime and Punishment (I don't even know how I properly feel about it, so that's going to be fun to read!) and I got kind of excited thinking about writing about Birdsong because I have a lot of issues with it, but also it was sort of ok, and ALSO I want to mock all the quotes on the back a bit? So these are the things you have to look forward to!

Just don't ask how The Blind Assassin readalong is going, because I haven't read any of it and Elf is on tonight. I have priorities, people.

So yes. These are my feelings and this is what I'm going to do about them. I'm glad we're all clear on that. This week I'm going to try and wrap some Christmas presents to get them under the tree and OUT OF MY FACE, and I have a work Christmas meal thing on Friday that should be fun. Tomorrow I have to get glared at at the Post Office because I have SO many cards to send to the US (and Canada. Sorry for the brackets, Canada.) and they will surely take all my money from me like they always do. Those bastards. But anyway. Christmas, Christmas, Christmas! (And blogging. Never forget the blogging.)


  1. Oh my goodness, season 3 is when Spencer gets all Spencer-ish and horrible...and I kind of love it. The man with the flesh colored beard. Always bringing the crazy. :)

    1. Do you know what, I kind of think Season 2 Spencer is worse! Because in S2 he's all like 'Oh yeahhh the laydieeez' whereas in S3 he's kind of like this sad little dude who's like 'help me! Heidi has me trapped in this apartment and I don't like it!'

      I mean, not that I feel sorry for him, or her, or believe that any of it is anything other than an act, but STILL. Slightly sorry.

      Tip: Don't watch the entire season in 2 days. Literally. Murderous.

  2. Oh my god, Christmas. I know I am starting to sound like an old woman, but it is DOING MY HEAD IN. I am actually quite glad I'm buying book bloggy friend presents because that's actually fun (because, BOOKS), whereas the rest of it is a bit crap, really. Like, we have to go look at some stupid lady's books before Christmas because SHE WOULDN'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER but I don't want to because they sound rubbish and once we're in her house we're on her turf. I'VE SEEN WEST SIDE STORY, I KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. Sort of. And my grandmother keeps playing the "I don't want anything this year" card which is great because EVERYONE ELSE HAS PRESENTS even my hard-to-buy-for grandfather who handily is getting an electric blanket we can all chip in for. And my sister has these epic crafty project-type presents in mind that I'm meant to be contributing to when ALL I WANT TO DO every evening is lie down. Not Pritt stick things. And then I feel bad because I am LAZY and a BAD CHRISTMAS PERSON. So yeah. Christmas. Yay Santa.

    Also, I have two-nearly-three-when-I-finish-this-book reviews to write, a bunch of other things to put together for the blog because The Year Is Nearly Over And That's What We Do, and also I need to watch Elf because it makes me feel festive but I missed it today and that's rubbish. Also, I've been spewing comments like this all over the internet today so CONGRATULATIONS! WELCOME TO THE GANG! :D

    1. P.S. I'm offering a very gentle (and completely surgically-masked) hug to say how very crap it is that you're sick, and WELL DONE YOU for being a brave soldier and going to work. Seriously. We should be congratulated when we do these selfless things - even though we all HAVE to do them now when a couple of hundred years ago we'd have been lying in a darkened room sipping tea or popping off to Europe to recuperate for six months - because every day feels twelve times longer when you're ill. KUDOS.

    2. BLOODY hell Ellie!!

      Ok. Buying presents is SO hard, and I'm really glad that the thing that's done in my family is I just buy presents for my mum dad and sister, oh, and my cousin's kid (whose birthday is in DECEMBER. I mean, PUH-lease) and then presents for the rest of the fam are from 'us all' which is awesome, EXCEPT when I go 'hey, I'm going to make everyone a special cushion!' and then leave it for a YEAR so I'm totally not into the idea anymore but I have to do SOMETHING with all these cushion insides under my bed. So yeah. I feel like once I've got all the cushions done though I can relax a bit and be like 'ahhhh, Christmas!' Maybe.

      ARGH end of year blog things. They are concerning. I think I might need to make a plan or something. Actually, there's only like... One thing I want to do. I think. It'll be fiiiine!

      We're totally brave soldiers and should probably get medals. It's kind of a shame that we live in a time of ibuprofen and antibiotics, because if we didn't we'd get to be SICK when we were sick, you know? Of course, we'd probably be dead by now, but still... details.

