
Sunday 3 February 2013

Sunday Sundries: This post is basically going to be all about doughnuts

Hello my little ones! And how has everyone's week been? I am happy because I got to walk to work almost every day this week (I worked all day on Friday and I am NOT leaving the house at 8.30am just to walk, are you crazy?) which makes me feel all nice and exercised. The actual walking may not have been all that pleasant (I'm not kidding when I say I nearly got blown over. We've had some INTENSE winds) but it makes me feel good and I like it. (I realise that sentence feels like it needs a 'so there!' on the end of it, and that's because some people at work on Friday were like 'OMG you walk to work? WHY?!' and I'm just like, um, exercise? Anyway...)

So that was good. Now let's talk about doughnuts! So, Tuesday was one of my colleagues' birthdays, and because she's lovely she brought in doughnuts so we could, you know, consume calories in honour of her birth. And it wasn't until I was stuffing it into my mouth that I realised two things:

  1. I really, really, really like doughnuts
2. I haven't had a doughnut since I made them back in like, what? August? (Yep, August)

These are astonishing realisations, I know (a human being who likes doughnuts? What an anomaly!) but the thing was that this doughnut was really good I think purely because I hadn't had one in so long. So, essentially, I'm now thinking that delayed gratification might be the way to go with food that is really bad for you but that you really like, because honestly, I'm not sure I can remember a time when I enjoyed a doughnut more.

A regular doughnut, that is. Because I got so much pleasure from the Nutella doughnuts that it was almost obscene. The love between a woman and her doughnuts...
Anyway. I realise this isn't exactly groundbreaking since I assume we all know about delayed gratification, but I don't know, I feel like this is the first time I've really been without something for SO long, and then have suddenly been overwhelmed with how good it is. And I feel like I should probably do it with other things too, just so they suddenly taste so so good again. The only other way this happens (according to Fight Club, anyway) is having a near death experience, and I'd rather not have one of those k? Thanks. 

The doughnut rabbit hole I fell down also meant that I remembered I hadn't had a Krispy Kreme for a really really really long time either, and so yesterday I also had to have one of them because I remembered and also I had to do the shopping because my mum hasn't been well this week (I thought we were over this! But apparently not.) and there were Krispy Kremes there and well. I had to have one, obviously. I'm not going to go on about how good it was (it was really good. Chocolate cream AND jam inside. The best.) BUT look at what I found on the bag I got it in:
'Doughnuts contain: Wheat (yep, that's the flour), Eggs (obviously), Milk (makes sense), Soya (Ok), Lupin...' Wait, Lupin? LUPIN IS IN THESE DOUGHNUTS?! What is happening in the world, people?! 

Harry Potter is everything, and everything is Harry Potter. Even doughnuts, apparently.


  1. I'm trying to think of a way to say "I'd totally eat me a Lupin doughnut" in a way that doesn't sound bizarrely pervy and a little bit disgusting. But I can't think of anything because it's Sunday morning and I need more coffee first. So... I'd totally eat me a Lupin doughnut. Don't say I didn't warn you.

    I haven't had a doughnut in frickin' ages, now you mention it. Also, I have never eaten a Krispy Kreme doughnut (Lupin or otherwise) because I've never seen a Krispy Kreme shop/stand anywhere near this little twee town in which I work. In my head, however, they are like the Holy Grail of doughnuts, and when I finally eat one (or twelve - let's face it, I'll have to make the most of it when the time comes) I'm fairly sure angels will sing and the world will stop turning and there might even be an eclipse. Great expectations, moi? ;)

    1. Ewwwwww, pervert! I do bloody love Lupin though :)

      Duuuude, Krispy Kremes are SO good. Like, you kind of haven't had a doughnut until you've had a Krispy Kreme. They're just so like... light and airy but delicious and glazed and mmmmm I AM MAKING MY OWN MOUTH WATER! But they are awesome. I kind of want to send you one, only, you know, it's kind of far and I don't think it would go well!

  2. A good doughnut is sooo good, but so many doughnuts are average (all those sub-par doughnut chains, blechh) that a good one usually tastes that much better because of it. And probably because of the del.grat (I'm so lazy but it looked too long to type on my phone!) since I avoid them because of the majority of not so great doughnuts out there.

    This was long and useless as a comment. Also, I don't like krispy kremes (why don't they just use Cs?) - I can't even walk into their stores. Too sugary - I can't believe I even wrote that!

    1. There are SO many substandard doughnuts. And it's just not worth the calories to have a crappy doughnut! But if you accidentally don't have one for a really really long time..? Mmmmmmmm...

      Duuuuude! I don't really find Krispy Kremes that sugary, you know? Is it like, the glaze, or what? I just feel like they're really like, but also juuuust oily enough and mmmm...

    2. I can't say I've even tasted many to judge them as super sugary (although their cinnamon doughnuts are divine) it's just the smell overpowers the entire area around their store, so when I walk past it's just super intense and makes me feel queasy. So I tend to avoid them.

  3. Yay you for walking to work so much!

    I really have nothing else interesting to say, except that I TOTALLY want a donut now... either a cream-filled one, or a peanut one. I may have to stop at the store on the way home...

    1. I KNOW RIGHT?! I'm pretty proud of myself, anyway.

      I hope you got that doughnut Sarah. Sincerely, I do!

  4. I think it's cool, I would love to walk to work! Unfortunately I live 45 mins drive away and I need to be in by 7.30 so it's just not feasible...

    And doughnuts are awesome :)

    1. Oh my GOSH that's an intense (And early!) commute! I feel for you. I literally live a 5 minute drive away, so it feels 1) mean making someone take me when they have to be home at the right time for that 5 minute drive, 2) RIDICULOUS to take the bus for FIVE MINUTES, and 3) Really good and healthy to have a like 50 minute walk! Everyone else is silly, is what I say!

      WOO doughnuts! Is, I think, the main message of this post.

  5. I want a doughnut now. At some point I had other thoughts, but doughnut was repeated too many times and now that's all I can think of.

    1. This post was actually sponsored by doughnuts. AND DOUGHNUTS WIN!

  6. I second what Alley said. Mmmmm doughnuts. Doughnuts is kind of a weird word, don't you think? I get the "dough" part, but where does the "nut" part come from?? My favorite doughnut is sprinkle doughnut.

    1. Yeah, I don't even know. But you can't just call them like 'fried dough' because that is so non-appetising, if you ask me!

  7. I was totally gonna be like "Um, you have to come here and have Krispy Kreme," but they have MADE IT to your side of the world. If you haven't gotten them directly after having been made though, get on that. GET ON THAT.

    1. Krispy Kremes have totally MADE IT, and I have EVEN had a totally fresh one (like, once). So, basically, mmmmmmmmmmmm... :)

  8. *drool* Krispy Kremes. Oh now I might just have to get one...or several...tomorrow.

    I actually know a horrible fact about Krispy Kremes which people keep telling me not to tell I probably shouldn't really mention it exists either actually.

    Oh and once when t was really windy and my little sister was actually little the wind got up her coat and literally blew her in the air. Wow haven't thought about that in an age

  9. Yay for walking to work all week and for doughnuts. Boo for getting nearly blown over.
    It has been years since I've had a doughnut. How does that even happen? I should totes buy ones this week. Anyway, I'm glad you had a good week and I'm not even going to mention how slightly creepy it is to see Johnny Depp lick a glass partition.
