
Sunday 2 December 2012

Sunday Sundries...

... is suspended for this week, cause I've got about a billion things to do and I spent all of yesterday first Christmas shopping and then trying to sort out my family's mug hoarding issues. Not. Easy. So I'll be back next week to tell you shit that happened and stuff. 

Really, though, this is all you need to know about this week:

Biggest. Achievement. Ever. And now I'm pretty happy to go back to real life and sorting out the things I let slide in November, not least of which was this lil place. December will be better guys. Probably.


  1. WOOHOO FOR DECEMBER AWESOMENESS. Also, for sorting out mugs, which is a painful task but in a kinda satisfying way. Aaaah, mugs.

    1. Is December going to be awesome though? Is it? (YES IT IS!) Ugh, I fucking hate mugs so much. REALLY I should have just gotten rid of all of mine because I don't even like tea or anything, BUT I have one with a bookworm and a Gone With The WInd quote on it, and frankly I'd rather get rid of EVERYTHING ELSE!

  2. Congrats on NaNoWriMo! I keep thinking I'll participate one year but then I get really intimidated and don't do it :(

    1. Thank youu! It actually wasn't as scary as I thought it would be! You just kind of have to ignore all other things to do it, which is not so much fun. HI BLOG HOW ARE YOU?! Hahahaha But yeah, just dooooo it! I will cheer at you!

  3. Booooo, but CONGRATS! That's so awesome you finished - go you! :)

    1. Brie, this totally still counts as a Sunday Sundries post, don't tell me that it doesn't! And also, thank youuuu :)

    2. Sure it does! There are no rules on how short or long your Sunday Sundries posts have to be ;)

  4. Woooo! Well done of winning NanoWriMo. I managed it once, but I was stuck at home with a broken leg, never managed anymore than a few hundred words since.

  5. Yay for winning NaNoWriMo! It's so hard to write all of November. I did it last year and still don't think I'm recovered.
    My mom is a mug hoarder too. There are dozens of mugs in the cabinet and I think between the two of use we use all of 4. It's kind of sad. I brought up the idea of purging the mugs and was met with resistance. I feel your pain.

  6. WIN!!! Congrats

    Mug hoarding, if you WANTED to document it with a couple pics, that would be fun.

  7. Congrats on NaNoWriMo! I flunked big time this year. I flailed around for 1500 words then gave up. Maybe next year...