    3. MAYBE we could have had the ibuprofen but hidden it out the way so we could still milk it for all it was worth? No? *sulks*

      And don't bloody hell me young lady, you know YOU LOVE IT when you realise I've rambled for ages about things all over your comments section. ESPECIALLY when these things are only vaguely related to the starting point. It's good mental exercise. :D

  3. Laura, your comment on The Hills made me laugh so hard. I have speedily been working my way through Laguna Beach (I just want to get onto The Hills in my cool box set thingy!), and there are a few characters I just can't deal with. And there are tons of extras and interviews on the dvds, and these certain characters are even more annoying in this footage too.


    1. Oh maaaan, I kind of hate EVERYONE in Laguna Beach! I mean, even LAUREN annoys me in LB, and in general I kind of like Lauren (ish). And also, are you talking about Jessica and Kristin because OMG I HATE THEM SO MUCH! SO annoying.

  4. Sorry you've been feeling crappy. It's going around up here too. Glad you're feeling a bit better.

    I've never seen The Hills, but I've avoided it assuming it would make me stabby.

    I've been a really bad blogger lately so I understand. I kind of want to blog, but I just can't be bothered right now. Too many other things that I need/want to do.

    1. Thank you my dear! At the moment I'm mostly just tiiiired from the epic night of no sleep that was horrid. So I need more sleep is all.

      The Hills probably would make you stabby. I mean, *I'm* hooked now so all hope is lost, but I wouldn't exactly recommend that anyone else start watching it, you know? Bad bad times.

      See, I'm kind of like... There have been times where I've been a bad blogger and I *haven't* cared, because, you know, plenty to do etc, and I think even at the start of this spell I was like happily NaNo-ing and fine, but I think it's just been too long! I just need to sort myself out, basically! Less Christmas shopping, more writing!

  5. "Basically, I just have too many hobbies and not enough time/energy to do them all. It's lame."

    Dude that is my LIFE. You're so not alone there.

    And I totally hear you on missing your blog - I've been missing my blog AND my blogging buddies because I've been too busy/exhausted to even go on Twitter, let alone the internet. But after all this Christmas madness I bet we'll all be back on track. Right? RIGHT?

    Good luck with all your stuff :)

    1. Sarah, basically we need to quit our jobs and become ladies of leisure. It's as simple as that!

      I am pretty much never apart from twitter, so it's not so much the people I miss as the like thinking and writing and stuff! Cause thinking is cool

  6. I'm glad you're not stopping the blog cos I was about to send you an email that was pretty much WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN WE MISS YOU!! So yeah. But I know what you mean about having too many hobbies and non-blog stuff getting in the way. (Even when that non-blog stuff is watching TV cos THAT IS ALSO IMPORTANT.)

    Also I recently re-watched a couple Sex and the City episodes and PLEASE post about it because, was the show always that stupid? Cos wow.

    1. Daaaamn Alley, I did two blog posts last week! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! Also I enjoy that you were going to send this email, because that's all cute and makes me feel special and wanted :). I really do have too many hobbies, which is all the fault of having been unemployed for too long. Stupid unemployment making me think of things to do...

      Isn't it SO stupid?! I keep trying to figure out if it's ME who has changed too much, or if it just isn't relevant anymore or what, but either way it's just like... WTF was I doing watching this? Honestly, I watched the first 2 seasons again recently and I've had to stop because I'm too pissed off with everyone!

    2. You have conditioned me to expect a post from you pretty much every day. So really, this is your fault.

      EVERYONE IS SO DUMB! I mean I swear I thought there were eye rolly things when I first watched it but I don't remember it being so stupid originally. I can't tell. Maybe we changed. (I feel like we have a new email chain topic and can switch out Mad Men for bitching about SatC)

    3. Hahahaha, so true. I fear there may never be a time when I post every day EVER AGAIN :(. We'll all get used to it though. Probably.

      THEY ARE SO STUPID AND ANNOYING AND DON'T TALK ABOUT ANYTHING OF SUBSTANCE EVER! You've actually spurred me on to finish the post (I was actually only about 2 paragraphs away from the end, so this is good!) so we can discuss more whenever I post it, but I think we DEFINITELY changed. And that it sort of sucks. Except for the one where Miranda's mum dies because OHMYGOD don't even talk to me about it, I can't! And OBVS we can discuss it by email. Which I'm totally going to reply to. Soon.
