
Sunday 27 January 2013

Sunday Sundries: January is the worst time for resolving things ever

This Sunday Sundries is totally late AND it's going to be totally short, so my humble apologies if this is the high point of your week and you've been waiting all day for it. Which applies to NO ONE so I'm sure it's all ok.

So! The reason it is late is kiind of twofold, in that FIRSTLY I always always go round my nan's house on a Sunday for lunch but this week she got a better offer (literally- her brother took her out for lunch! Which is sweet. But still, messed me up!) and so all day I've kind of believed it was Saturday, and SECONDLY if there were any points at which I did remember it was Sunday, they were soon swept away by going for a walk (I slipped over and fell on my bum in some mud. It was not good.) and then by tidying allllll afternoon. Which was actually really productive and I feel good and cleansed now, so that is the main thing.

But why, I hear you cry, even bother writing a post at all? It's basically time for bed now (note: it's 7.30pm) so why not just leave it for the week? And my answer, my dears, is that I just can't leave you hanging on the winner of the giveaway that I definitely didn't forget about and literally only 5 minutes ago chose the winner of thanks to Said winner? It's Melissa from Avid Reader's Musings!
So yeah, well done Melissa, and please reply to my email soon so I can send the book out in another million years. I mean... Straight away!

Anyway, let's talk about my week a tiny weeny bit. Because I went out to places that weren't work THREE times this week! It was ridiculous. But I went to this awesome indie cinema with my sister where they serve booze and you can drink it in the screen and they have sofas and it was basically the best. So that was Thursday, and then on Friday night (I went out on Friday night! Like a normal!) I went to this pub because it was my ollldest friend's (in time knowingness, not, like, age) birthday so that was nice apart from the rain we stood in waiting for the taxi, and then Saturday night (I KNOW!) I went to the pub with my cousin.

So everything was awesome and I'm sure this week I'll be in bed at about 8 every night watching The Wire (she says without any regret).
Annnnd to conclude, shall I just talk about the title of this post, which I obviously wrote on a day where I was trying to be prepared, at which I have clearly ultimately failed? Have you forgotten the question I asked in that massive sentence? Me too. No, but really, ok, so I know this has obviously been said before, and is the main reason that New Years Resolutions fail, I guess, but January is clearly the dreariest month (Christmas is over and then you wake up and realise that it's still winter and you should be hibernating) and it's really hard to motivate yourself to do anything, let alone do LOADS of things that you don't really enjoy but that you feel like you should be doing.

And if, say, your resolution was to walk to work and then it snows and the snow and ice don't go away for practically a whole week, and even when they do it's raining all the time? I mean, that's just not fair, world. Having said that, resolving not to buy books for 100 days is sort of easy when you've just had Christmas and also more than 200 unread books. So you just have to pick your battles, people!

In conclusion, New Years Resolutions that involve diet or exercise must be way easier to keep if you live in the Southern hemisphere and it's actually the summer. The rest of us should probably resolve things at the end of June, rather than December. The end.


  1. Laura, I literally have been waiting for this all day, I was even going to tweet you about it earlier. Obviously I have no life, but doesn't it make you happy to know somebody is excited enough about Sunday Sundries to almost tweet you about it?:-p

    1. Duuude, that actually does make me so happy! I mean, I feel a little sad for you, but you know... ;)

  2. I'm not sure that new year's resolutions EVER succeed. Mine never did, although mine were always vague ones about learning instruments or other languages, they weren't actual plans y'know.

    So hopefully that helps you feel a little better- sunshine doesn't seem to be enough!

    1. Yeah, you know what? That definitely makes me feel better! Although I DID walk to work today and it was RAINING but I feel really virtuous for doing it :). I think that those like 'learn new things' ones are always harder to do than just like exercisey ones though.

  3. That is awesome! Thank you so much! Also, I have a movie theatre in my town that does the whole booze/comfy seat thing and it is the absolute best! My favorite part... they show lots of indies and have booze so there are virtually no kids. Love it.

    1. Oh yeaaah, there were totally no kids when I went either (I should add that I went to see Django, which is an 18, so... Yeah. Ha!) But I doubt there would be many in general cause the tickets are slightly more expensive to compensate for its awesomeness. But yeah, I think I'm going to go there a LOT :)

  4. I ALSO find these posts the highlight of my... y'know, life... so YAY LATE POSTING! I agree about the resolutions thing. We should have a New Resolutions Day in the summer, when everything is happy and sunny and warm and peppy. I tell ya, it would be a lot easier to do things like Eat Healthier when there are strawberries and salads and long evenings and I'm not getting the urge to eat my body weight in carbs.

    Congratulations for going to pubs at the weekend like a normal person! You are TOTALLY justified in spending every other night sitting in bed watching DVDs. It can be very exhausting, being a normal social human bean, you don't want to overdo it all at once!

    1. I always eat waaay better in the summer, usually because it's so hot that I don't even want to eat (actually, I say 'usually'... I mean it was for that one week last year or something. But anyway). And also WATERMELON in the sun is like the best thing ever. Just saying.

      Hahaha, I know right?! I'm not exactly going to be recovering from it or whatever, but it usually goes with me that I do LOTS of things all at once, and then have weeks where I don't do anything. I don't really know why, but that's the way it is!

  5. Now see because my computer access is so limited I wouldn't have even realized how late this post was because now it's Monday. But for shame!

    Your nights out sound awesome, ESPECIALLY that cinema. And I also had an exciting moment where I felt like a normal 20-something year old being out for once, but that was last night and it was because we went to dinner at about 6 instead of 4 (usually we go right after I get out of work and shower), and so it was busy. I even got a Mai Tai! It's sad the things that can excite a homebody.

    And doing things in January DOES suck. I've only gone to the gym like twice a week lately because it's so cold and snowy out and I don't wanna go anywhere and I'm being a lazy bum. Just try to save your guilt and motivation for the spring when it will be nicer to walk to work!

    Have a good week :)

    1. Hahahaha, shhhhh Sarah!

      Hehehe, awww that's so cute! Were you like 'look dude! There are people here! And I can drink BOOZE! This is the best!' because, you know, I hope you were! That cinema is the best ever though. Seriously, I don't even know how I'm going to be able to stay away!

      To be fair, I have been walking to work as much as possible (even today. In the rain. Which was foolish.) but I draw the line at walking in the snow because seriouslyyyy I don't want to fall over! Although I already did that yesterday. In some mud. It was not my finest hour.

  6. I firmly believe all cinemas should serve alcohol! It makes the whole experience so much better. But what did you go see?

    I agree on the resolution dealy. Doing it in Jan is the worst time. It's too blech out to do productive stuff.

    1. I went to see Django! It was very exciting. I should probably review it, but meh, lazy.

      It IS too blech to do stuff. It's basically the time when you should relish staying inside and reading things and watching boxsets, not learning Japanese or exercising your little heart out. And so say all of us!

  7. I don't even make resolutions anymore. My idea of resolution making is something like "I wonder if I could accomplish such and such..." that way, if I get all lazy ass about it, it doesn't really matter. That much.
